
Chapter 16: On the way (+18)

'May seems to be a curious woman. Although it has a little suspicion in her look, it is mostly curiosity. It seems my theory was right.'

'What theory, master?'

'The theory that women have a crush on mysterious men.'

'What works there is curiosity. That's a good strategy, master, and in my view, that strategy seems especially effective in May. What do you plan on doing? How much will you reveal?'

'Nothing. I have an even bigger plan. Instead of giving it away for free, wouldn't it be better to let her find out slowly on her own?'

'Ah, the flash drive? But master, I thought you had prepared it for something else since you bought it before you met her.'

'The flash drive content is not important, the important thing is to increase my mystery, and give clues. The flash drive will only add to the mystery. Also, I left a gift too.'

'Hihihi. Master, you are going to drive that woman crazy. Even in dreams, she is not at peace.'

'I didn't do anything, you know that. That ability doesn't allow it, I was just an onlooker, the fact that she dreamed about sex is 90% her fault.'

'But it was you who induced her into it by showing that vision before she went to sleep.'

'When I bought the skill, I thought of slowly letting her see me as a man, and always keeping me present in her dreams every night. I didn't think I was going to find an opportunity on the wall and turn it into something so perfect, so I accelerated my plans very quickly.'

'That way, you'll drive her crazy for you.'

'Isn't that the goal?'

'Yes, master, is the goal.'

This dialogue happened quickly, and at the same time, Lucas talked normally with May, without changing his expression.

"Card? In your room? What you mean?"

"Don't play dumb. You left so many clues. You wanted me to know, why are you playing dumb now?"

" May, I'm confused, what are you talking about? I'm not understanding anything."

Seeing that Lucas wanted to continue the act, May simply sighed and gave up temporarily.

"If you want so much to pretend nothing happened, fine, I'll play with you, but don't think I gave up. You can't run anyway, you're my neighbor."

May then turned and started to leave the apartment. Picking up some things, Lucas followed close behind and closed the door. Seeing that Lucas was leaving, too, May asked with a smile.

"Do you want a ride? I'll drive you to school."

"Seriously? Thank you, May, you're a sweetheart."

May smiled and accepted the compliment with grace. She's not usually so kind, but she wanted to keep Lucas around to try to learn something about him. The two then went down the stairs and into the parking lot of the building. In the parking lot, the two entered a Hilux and drove out of the building.

On the way, May tried to talk to Lucas as much as possible, seeking information in the questions, but Lucas seemed determined to say nothing, his answers mostly vague.

At some unknown moment, May noticed something: Lucas was horny. It was possible to see, through the shorts he wore, that huge penis. Realizing that, May's concentration dropped slightly and she passed a red light unintentionally. Realizing her mistake quickly, she turned her attention back to the road but occasionally glanced at Lucas's penis.

Lucas hid after a while in a way that was not very noticeable, but it was still possible to see the shape of the penis that the shorts made. Inside, May was impressed once again, since before it looked like Lucas's cock was going to make a hole in his shorts.

'Is it because of me? It can only be me, right? We are in a closed space, a man and a woman, it is normal, especially given the age, he is sixteen after all.'

May was aroused by her thoughts about Lucas's penis.

'What's the matter with that penis? Why are you so irresistible?'

Imperceptibly, May tried to put her hand on her skirt. She was wearing a white dress shirt, a blazer, and a tight knee-length skirt. Because of that, if she's sitting, she could put a hand between the legs, and rub her panties, and that's exactly what she did.

'What am I doing? He'll notice... No, quite capable of having already noticed. I am naughty.'

In fact, Lucas was aware of May's every move, including her heartbeat. Thanks to his training from a young age, as well as his mother's potions, Lucas's senses are very sharp. He can see more than a normal person, and his ears are sharp. If he is less than five meters away, he could hear the person's heartbeat. Trapped in a car, an arm's length away, May's fast heartbeat was practically drumming in his ears.

