
Chapter 17: Bet

When she finally put Lucas's penis away, May shifted in the driver's seat. Seeing her like that, Lucas watched for a moment, his gaze admiring. Seeing Lucas's gaze, May smiled and said.

"What is it? Did you fall in love with me?"

"Almost. At this rate, you will never be able to get rid of me."

"What do you like about me?"

Lucas smiled at that and shifted in his seat to get closer. Leaning against the driver's seat, he slowly reached over with his other hand and smoothed her hair.

"Your hair is so beautiful, and it smells so good."

"Your skin is so smooth and soft."

"Your face is beautiful. Your green eyes are attractive, whenever I look at them I feel that I am sucked into an emerald world. Your pointed nose is so beautiful, it gives you a noble air. Your soft red lips always make me want to kiss them."

"Your body is erotic. Your breasts are big and tall, look incredibly soft. You're tall, slim, with perfect proportions."

Hearing this, May was pleased and was flattered by Lucas's words. Although she had high esteem, having received numerous compliments since she was a child, this is the first time anyone has looked at her like this, and she has no displeasure. These words, coming out of other people's mouths seem unpleasant, but when Lucas says that, they sound dreamy and incredibly kind.

"You have a very sweet tongue. Anything else?"

Lucas grinned at that, and touching her earlobe, he answered.

"Your earlobe is so soft. Your ears are small and fluffy, it makes you want to bite. Your nape is so erotic. Your eyelashes are long, and the eyebrows are thin and gentle. You know, right? You are a beauty. A beautiful and wonderful woman."

"Yes, I'm beautiful, any problem with that?"

"Of course not. I like humble women, but women who know what they deserve are also very attractive."

May smiled and felt even happier with the praise, but her expression changed by full as he continued talking.

"So far, I've only talked about how you look, but your best part for sure is what's inside. You are wonderful, completely, which is why I'm almost in love. "

May didn't know how to react to that. She hoped he would continue to compliment her appearance, didn't think he would start talking about other things.

"First you are an intelligent woman. You know what you want, and you know how to get it. Even facing the threat of that man, you did not fear him at any moment. In addition to being smart, you are strong."

"You're kind too. At this time where espers are known as monsters, what kind of person would adopt a child esper? 90% of parents in your situation would give up on their child. Espers are problems in many different ways. Not only is the government after them, but several other evil organizations that would not think twice about using their parents to reach the children."

"I've seen a lot of cases like this, so I know your end, and so do you, but let me spell it out to you: your end is dead or kidnapped. If you raise the child, and she clings to you in the future, various organizations will use you to control the child. You will be nothing more than a tool to them. And with your appearance, I don't even have to say what will happen to you."

"Even knowing all this, you don't plan on giving up, right?"

May fell silent at all this, she was too shocked to react to the sudden serious conversation, but her eyes seemed resolute at Lucas's question.

"I knew it."

"I really fell in love with you this time."

Seeing the rose on May's face, Lucas smiled happily.

"You're beautiful, kind, intelligent, strong… Tell me, how not to fall in love with such a woman? I'm glad I found you, I'm glad I moved to the next apartment."

"You can count on me, I'll support you on that. I don't know how you feel about me, I think you see me just as a boy with a big penis, but I'll change that idea in your head over time, don't worry. I'll make you fall in love with me."

May was embarrassed to hear Lucas's simple statement. He said it all without being a little embarrassed, with a completely serious and warm expression. May was impressed by this but said nothing.

"What do you plan on doing now? I may be wrong, but I don't think you'll use the card I gave you yet."

May was silent on hearing the question and pondered how to answer that.

"Yes... If I kill Clovis, it may even solve my immediate problems, but I'm sure invisible problems will appear."

"If you're worried about Thorny Rose's ability, you needn't worry. He will die in an accident, no one will know it was a murder."

"Is not it. Like it or not, Clovis is involved in my life as Amy's uncle. His family side is rich too. If he dies, I don't know what reaction his family will have. I have to be careful also about the reaction of the people watching us. Amy is an esper, all people related to her are constantly watched. If Clovis dies, they may not even find out it was a murder, but they will suspect. If you ask the right questions to the right people, it can become more complicated."

"So I prefer dealing with Clovis. Close to these people watching me, or his family, Clovis is cute."

Listening to May's analysis, Lucas nodded slowly, she considered things that can only be considered by people who know all the details. He didn't know everything yet, so he realized that her reasoning is right.

"So if you ask what I'm going to do, the answer is clear: I'll deal with Clovis and get my daughter back."

"And how do you plan to do that? Will you give your body to him?"

"What? Jealous?"

