

Karl is a student at Oxford university in New York. He lives with his aunt. He discovers that he lives in a world filled with supernatural entities able to shatter mountains with a snap of a finger. He is unable to remember anything below the age of 10. Earth has a strong 'Will' called 'Jal' which prevents normal humans from seeing anything supernatural. The supernatural entities are Gods, Vampires, Angels, Werewolves, Demons, Espers,etc. Will Karl be able to fight fate and walk his own path with strong women-oops companions.

Eternal_Jiminii · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs


Karl stood calmly looking at the remains of his opponent. This was the hardest fight he had in life. The thing was just that strong.

He was now clad in concealment. He wasted no time and headed for his 'gains'.

This vault is what had caused him all the trouble.

He found stairs and immediately descended. He punched the door into pieces.

He immediately entered the codes and the vault opened.

He waited afew seconds and then entered. The space inside was large. His gaze landed on the jewellery first. There was morethan enough for the eyes to feast on.

He walked deeper inside. He came across tonnes of gold bars neatly lined up.

He couldn't help but grin evilly from ear to ear. But quickly stopped as he felt some pain in his chest. Reaching here was not easy, mostly that final boss.

He pulled out some storage rings and made sure to clean up everything not to leave behind his hard 'earned' gains.

He appeared in the sky. He gave the place one last look and disappeared.


The vault was shred into pieces leaving no trace behind.

After about an hour, the police arrived. As time passed their numbers increased.

What they saw left them questioning their senses. Most of them knew of this abandoned mine but who would have thought that it was now ruins.

This scared some of them shitless. The massacre before was too much but this. Over 100 kilometers were turned into a mess.

Reports were filled. Numerous journalists arrived but their reactions were far worse. Some said the country was under an attack. They couldn't be blamed as the situation was just strange.

Though this time the SPF officials didn't appear. The police did their work to calm the crowd.

This time though. Various military vehicles arrived at the scene. This was getting out of had so the military was employed.


The trouble causer could be seen at a public park. He sat comfortably without care in the world.

But only he knew what awaited him. He kept projecting his fight with that Legendary Rank. He realised some of his mistakes.

As he sat down, a young girl came running his way. She was as cute as a doll.

She run directly into him. He shifted his head slightly as he felt something bump into him.

A kind smile stretched on his lips as he spotted a young girl. She was as cute as a doll. He couldn't help but pull her soft cheek slightly.

"Hey uncle, Remi wants the cute panda but Remi can't get it." She said with puppy eyes.

"Where is the cute panda, dear?" Karl asked calmly as he patted her head.

She turned around and pointed at a certain shop. There was a promotion held there. People were using darts to win prizes.

He didn't think much and decided to join the fun. This could help him release some stress. They walked towards the shop.

"Did you come with your parents, Remi?" He asked.

"No, they are busy. I usually come here alone. Don't worry it's not far from my home."

The young girl said cheerfully. She was very innocent for this cruel and crazy world.

They arrived at the shop. She got 3 darts and handed them to him.

"Good luck, uncle." She said with a smile and pointed at the biggest panda in the shop.

"Aren't you too greedy young girl." He teased.

"But it's the cutest and Remi wants the best." She said to which he just smiled.

Holding the dart, he spotted the number as it was a 5. The chart was quite far which made winning challenging.

Remi's cuteness had attracted attention. His appearance was under a disguise so no one paid much attention to him.

He looked around briefly and then threw. It went for a 6 instead of 5. This made some look in in pitty.

Though the young girl never stopped smiling. She didn't seem bothered. Seeing this, he went for the hit.

Everyone who was aiming for the biggest panda had a different reaction.

The shop keeper handed them two small dolls and a big panda.

Remi wasted no time and pulled him towards a roller coaster.

Karl enjoyed some time with this young girl. After sometime, he escorted her home and left.

It was 7:00 pm. He walked around the streets enjoying the scenery. No one would believe it that such a handsome young man had blood of over 1000 on his hands.

The city was busy 24/7. After walking for sometime, he called a taxi and headed straight home.

His life was changing at a speed so fast that sometimes he thought it's a dream.

He paid the taxi and walked to his abode.

A smile appeared on his handsome face as he spotted a moment inside.

Knock Knock

A golden haired beauty opened the door and smiled. Her beauty never failed to amaze him. She was just that bewitching.

She was dressed in an oversized T-shirt. She gave off a sexy vibe.

"Seems like you had a good day, huh. You enjoyed yourself well." She said with a teasing smile.

His lips twisted slightly. Interesting my ass, I nearly died there. They entered.

"You are very beautiful Luxuria. I simply can't get enough of you." He said as he glanced at her well developed body.

She was only dressed covering up leaving her thick thighs exposed. This did no justice to his youth hormones.

Luxuria knew he had feelings for her for a long time but just left everything flow naturally.

"I didn't know that you would cause much trouble after I left." She said. They sat on the sofa and watched news.

The scenes of ruins as far as the eyes could see were displayed. Various guesses ran rampant. No one knew what had transpared except a select few.

"It can't be helped. I was going to fetch my 'gains' but that damn snake showed up. And guess what, that thing nearly took me with it. Luckily the Goddess of luck is on my side ever."

As he said he brushed his chest slightly. Luxuria raised an eyebrow at him. She had seen everything happening at the Oil mine.

At his level, that was something to be proud of. In not morethan a week, he slayed 2 Legendary Ranks while being an Emperor rank. It was not easy to fight across Ranks.

But she won't tell him about that. He would figure it out himself. She didn't want to limit his potential with that. She wanted to sit back and enjoy the show as he broke the norm. She would only help when necessary.

"Congratulations and welcome back." She stood up and hugged him.

He was slightly shocked. But quickly complied. He could feel two fresh mounds pressed against his chest. The feeling was exceptional.

He inhaled her intoxicating fragrance which was pleasantly charming.

She pulled back and left for the kitchen. He looked at her departing figure in daze. But quickly left for his room. He simply had some unfinished business and was sweaty.