'I didn't think my penis would have such a big effect... I think she's a woman passionate in nature, but for her behavior, I don't think she has much experience with men. The dream, in particular, was very vanilla, what caught the most attention however was the blowjob. Does she have a fetish with blowjob?'

'I got horny about her scent, I'm still just a sixteen-year-old boy after all, but she's so sexy. I don't know what she has, but she can easily turn me on. If Rose is a woman with freer and wilder behavior, May is a woman with a more reserved and charming behavior. Along with her incredibly erotic body, it's simply impossible for me not to be erect.'

'Master, calm down. I have a few words if you can hear.'

'Speak up.'

'As I see it, your current relationship with May is progressing well into the sexual phase, but what do you plan to do after that? Given the age difference, I don't think she'll take you seriously. At most, she will have sex with you when she feels like it. Remember, you are the God of Love, not the God of Sex. Although sex is one of the most important aspects of love, it's not all about it, you need to build a relationship.'

'I know, Caritas, relax. I need to first progress the relationship to sex. From there it is easier. Nothing will progress if we do not have sex.'

'I understand that. I'm just remembering not to make it purely sexual. And master, I have one important warning: the missions have been opened. '

'Ah, the ones you said?'

'Yes. The mission part of the system is one of the most important parts, which will enable you to progress as the God of Love. The problem is that once the system entered your body, it had to collect information from the outside world to create the missions, and that takes time. Yesterday at dawn this process was completed, and the missions are open. At this point, there are five main missions and five side missions. '

'What are these main missions and side missions?'

'Main missions are missions that do not disappear even after they are done. In the future, you will have more of them. The purpose of these missions is to help you improve as a God of Love. For example, one of these missions encourages you to make money, while another encourages you to get acquainted with more women. One of them even asks you to engage with the underworld and create an organization.'

'Side missions are missions that, once completed, disappear. But remember, all side missions have the potential to become main missions, but this is difficult to happen, and they need certain conditions.'

'In the future, depending on certain conditions, as the missions themselves, new missions will be opened, the side ones and the main ones, so make an effort to do them. The rewards in love points are not very good, almost irrelevant, the important thing is the experience they give, as well as the main rewards, ranging from good items to skills. A skill that you have no money to buy can be gained by doing a quest.'

'I see... I'll see the missions later, but for now, I have something more important to deal with.'

'Will you touch her? Master, I recommend not going too fast with her.'

'Do you think so too?'

'Yes, if you make everything, the relationship can become something just your own.'

'Yes, I've been thinking about this since this morning... In our future relationship, the biggest problem will be the age difference. If I push myself too hard on her, even if in the end I end up having sex, and even develop a relationship, she'll think I was the one creating it. '

'I need to make sure she starts things so that in the future when she calms down and thinks carefully about the developments, she realizes it was her own will. If I push myself too hard, in the future she may end up thinking that I manipulated her and induced her into it. That is, she needs to take the initiative.'

'Yes, exactly master. What do you plan on doing then? By the movement of your left hand, I thought you were going to touch her.'

'Yes, I was going to put my hand on her leg, but that reasoning reminded me of my priority. I need to tempt her so that she makes the first move on me. If possible, I need to seem not to be in the mood. Of course, if I resist too much, it will become very obvious, since the state of my penis does not hide that I am so in the mood.'

'It must be painful, master, since I know your true desire. If it wasn't for a variety of logical reasons, you'd just stop the car, rip her clothes off, and fuck her right there in the car in the middle of the street.'

'Yeah, I'm just a horny sixteen-year-old boy after all.'

'Hihihi, true.'

'Hey, don't agree, I'm your master after all. Even if it's a lie, at least disagree a little.'

'Hihi, but master, I can not lie. Your hormones are in full bloom.'

'Do you blame me? Look at this woman. Seriously, she has everything I admire in a woman. Intelligence, determination, beauty, nobility... Gosh, she took her sister's daughter to take care of, and the girl is an esper. Against all odds, she adopted an esper child.'

'Inside and out, it's not hard for me to love such a woman.'

'I know master, you don't need to explain to me, you admire her a lot, right?'