"Partly jealous, part disgust, since I don't think that trash deserves you. Partly, I'm worried, since I don't think this will solve it."

"Do you think he'll be back for more? You do not know Clovis. From what I've heard from Jonas, Clovis is someone who usually doesn't try the same woman more than once. When it happens, it's just for lack of options, and usually with women willing to do it willingly."

"Yes, I know the Clovis type more than you. If there's one thing I know about this kind of man, this is it: He works under priorities. For example, if you made him choose between his life and his pride, he would choose his life without thinking twice. If you made him choose between his pride and a woman, he would choose his pride without thinking twice."

"This kind of man is selfish, only thinks about himself, only cares about himself. A sociopath. Someone like that doesn't care about women. He sees them as mere objects that can please him."

"The problem is that there are two types of pleasure: psychological pleasure, and physical pleasure, and generally, for this type of man, psychological pleasure is more important, which is why he should not have sex with prostitutes. Prostitutes are women who know how to please a man since they depend on it to work, but they give only physical pleasure. Having sex with such a woman would tarnish his pride, which, as I said before, is more important to him than women. He would never touch a woman who works with sex, he's too proud."

"What do you mean? Want to trick him into thinking I'm a whore or a prostitute?"

"No, he would never be fooled. Sociopaths are good at judging a person's character. Even if you, I don't know, took naked pictures in bed with about twenty different men, he wouldn't believe it, and considering the situation, would realize the idea of ​​fooling him."

"What I mean is, for men like that, the important thing is psychological pleasure, not physical pleasure. From what you said, he only has sex with women once normally, right?"

"Yes, my brother Jonas has worked for him for years. According to him, Clovis is the type of man who whenever he finds a woman he likes finds a way to go to bed with her, and after that, loses interest completely. During his years working under him, Jonas said he could count on his fingers the number of women he had slept with more than once. According to Jonas, Clovis says these are unlucky days since it's not as easy to find beautiful women all the time, so he usually invites a woman he's had sex with before. Usually, they do it for the money."

"He shouldn't even see these women as prostitutes."

"Yes, he has high standards."

"But back to what I was talking about. Do you know why he likes to have sex with women only once?"

"The sense of achievement?"

"Yes, he feels he has conquered her, and that more than that makes no sense."

"But didn't you start by saying all this to prove that even if I have sex, it won't make me easy?"

"Yes, that's exactly it. May, understand, he is a man who prefers the psychological side of sex. Remember when he talked about you having sex, he said 'probably' when he said he would only do it once?"

"Yes, that caught my attention."

"Yeah. First, I need to make it clear: although I believe he must have his share of having sex with beautiful women, I don't think it's possible to find someone like you every day so easily."

"Look, I've seen a lot of beautiful women. My mother was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"Prettier than me?"

"Sorry, but if you saw her you would understand. She was someone who has exceeded the human limits of beauty."

"Listening to you talking like that, I don't feel offended. But... Is this how you became able to handle beautiful women without feeling ashamed? Boys your age probably couldn't have a minute talk with me without being embarrassed."

Was? Has his mother died? May thought as she talked.

"Yes, you're right, I've gotten used to it since I've lived with her all my life. But anyway, back to the subject, I'm sure Clovis didn't have many beautiful women of your level."

"Whenever you praise me it makes me happy. You have a silver tongue."

"I'm just telling the truth."

"And May, you are now his psychological target, not only because it will be the first time he will have sex with you, but because of your beauty and identity. You are the 'mother' of Amy, a beautiful woman he has never had sex with, and most of all, you hate him completely because of your sister. Do you understand the implications of this last part?"

"Will he get horny fucking a woman who hates him?"

"Yes. Look, I won't talk about his sexual abilities since I don't know, I don't want to know, don't think anything strange, but knowing you, even if he was a sex god, you probably wouldn't appreciate it, just hate it even more, and he probably knows that."

"He must fantasize about having sex with you, and your hatred showing up all the time. If he insists on taming you through sex, he may well film everything, and use Amy to overwhelm you completely. Now you understand? It's not about sex, it's about dominance."

"Not that it all matters. I considered this an option before you gave me the card, but even without the card, I probably would have dismissed it as an option. I'll never have sex with the man who killed my sister."

When talking about her sister's death, May's serious expression grew heavy. At the time, she considered it an option, but because she was too stressed and worried about Amy. Ultimately, leaving the idea of pay for murder aside, she would kill Clovis and leave Amy with Jonas.

She knew this was a bad choice, but what matters is Amy's safety, Jonas feels the same way, he said Amy is more important than anything. They both see Amy as Sofia's legacy, they would never give up on the pretty little girl of two years. As long as she's alive, neither cares about their lives.

