
Chapter 15: Dream

Lying in bed, May was completely sweaty. Her lower parts were a mess, completely wet with pussy juice. Opening her eyes a little, she stood up.

Remembering the dream she just had, and feeling the tingling in her body, a great sense of shame washed over her body. Looking down at her hands, which were covered in pussy juice, she knew she had masturbated while she slept.

'A wet dream? Seriously?'

She was still having a post-orgasmic feeling, which means she had an orgasm not long ago. Touching the pussy, she was not satisfied, so she lay back and continued masturbating as she thought about the dream she had.

'Well, I'm here, let's go to the end.'

Remembering Lucas's cock, she fantasized that he would come into her room and, without saying anything, would start to fuck her hard. First, she touched her breasts over the clothes and feeling that it was getting in the way quickly took off the shirt. Not every woman had high breast sensitivity, but May's nipples were very sensitive.

Quickly taking off the short and pantie that was wearing, she began to touch directly. With a finger penetrating her pussy, she used her thumb to touch the sensitive pearl. Her movements became fast as the fantasy in her head progressed. Although she hated to admit it, his penis... No, Lucas's body as a whole was extremely attractive to her. Especially his penis. May has never seen a more beautiful and perfect penis before.

'Aahn, that penis, I want him inside my pussy... Yes, Lucas, gets deep in my pussy!! Hard, fast!!'

Her masturbation continued for a few minutes, and finally, she had an orgasm. After the tingling had passed, she looked down at her pussy-soaked hand and an empty feeling appeared in her heart.

'Post-Masturbation Depression... That's why I don't like to masturbate, I always feel pathetic after doing that.'

Getting out of bed, May took a quick shower to wash the sweat and the smell of sex from her body. Leaving the bathroom, she thought.

'In my dream, he came to my house first, but I need to take the initiative. I need to understand his intentions first.'

Putting on her clothes, she grabbed a briefcase that had important documents, and her purse, which had feminine items and the laptop she had charged last night.

Leaving the apartment, she took a few steps and was facing apartment 302, where Lucas lived. Without hesitation, she rang the bell and waited. A few seconds later she heard faint noises of footsteps, and the door opened.

"Oh, good morning May. Do you have any business with me?"

Lucas appeared and said after seeing May at the door. He was wearing only shorts, the top of his body naked. Strangely, his body was wet, and from the greasiness, it was sweat. After asking, Lucas's expression changed, as if remembering something.

"Ah, is it about the hole in the wall? Want me to fill the hole? I will buy the materials tomorrow, my schedule is full today. If you want, just let me know."

'Was he exercising? Why does he have to be so hot? Look at these muscles. Sweaty, he looks even sexier. Even his sweat smells good. Yesterday at dinner he looked cute, but since I saw him through the hole in the wall, I realized how hot and sexy he is. But he's only sixteen, the age difference is too big, what do I do in this situation?'

The sight of Lucas's upper body naked was too much for May, especially the sweat. The strong smell of sweat left May's mind temporarily confused, causing her to be silent for a few seconds. Fortunately, sensing the awkward silence, she responded in a reasonable amount of time.

"Oh yes, I came to handle some business with you, the hole is one of them. Can I come in?"

"Of course, you can come in. Since the conversation will be important, I will become more presentable and have a quick shower. Could you wait a while?"

"Sure, I'll wait in the room then."

May entered the apartment familiarly. All apartments have similar interior design, so May easily found the room. Unfortunately, there was nothing, since Lucas had just moved.

Seeing Lucas entering the bathroom, May's curiosity won out, and she slipped into Lucas's room. If I could find out some information before confronting him, it could be an advantage, May thought.

There were a few boxes in Lucas's room, and a few scattered things, there was only one mattress on the floor and a piece of paper that was taped to the wall. Glancing around for something, she finally found a flash drive beside the mattress.

In a quick motion, and paying attention to the sounds from inside the house, she grabbed her purse, took out the laptop, plugged in the flash drive, and quickly copied the files into the laptop, without looking at what it was.

Last night, she saw Lucas using this flash drive on his tablet, which she couldn't find anywhere in the room. She found it suspicious at the time, as he plugged in the flash drive and pulled it out quickly, meaning that he took or put something inside the flash drive. Considering his mysterious identity, seeing the opportunity, May didn't think twice about copying the files inside the flash drive. Perhaps the archives give an important clue about Lucas's identity.