'Not to mention that face, that body... Ah, I really want to have sex with her. If I get into her bed, I can only get out in a hundred years.'

'By the way, how was the dream? Did you like it?'

'That's the problem. I remember some details of the dream, but not much. The sex sensations in the dream weren't as good as I thought either. I don't even remember what her breasts look like, even though I remember sucking them for a good five minutes.'

'Master, that skill you have taken is very weak, and your level in it is still very low. There is no way you can remember much.'

'It would be so good if you could record what happens... '

'Cough. Cough. Say that I am amazing and wonderful master. Who knows, you have a surprise.'

'You... Don't tell me.'

'Praise me a lot. Come on master, praise me.'

'Ah, Caritas, I love you. You are beautiful, intelligent, capable, the perfect woman. If you wasn't so small, I would make you my wife. You are amazing and wonderful.'

'Ah, master, don't talk like that.'

Didn't you ask to be praised? Lucas thought with a smile as he adjusted his hard cock in his shorts. Since the conversation between him and May stopped, Lucas has been talking to Caritas, and at the same time, has been fiddling with his cock, like a show for May. He wanted to incite her further and knew that his plan was working, as she began to look more at his shorts.

Seeing Lucas moving his cock all the time excited May even more, and her hand on her skirt increased her speed. After looking so hard, May could perfectly imagine the size and thickness of his penis in the shorts. She knew that to keep a penis of this size hidden, he needed to fasten it to the side of his leg so that the cloth of the shorts that covered the leg would hold it in that position. So if he was standing, it was not possible to see or notice much, but precisely because he was sitting, the shorts were tighter, so that from time to time it was possible to see the shape in all its glory.

By then, May had taken a busier street and a longer drive to Lucas's school, which was why they hadn't arrived yet. By normal means, it would only take five minutes by car to get to school, but because of the way, ten minutes had passed, and they weren't even halfway yet.

Lucas knew that since he had seen the map. He knew there was a much shorter and quieter path, and May must know, but she chose the longer, with more traffic path, she just wanted to prolong this moment when they were together.

May then tried to prolong it further, and her desire to touch that penis increased. Finally, she chose the longest, longest way she knew, and took her left hand off her skirt and put on the steering wheel. The other hand, however, got off the steering wheel and went to Lucas's legs. Placing a hand on that muscular thigh, May began to stroke him slowly, expressing her intentions. When she touched him, her breathing became faster, she was horny.

'Ah, look what am I doing? I am losing control. Why is he so irresistible?'

Lucas felt May's touch, but remained silent for a while, taking no action. May's touch was an invitation: let's do something. It was what she wanted to get through.

She didn't know what Lucas was going to do, but her touch said she was in the mood to do something. At the very least, she wanted him to let her hand touch that thickness, or for him to touch her burning pussy.

Lucas, however, was silent, as if he hadn't realized, and let her touch him as she pleased. He wanted her to be even more aggressive.

'What's your problem boy? Aren't you bothered by that huge thing in your pants? I'm offering to help you, and is that how you say thank you?'

She realized Lucas was making it hard, and her pride was shaken.

'I'm not attractive enough? This is impossible. That hard penis is proof that I'm attractive, extremely attractive. Why is he making it hard?'

Realizing that it was going nowhere and that there was a limit to how much she could increase the way to school, she shifted in her chair and reached out, going straight for Lucas's erection.

Without hesitation, she began stroking his erection over his pants, and Lucas finally reacted.

"May, I have a problem."

Since she was concentrating on driving, and touching Lucas's cock at the same time, May reacted slowly to the question, and only managed to make a 'hm' fool. Lucas continued anyway.

"There's this woman I know. She is beautiful and incredibly sexy. One day she put her hand on my pants, what does that mean?"

After finally being able to register the question after a few seconds of silence, May cursed Lucas in her mind.

'Seriously? Will you make me talk out loud? Isn't it embarrassing enough already?'

Resigned, May simply continued to caress Lucas, she didn't want to answer and be more embarrassed than she already was.