Lucas didn't want the mood to get heavy, as negative emotions influence decisions, so he returned to the subject.

"You teased me about being jealous, which is why we got here in the discussion, but what do you plan on doing if you don't want to decide to kill him?"

"It's like you said. He prefers life over pride and pride over women, right?"


"So what if I make him choose between pride and my body?"

"He will choose pride, no doubt."

"So it's simply what I need to do."

"What is...?"

"Find evidence of his rotting and blackmail him."

Hearing the idea, Lucas fell silent and thought it was indeed a good idea, but if May thought it was possible, she was quite wrong.

"I bought some time, I think I have four days. During these four days, I will investigate him and get evidence of the things he has done."

"Um… Look, that's a good idea, but I don't think you'll make it. He covers his tracks well. If it was easy to find evidence, he would have fallen a long time ago."

"In the worst case, I have him killed, simple. But I'm pretty confident since I have a lot of ideas on where to start."

Seeing the confidence in May's face, Lucas found her even more attractive. He has a very good opinion of May in some ways, but in others he underestimates her. He never thought she would have her ideas, and that they were good. Although he doubts the success of what she will do, seeing the confidence in her face, he felt that she became even more attractive. If she could prove that this trust was not unfounded...

'Maybe I'll fall in love with her completely.'

"Can I help you, May?"

Hearing Lucas's question, May was thoughtful.

'Does he want to use this chance to approach me? But his eyes show sincerity. Seeing how he's been talking so far, he really wants to help me and be my ally.'

Lucas was being honest. He wanted to see what tricks May had under the sleeves. If he could, he also planned to help her a little. Enough, of course, not to disturb her, as he wants to see how far she can go.

"Today, you will come to the firm later, right?"

"It will depend on the school. If the principal tells me to go to class, I don't think I'll be able to refuse him, since he is sincerely helping me with the school."

"I see… I planned to leave early today, but I'll wait for you at the firm after five. I help you get the job, it will be easy and fast, and then we'll investigate."

While Lucas would be evaluating May's tricks during the investigation, she thought as well.

'Let's see what tricks you have, mysterious boy.'

"Fine, but I don't know the way, nor did I come by bike. Can you come to pick me up? "

"Of course, no problem."

"It's agreed then. If I leave early, I'll find a way to get there after I do my shopping."

When Lucas was planning to get out of the car, however, he approached May and kissed her on the lips. After the kiss, he approached her ear and bit that cute lobe.

"Do not panic. See that tree over there?"

May thought Lucas was going to tease her a little before leaving, but hearing that, she turned serious and tried to look at the tree subtly. As soon as she looked, she was shocked. The tree was toward Lucas, behind the school fence. She had always been looking toward the tree and had never seen anything. She ended Lucas's blowjob, and soon after the two flirted and had a serious conversation, she never had time to notice, but behind the tree, a girl was watching them. Seeing this, she quickly pretended that she saw nothing, and also bit Lucas's earlobe.

"Who is she? You know her?"

"No, you know I moved to town now, I don't know anyone here."

"So she's been watching us? Since when?"

"From the start. You were too busy sucking my cock, but I've always been watching the area. Other than her, no one passed by, thankfully."

"So she saw me sucking you?"


"And now? She is still watching us."

"And now nothing. What do you want to do?"

"She recorded?"

"Yes, with the cell phone."

"What do we do then?"

" Let me handle it. She's not gone yet, so when I get out of here, I'll deal with her. "

"Deal with her?"

May looked at Lucas suspiciously but seeing that indecent smile on his face, she gave a small smile.

"You are such a naughty boy. You can never do anything to her, especially now that she has the video to blackmail you."

"Want to bet?"

"What kind of bet?"

"I don't know what she's up to with the recording, but if I confront her, I'm pretty likely going to lose out. I don't plan on using violence either. If by the end of the day, I can make her willing to suck me, you owe me one. As proof, I'm going to record a video."

"Owe you?"

"It means I'll think of something you have to do. Of course, it will be nothing you will not agree with, but it will certainly be embarrassing and you will have to do it."

"What kind of bad things are you thinking?"

"For now, it's for your imagination."

"Okay, but what if you can't?"

"So I owe you one, and I'm willing to do anything you ask me to."

At that, a mischievous smile appeared on May's face.

'Anything? You will regret it, little boy.'

Seeing May's mischievous smile, Lucas smiled and was delighted.

'Ah, this woman, how many facets will she still show me? The longer I spend with her, the more sides of her I know. '

"Combined then."