After copying the files, May put the flash drive in the same place, in the same position, and quickly put away the laptop. Returning to the living room after finding nothing else, she decided to check the kitchen to see if she could find the tablet. Going to the kitchen is not so suspicious, as she can simply say that she was comparing Lucas's apartment with hers.

Entering the kitchen, there were some utensils like forks, plates, and pans around, but no sign of the tablet. Just then Lucas appeared behind May and smiled.


"Ah, Lucas, I was looking at your kitchen. I see you bought all the utensils for the kitchen. Can you cook?"

"Yes, my mother always told me: men who can cook are rare and attractive. It's one of the many things she taught me."

"In fact, men who can cook are very attractive, your mother is wise."


Lucas seemed to remember his mother upon hearing May's approval. Though crazy, Lucas had to agree that, thanks to her, he had learned a lot. From simple things like cooking to complex things like flying a jet, Lucas had a vast knowledge and experience with many different things.

Since entering judgment to become the God of Love, Lucas has gradually begun to change his mind about Katia. Although he still saw her as a crazy woman, inside, his feelings for her were slowly changing.

Seeing Lucas's current expression made May get lost in thought. Lucas's expression was that of someone remembering something sad that brought feelings of nostalgia. It was the expression of an experienced person who went through a lot.

'He becomes more and more mysterious... What is your story, Lucas?'

It was then that the curiosity and surveillance of May about Lucas became something close to an obsession. She was too curious to know about Lucas's past. That body, those scars, the murder agency card... It all made him a complete mystery, which piqued her curiosity.

May, beautiful as she is, is a normal girl. She lived her whole life like a normal person, and her contact with abnormal things was small.

While living in an abnormal world with espers, gods, devils, angels, demons, vampires, werewolves, and all sorts of weird stuff, it's not strange that there are people like May who have lived their entire lives without contact with that sort of thing.

Deep down, May was a little bored. Her current life was about working as a lawyer and caring for a child. May loved Amy with all her heart and was willing to do anything for her, but although she didn't want to admit it, she was a little happy to hear that Amy was an esper.

For any parent on the planet, knowing that their son was born an esper is a nightmare. First of all, it is very easy to know if a child is an esper or not as the child shines at birth, right after the umbilical cord is cut. Because of this, unless you have an illegal birth, which happens a lot nowadays, hospitals always register children born as espers.

Children who are born espers receive a skill at birth but only know what ability, and how to use it, at age ten. Some skills are powerful, provide high combat power, others are extremely useful, as the ability to turn silver into gold.

Because of the uniqueness of the skills, even the weakest skills can become useful depending on how they are used, and so there are a large number of people behind children born espers. Although they may not know exactly what skill they received when they were born, most large organizations worldwide keep an eye on the children born esper.

Organizations let these children be raised by their parents as young as ten as a form of "respect," but at the age of ten, a huge fight arises over the children. The truth is that if they started taking children from their parents ahead of time, it would be chaos, so they created a law that, at the age of ten, children have to be "educated" in using their powers. Organizations then come looking for the child. They use various ways to attract the child. Threat is the main one. Some organizations simply kill the parents and kidnap the child.

Because of this, most parents do not keep children born esper, this is something that can threaten their lives and of their family members. Most parents place children for adoption soon after birth, a small number keep their children until they are close to ten years old, and before the day their skills awaken, the children are then placed for adoption.

These are usually parents who can't stand to be separated from their children but want to be with them as much as possible without bringing problems into their lives.

Nowadays, there are a very small number of parents who decide to raise their children to the age of ten and struggle to keep them. May is one of those cases. If not for her desire to make life more exciting, it would be for her sister, who gave the life to give birth to Amy.

May is a woman very close to her siblings. When Sofia died, she was devastated. Knowing that she had given birth to Amy was what raised her in a short time. It can be said that May sees Amy as Sofia's inheritance, her legacy, proof that Sofia existed, so May won't give up on Amy for anything in the world. Even if she has to sacrifice her body, she will protect Amy.

Her resolve only got bigger the day Clovis came to her house and took Amy from her arms. That was the day she felt most helpless. Clovis went to fetch Amy with a warrant, and even if she tried to use physical force, she could not protect Amy.

Since that day, two weeks ago, May has constantly had nightmares about that day. Only after desperation did she find a new, even more, powerful determination to protect Amy. That's when she thought of "pretending" that she didn't care about Amy. In fact, it worked with Clovis. After two weeks, he began to think that May had given up on Amy, and even despaired a little at the thought of the time bomb he had just picked up and couldn't throw away. He obviously couldn't give her back to May, nor could he just put her up for adoption.

