

Karl is a student at Oxford university in New York. He lives with his aunt. He discovers that he lives in a world filled with supernatural entities able to shatter mountains with a snap of a finger. He is unable to remember anything below the age of 10. Earth has a strong 'Will' called 'Jal' which prevents normal humans from seeing anything supernatural. The supernatural entities are Gods, Vampires, Angels, Werewolves, Demons, Espers,etc. Will Karl be able to fight fate and walk his own path with strong women-oops companions.

Eternal_Jiminii · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Two headed Legendary Rank...

Boom Boom Boom

The ground was scorched black. Dark energy beams shot to no end. A golden trail flashed crazily in the sky. This has been going on for 37 minutes now.

Buildings in a distance were not spared of this crazy bombardment. They crumbled. Powerful shockwaves erased the forest levelling the Earth.

A sticky green poisonous fluid stained the ground. It gave off a staggering odour. It could be seen boiling due to the increased temperatures in the vicinity.

Karl had already resumed to wear concealment. Everything about him now was concealed.

They bombarded each other with beam after beam. He sent out crimson beams which were met with dark beams.

Suddenly the snake curled into a ball. It fixed its gaze on him. A dangerous glint flashed in its eyes. And something crazy happened...


It launched its huge body towards him. It was irritated by this stupid tactic of his. Its actions were based on accord that he was weaker than it. So it decided to attack head-on.

Determination flashed in his eyes. A mad grin stretched on his face. He decided to try out something 'new'.

He pointed his sword at the abyssal creature. Miasma gathered at the tip of the sword. He poured out as much miasma as he could into the sword.

It vibrated strongly in his grip. The space around darkened. Seeing it nearing, he did a backflip in air and kicked the sword coated with miasma forward.


The heads sithed in anger. They realised they had made a grave mistake as they couldn't dodge at their current speed. The sword was going straight for the darker head which was the most troublesome. But midway it did something that greatly shocked him to the core.

It turned the other head to the front and shielded it's body....


A powerful shockwave spread out. The head was reduced into meat paste. But the sword continued and impaled itself into its huge body.

A dark light flashed from the sky impaling itself into the ground. A deep crater 150 meters wide opened up.

Given that the place was an Oil mine, oil gathered in the crater.

Sweat tickled down his face, that attack drained much of his energy. The snake surprised him. It didn't hesitate to sacrifice its head in order to save its life.

It was now in the oil filled crater. What better chance than this to roast it alive.

His figure flashed and appeared 100 meters above. He shot a fire ball towards the crater and exploded. In a flash, it started blazing.

The sword shot back in his hands. He felt uncomfortable. The place was now very hot. He turned around to leave, he didn't care if the snake was still alive or not. His objective was finished. He wanted to get his loot and vanish.

Sooner the SPF would arrive and he didn't want to be taken as a criminal for breaking their rules though he even didn't know which 'rules'.

He hadn't even moved when the ground shook violently. A tremor shook the Earth. Deep cracks spread out rapidly.

His figure flashed away...


Blazing oil splashed. A furious figure appeared in the sky. Its appearance had taken a huge transformation.

Dark wings could be seen on its back. It looked kind of a dragon than anything. Its body was as fine as new. But what ruined its grand appearance was the bartered head which limped.


A surprised looked appeared on his face but didn't last as a concentrated dark beam shot towards him.

A golden barrier appeared before him and deflected the attack.

It's figure flashed. A dark tail crashed into the barrier shattering it. He was blown away. It wasted no time and followed him.

A condensed beam crashed into him. He descended like a meteor from the sky.


Though in pain, the madness in its eyes didn't lessen one bit. It also came crashing into him. They disappeared into Earth.

Boom Boom Boom

They descended into the Earth exchanging blows. Now that he was hit by its brute strength, he came to realise the gap between them was just huge. Confronting it directly was no different from suicide.

The Earth kept splitting as the descended further realising powerful shockwaves.

It sunk in to no end. The battle was shifted underground. The only focus they each had was their opponent nothing else.

Severe wounds appeared on his body. Strangely they weren't healing even after sometime. If things were to continue like this, he might die.

Before he could react, the tail slapped him hard forcing him out of the ground.

Debris flew leaving a deep crater as dark as the abyss.

Karl came crashing into the city leaving it in ruins. Deep wounds could be spotted on his body.

His body hurt like hell. This thing was very strong. Now he understood one thing: the difference between ranks was huge. He was just extremely lucky that he managed to finish off that devil.

It didn't take long for his opponent to appear. Though its appearance was horrible, it was not to be underestimated.

Now that he tasted its strength, no way like hell would he entertain it anymore into close combat.

Lightning cracked like crazy around his body. Thick ice spikes materialised around him. They were coated with Lightning but he felt that its enough.

Crimson flames started merging with the lightning. Slowly but surely they managed to merge. But sweat tickled down his face. This was taxing to be honest.

Swoosh Swoosh

The spikes were extremely fast. They closed in to the huge snake. It twisted its body in weird angles and dodged some.

He moved as he spotted an opening. All that was to divert its focus.

He appeared above its head at lightning speed. The sword vibrated violently as he had poured more than half of his energy into it.

He impaled the sword into its head without hesitation.


A loud hissing sound resounded. It's eyes completely darkened. It turned its mouth towards him and opened wide.

In a split second, he gathered his remaining energy and created a thick barrier around him.


A powerful dark beam crashed into him. The barrier immediately shattered. He was now hit directly. The beam didn't stop at that as it forced him into the ground.

Severe wounds appeared rapidly on his body. His skin darkened. His clothes were completely erased.

It only stopped as the gaint snake lost its strength and descended rapidly. It crashed not far from him.

Karl was passing through unbearable pain. This was something far from what he has ever experienced in life.

He forced his deeply wounded and naked body up. As far as his eyes could see. Nothing like a building could be spotted.

Everything was in ruins beyond repair. Even the ground was not spared in this battle. If one was to be told that it was caused by just two creatures. No one would believe that.

What had transpared was something so epic that if known, it would cause an uproar in the supernatural world.

He walked up to the gaint snake with much difficulty. He could sense that it was at its last breath.