

Karl is a student at Oxford university in New York. He lives with his aunt. He discovers that he lives in a world filled with supernatural entities able to shatter mountains with a snap of a finger. He is unable to remember anything below the age of 10. Earth has a strong 'Will' called 'Jal' which prevents normal humans from seeing anything supernatural. The supernatural entities are Gods, Vampires, Angels, Werewolves, Demons, Espers,etc. Will Karl be able to fight fate and walk his own path with strong women-oops companions.

Eternal_Jiminii · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Going for the Oil mine..and..

A full day had passed since Karl entered the tower. His injuries were already healed. There was no visible injury on him.


His eyelids shivered slightly. He woke up from his slumber feeling refreshed. That was his toughest battle to date. Devils are really something.

He looked at his tattered clothes and took a deep breath. He turned and changed into casual ones. He fixed his appearance slightly.

He looked into the mirror and nodded in satisfaction. His appearance was as striking as ever, it never failed to impress him.

"Now that am fully healed, I have to head for that oil mine. Villians for sure know how to hide their wealth." He said lost in thoughts.

Before leaving, he made sure to such for William's documents in the basement. Luckily it was not destroyed or else he wouldn't have found something that shocked him.

William's main hideout was at an Oil mine. There were various things from jewellery, hard cash, weapons, etc. He didn't know much about that place but it was worth his efforts if he went there.

"Immediately after waking up the first thing you think about is going for trouble, huh."

He turned around and was greeted by a mesmerising beautiful Goddess. It was a disappointment that he couldn't see her face behind the veil.

Her gorgeous figure was a site to behold. She was dressed in a golden robe which revealed part of her snow white thighs.

"It can't be helped. I have to plan everything faster now that we will soon have visitors. I can't possibly sit idle anymore. They will need a warm welcome. The world won't wait for me to grow, I just have to grow with it." He said.

He walked towards the wind and opened it. The scene outside was beautiful to say the least, this dimension was really something. The divine energy was very pure here.

Empress looked at this young man for a few seconds.

She walked gracefully and stood on his side. The windows were slightly big so there was enough space.

"It's good you have a good mindset. You will need competent and powerful allies if you want to survive this. Earth is about to evolve to the next Order. Its currently at the 2nd Order but this won't last long." She said softly not too low nor too loud.

"Evolution is a very dangerous phase. Its very beneficial for the World but the inhabitants have to face the consequences. Many die, others mutate, some evolve and many strange things happen. All in all the benefits are seen at the end." She paused for him to digest the information.

"Basically the quality and quantity of the cosmic energy will increase. Ranks of naturally manifested weapons will increase and much more. The downside might be that Earth would be able to sustain Godly presences somehow."

He felt a chill run down his spine at this revelation. Imagine evil God's of other races descending here and putting humanity under slavery. Although he was no heroe to fight for justice, he would just have to protect those he held dear in life.

Empress didn't say much more. She simply looked outside enjoying the scenery. The view never failed to impress her.

Now that shit was about to hit the fan anytime, this gave him more motivation to move on his plans. The Evolution would happen today, one week, a month, any time from now.

His presence vanished. She smiled as his presence was nolonger in her dimension.


A silver haired man appeared in the sky. He looked around briefly. Taking a deep breath, his figure shot off.

He was flying very fast. His destination: The Oil mine.


It was 9:00 am. The Sun rays illuminated the sky. Birds flew proudly in the sky. People could be seen jogging around.

He flew out of the city. He pasted by numerous forests. Strangely, as he neared his destination which was several kilometers far away from New York, nothing like a living creature could be spotted.

Cautiously, he reduced the speed at which he was flying. He descended at an abandoned house.

The whole area was abandoned. This was certainly a ghost city.

"William, your very wise for a dead man. Finding my 'gains' will be difficult. Even in grave you still cause me trouble."

He cursed loudly. This was a very remote area with multiple buildings which were abandoned for unknown reasons.

There were numerous buildings. He didn't know where to start. But the documents were all leading him here. There was a vault which had what he wanted.

He paused and looked around. He spread out his divine sense. Surprisingly though he covered the whole city in a split second. Immediately he was bombarded by vast information.

His perception was exceptional, his brain registered various things he saw through the divine sense but he couldn't find what he wanted.

This made him more irritated. This continued for 27 minutes but he couldn't find anything.

'Lets just take a look at the mine then, maybe I will find something. But this place is sure strange. How come I haven't come across any bird in the vicinity.'

His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked around in suspicion. This was more like a haunted lost city than anything.

He walked around with his guard raised. Even though he was confident in his strength, a surprise attack could not be underestimated.

Wide cracks ran across buildings. They had already lost colour with time. Wild bushes were everywhere inside out.

He looked ahead. There stood a huge machine. It was extremely big. A forest had already formed around it.

He walked unhurried towards it with a smile.

'Ooh boy I was not even thinking about it for a second. William oh William here I go.'

He walked smiling all ears. As soon as he reached 50 meters away, his smile froze and hair stood at the back of his head. Without waiting he shot off to the sky.


A huge crater opened up 20 meters wide from his previous location. Sweat formed on his forehead and a chill sent tremors around his spine.

But what he saw next made him question his existence.

Crack Crack

A gaint black two headed snake like creature clawed out of the crater. It had razor sharp teeth which probed out of its mouth. The two pairs of eyes on its heads looked at him dangerously. It was a territorial creature. This human dared to trespass its territory.

It's length span around 60 meters. It was very dark as if it clawed out from the pits of hell itself. A stinky black liquid covered its body. Its body gave off a powerful presence much to Karl's shock.

"A Legendary rank! How!! My luck is sure bad. What the fuck. Can't you give me some time to rest." He cursed this time clearly angry. For sure what he wanted was in that damn mine.

He simply would just pick it and go. Who cares if this creature was alive or not.

But as his gaze landed on it. All his lamentations were thrown out of the window when...

Rumble. Swoosh.

A dark beam came straight towards him.

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