"What she wanted? I do not know. To this day, I didn't understand her actions."

Taking a deep breath, May gave up, she was too horny to play games with Lucas.

"I think she wanted to do something sexual with you."

"Ah, do you think so too? I thought it was my mind."

Lucas then lifted his butt and pulled his shorts back a little. May reacted to that, quickly fished Lucas's cock inside, and pulled it out. Seeing that wonderful piece of art again, May almost salivated, she wanted so badly to put it in her mouth, but could only be content with caressing it.

'Oh, it's so big, so thick, so hard. I can feel the veins pulsing on the surface, and yet it's so beautiful. The shape, the color, the overall look... It's perfect, looks like a work of art.'

Using her hand to touch the tip, she began rubbing the head gently as she descended from time to time to the end. Her attention began to shift more to the jack-off than to the road, which meant that Lucas had to watch the road in case anything happened.

A few minutes later the car finally stopped at a traffic light, and though she tried her best to hold on, May couldn't stand it. Taking her other hand off the wheel, she approached and put the glans in her mouth.


Lucas was surprised by May's sudden sucking, and couldn't hold back his moan, which turned her on even more. With one hand she stroked the stem, with the other, stroked her pussy, and with her mouth, swallowed the glans and used her tongue to caress its full length.

From time to time, May would look up at Lucas's expression. Seeing that happy face, she was delighted and redoubled her efforts.

A few seconds later, unfortunately, Lucas warned her that the light went green. She didn't want to stop, so she kept sucking, but when she heard the horns, she had to get up and keep driving. Looking at the horny expression on May's face, Lucas can't help but think.

'This woman... Isn't she ashamed to do this in public? Your car has no dark windows. Although it was fast, and people couldn't see it directly, I saw several people looking strangely at the car, especially when she took her mouth off. It is easily noticeable what was happening. If San Diego wasn't a big city, I'd be worried.'

In fact, some people saw, and suspected, but had no way of knowing, even if they suspected. In the end, they would remain suspicious forever until they saw directly, which they did not.

For the rest of the way, May did her best to jerk off, but Lucas showed no sign of cum. Seeing that she was getting close to school, and he had not yet released his sperm, May made a decision.

Taking her hand off his cock, Lucas thought she was going to stop, but when he tried to put his shorts on, she stopped him with a hand and said.

"Wait a minute, let me find a good place to park."

Seeing the school in front of her, May watched the long line of cars parked on the street and surveyed the place. Finally, she found a low tree and parked under it. Glancing around a little, and realizing that no one was around, she relaxed. This place was near the school, the students had been in a long time, there was no one around, the street was empty, the ideal place for what she wanted to do.

When finally parked, May showed her true colors. Bending down again, she put Lucas's cock in her mouth and began to suck with all her trained skills over the years.

At first, she used a suction force on the area near the head as she stroked the rest of the length, then she began to sink, bit by bit, deeper and deeper, testing her limits.

'Deep Throat? She can? If I'm not mistaken, in the dream she spent a long time giving a blowjob. Seeing the happy horny expression on her face, it's safe to say it's one of her fetishes...'

Finally, she reached her limit, some tears welling up in her eyes from the effort, but she didn't pay attention to that, her full attention was on Lucas's cock. She wanted to please him, she wanted to taste sperm for the first time in her life.

With that in mind, she redoubled her efforts and used every technique she knew. Sucking, deep throat, then she tired and licked. Realizing that she was neglecting something, she put a hand on Lucas's scrotum and began to caress him gently.

'Wow, this is amazing, she's very good at it.'

Seeing the look of admiration on Lucas's face as she showed off all her techniques, May smiled and took his cock out of her mouth.

"I've never done this to anyone before, you're the first."

"I'm honored."

"How are you feeling? Is it good?"

"Yes, wonderful. You have amazing skills. Did you practice a lot?"

"Yes, I've always wanted to do this before, so I practiced a lot."

