
Floor of Tests

"The rules for the first test are as follows, There are around 400 regulars here, narrow that number down to 200"

"Use every possible means"

"The test ends when there are 200 left, Ready~"


'Are you telling there are 400 people who passed that First Floor? either I'm seriously weak or they give out tests with varying difficulty, by why would they do that?" Apollo questioned

at that moment a large creature showed up before Apollo possessing Green skin, four eyes, and six arms while towering over the Arie

contrary to his physical appearance Apollo could tell with a glance that he was nowhere near the level of which he could beast that giant eel on the first floor.

'So the tests must vary in difficulty' Apollo thought before he was interrupted by the hysterical laughing released by the creature

"hahaha! Who you would expect me to run into such easy prey so quickly? Today must be my lucky day!" the creature spoke

"Do you know who I am?" Apollo questioned

"I don't need to know that! All I want to know is how long you'll survive!" The creature spoke drawing a dagger

Apollo released a sigh before starting to marvel at how weak the creature in front of him truly was, He questioned whether the parasite was truly worth killing

"I truly do not wish to stain my sword with the blood of a parasite, so leave, before this blade pierces your heart" Apollo spoke annoyed

"Hahahahaha, you are the most Arroga..." the creature was speaking until the very head where the words were escaping from. de-attached from the rest of the. body.

"I wouldn't call myself Arrogant, it simply appeared to you that way because you were weak, 'all I want to know is how long you'll survive' are those not words of arrogance themselves if you had won would you have dared to call yourself arrogant?" Apollo spoke to the head

"So who is more arrogant, me or you?" Apollo walked away and started looking for a place with shade as a resting spot

"I only created that technique 2 days ago, so it still leaves a strain on my mind stretching out one bang to make a sword so large, although I did only learn about bang and shinsu about a week ago" Apollo sighed as he thought about the technique he used on the first floor

'anyway, how long is this Test gonna take?' he thought to himself while hoping not to meet any strong opponents, yet

But destiny seemed content on making him suffer as he caught a glance of a fight between a Male and a Female

The Male seemed like a Spear-bearer as he wielded a spear an out 2 meters long and was continuously attacking and the Female seemed like a defensive type as all she seemed to do was defend

Apollo stayed there watching the two for a few minutes and could see that the spear bearer was rapidly running out of energy and would probably lose soon

'Well, that was boring.' Apollo got up to walk away but there was suddenly a ring and a person started speaking

"Mic test! Everyone stay where you are the first test is over now!"

'I didn't even do anything'

"All regulars still alive, stop what you're doing and listen carefully, All regulars still fighting will be eliminated!"

And just like that, the two humans in front of Apollo stopped fighting

"All regulars who passed the first test, Congratulations"

"it's a bit rushed but we will now continue on with the second test"

'Screw you mate' Apollo cursed for the inability to have a break

"Don't so disappointed the next challenge is really simple!"

"The 2nd test is called 'getting teammates!"


"There are 200 remaining regulars from those choose 2 regulars to be your teammates"

"But you only have 5 minutes to get them! those left without a team will be eliminated!"

"and one more thing, you need to be touching your teammate to be considered a team"


'Five minutes? is that so you team up with whoever you were battling?' Apollo looked at the 2 people in front of him before releasing a long sigh

"Guess we're stuck together, " Apollo said walking up to them, he did not need teammates nor did he want them but he would be branded as a failure if he were to repeat the second floor

"The names Jin, Lo Po Bia Jin " The Now named 'Jin' brought up his hand to shake the females

"Annie Ha" She replied, she had long brown hair reaching her waist, a better than average face and stood around 160cm

'Are they looking down on me because I was watching?' Apollo thought to himself, Amused

"Arie Dean Apollo" Apollo brought out his hand and both of them gave a strange look but shook his hand anyway

'Annie Ha? is that not the family known for its body, yet all she was doing was blocking and that Jin character is from Lo Po Bia so he's probably an Anima, it seems both of them weren't taking the battle before seriously'

'is it because they saw me watching? it seems I've found myself some interesting Teammates' Apollo thought to himself excited


{The No.2 regulars testing facilities}

Soon after that, All the regulars were transported to a corridor of sorts and there also seemed to be a problem between a team, it seemed that one had lost his arm to another and they were continuously blabbering to each other

"That's Pathetic, If he lost his arms it means that he was weak" Annie spoke, Jin did not say anything but it was clear he did not agree with Annie's logic

"Now you've all had a little rest let's move on to the next test!" Said the Test Administrator, Lero-ro

"But before that, I will try one little Test"

"Just so you know if you don't pass this test, you will not be able to take the next!" Lero-Ro aroused the Crowd

"But don't worry! this is a simple test, so just relax~"

"I will begin administering the Test!"

"Here~Come Here~Come Here~Come Here~Over Here~Over heeee~" And then immediately Apollo could feel a strong wave rush over as if trying to push him back

'Is this Shinsu?' Apollo Drew his sword and Cut through the wave of Shinsu that was pushing him back

looking back Apollo could see his Teammates behind a wall of Shinsu along with everyone else besides, ... a boy?

One Glance and Apollo did not see anything special about him but he seemed less Fazed than the Arie himself

'Brother was right! this tower is full of monsters!' Apollo quivered in excitement