When guardians place an esper child for adoption, they usually disappear. Normal people do not know this, as they are constantly influenced by the government and the media to put to adoption, but Clovis did. Parents of children are usually a problem, especially those who have kept children up to ten years old. They bring many problems, such as having the affection of parents, which hinders the development of these children in good tools.

That is why, in recent years, there have been discussions that esper children are "dangerous" and need to be "protected" and "watched" by the government so that they do not cause "problems", and for this to be better ensured, they must be maintained by the government from birth.

May didn't know any of this, she left Amy with Clovis because she knew that since Clovis wanted something from her, he wasn't just going to put Amy up for adoption. Unfortunately, May couldn't hold out for long. Every day she thought about Amy, her worry piling up, and she finally couldn't take it.

Of course, with Clovis's personality, even if he couldn't keep Amy, kill her, or put her up for adoption, he would never give it to May, no matter how much she showed her indifference. It was part of his pride not to give in.

Realizing that her thoughts had gone in a strange direction, May smiled and asked.

"Lucas, about the hole, this morning I went to look at it, and when I touched, it broke what was left. Can you fix it? When you want, just come to my apartment and I'll let you in."

"Oh yes, perfect then. Today is not possible since my day is full, but tomorrow I will buy the items after school. Then at night, I fix it."

'Did he realize yesterday that the hole was already completely open?'

May thought as she examined Lucas's expression. She said that had just broken the hole as a way of testing him, as something has made her suspicious after thinking about this morning.

Did he know from the start that she was looking through the hole, and so did all that show? If so, then what she said of breaking the hole in the morning would be seen by him as a lie. She expected to find some reaction in Lucas's expression, but May found nothing abnormal in his expression. May was smart and very observant, a necessary skill for a lawyer, but she still found nothing. Either Lucas was too good at lying, or he saw nothing, and what happened the night before was an accident.

"Okay then. I have other matters to talk to you about. What time are you coming to the firm?"

"Do not know. I'm going to school this morning to check things out, but I don't know if I'll have class today, it will depend on the principal's reaction. If I have class today, I'll only go after five. If I don't have one, or if I can choose to start tomorrow, I'll get there around lunchtime. After school, I have some things to do, one of those things is buying a cell phone, I don't have one."

"You do not have? What happened to your previous one? "

A strange expression appeared on Lucas's face, and he answered uncomfortably.

"Well… My mom said cell phones can't be trusted, she never let me have one. She has always been paranoid about electronics in general, especially computers and cell phones. According to her, a cell phone is enough to know everything about you, from your appearance to your name, location, and personality."

"She also said that with a button on a computer it was possible to destroy the world, so she always hated cell phones and computers."

"So you never had much contact with electronics? Even living in the computer age? "

"Oh no, I've had too much contact with electronics, especially computers and cell phones. The problem is, my mother wouldn't let me have a cell phone and a personal computer. Other than that, she let me use as much as I wanted."

To train to defend against hackers, Lucas thought as he remembered about his computer classes. Katia was always a paranoid woman when it came to electronics, she never trusted that.

She had an acquaintance, who she said could literally do anything with a computer. This acquaintance is responsible for international electronic security. Nowadays, in the computer age, the importance of computers has become so great that with a computer a man can hack a missile barn on the other side of the world and kill thousands of people.

Because of this, a mysterious man appeared, he created a security system used for over twenty years. Thanks to this system, there has been no major incident of cyber terrorism in the last twenty years. No one knows the inventor of the security system, but Katia said she knew her, and that, contrary to rumors of being a man, she was a woman, and a scary woman.

According to his mother, if she wanted to, she could destroy the world, or save the world, all depending on her will. It wasn't that Katia was afraid she could kill her. From Lucas's observation, Katia seemed to admire her talents and always complained that it was a pity that she couldn't recruit that woman to become her subordinate.

Thanks to this woman, and the time she spent with her, Katia was frightened by the power that a mobile phone and a computer have so since then she became paranoid, thinking that people were spying on her in the shower. Thanks to this, in his home, any advanced electronics were prohibited. Computers and cell phones were forbidden, and he could only touch one in places that she said were "controlled." Honestly, to this day he doesn't quite understand Katia's paranoia with electronics. After all, why would a woman who got a missile in her face and left unharmed be afraid of a computer that could hack a missile barn?

'My mother is very strange.'

Sighing, Lucas looked at the expression of surprise in May and asked.

"Do you have anything else? I think we should get going. You have work too. "

"Oh yes, but first, I have something to ask you. Did you leave that card in my room last night?"