May answered that in the heat of the moment and only realized what she had said when she finished saying. Very embarrassed, her face flushed, and she covered her embarrassment by swallowing Lucas's cock.

"You're too beautiful, especially when you're embarrassed. When I see you like that, I feel like teasing you."

May fell silent and blushed even more at this.

'Don't get full of yourself, boy, you're just a sixteen-year-old boy.'

She thought that but didn't say, she didn't want to take the penis out of her mouth.

"You thought of something bad, right? Ah, you are so cute. I bet it was something like: don't get full of yourself, you're just a boy..."

"Am I just a boy? Are you sure? Does not appear."

Though she was becoming more and more embarrassed by Lucas's words, May was excited by those words and increased her speed.

'Is that the power of dirty talk? I haven't bought the skill yet, just wanted to try to say some nasty things, but look at the effect... The ability will have an even bigger effect, right? I need to buy it later.'

Lucas didn't want to abuse his luck since he doesn't understand much about dirty talk, so he was silent the rest of the time, enjoying May's work. He put his hand on her head, and occasionally guided her in the movements. Other than her head, he didn't touch the rest of her body, since he felt that given the situation he didn't have time to help her come.

After a few minutes, Lucas's penis was completely covered in saliva, and whenever he released some pre-semen, May sucked and used the tongue to clean the urethra. Finally, after a few minutes of blowjob, he couldn't take it anymore and released his semen in May's mouth, which like the dream, did not hesitate, and swallowed it all.

Feeling the hot liquid in her mouth, May stood up a little and showed the mouth to Lucas. Seeing the semen in her mouth, Lucas became even more excited. May then swallowed the semen and licked her lips, as if it were delicious.

Seeing the dreamy expression on Lucas's face, May was very pleased. This scene is one of the things she always wanted to do during a blowjob: showing the semen in her mouth and swallowing it in front of the man. When she saw it in porn videos, it always made her very horny, so she thought it turned men on even more, which is why she always wanted to do it.

Seeing Lucas's expression, she knew she was right. What she didn't know was that her action was something Lucas saw for the first time, and that touched him a little since even he thought the semen was disgusting. It happened in the dream too, but Lucas doesn't remember, and although he has experience with sex, he has never seen porn movies that show such a scene. The blowjobs he received from Rose always ended with him cumming on her face, chest, or belly, which was why it was new and extremely refreshing to him.

Knowing she could drink something like that made him very happy. After all, according to her, it was the first time she made a blowjob, which also means it was the first time she had swallowed semen. Seeing that she wasn't at all disgusted not only aroused him but made him so happy he couldn't hold back.

Holding her face, Lucas approached and gave a passionate kiss. She did something like swallowing, I must at least show that I'm not disgusted. Lucas thought and kissed her passionately. The deep kiss took May by surprise. For a few seconds, she forgot to breathe.

Lucas invaded May's mouth with his tongue and began to ravage everything inside, it was a wet, passionate kiss. He held the kiss for a few seconds and finally stopped. A line of saliva kept their mouths connected, and it excited them both even more.

"Ah, I'm too horny."

May said, unable to hold back. She needed to fuck Lucas now, right now, but she knew she couldn't in the car. Lucas had the same feeling and knew they should get out of the car right away since a girl has been watching them for a while. His first thought was to convince her to come home, or to look for a motel. But then, remembering his situation, and hers, he finally found the strength to hold on.

"May, you need to work, and I need to go to school."

May finally realized that she was already late for work. Although she had a deal with her boss, she couldn't miss it today. Taking a deep breath, she finally calmed down and fell in love again to Lucas's still hard cock.

"Let me clean for you."

Seeing May's devotion, Lucas was surprised this time. She started licking and sucking Lucas's penis, this time she just wanted to clean the semen remnants on his penis and urethra. After it was over, she struggled to get away from his penis, and without Lucas doing anything, she tucked it into his shorts, as if storing her favorite object on her bedside table. This action surprised Lucas even more.

'Oh my God, this woman loves my penis, she has already fallen in love with him. How will I compete with this? I am my enemy this time.'