
Summoned Reception

In a well lit room with a large magic circle on the ground and several men in wizard robes around it a young girl was currently arguing with what looks to be a medieval knight.

"What do you mean he isn't going to be summoned we have to wait for him he's our friend."

"Silence I can not keep the King waiting any longer than I already have. As you can see everyone who was summoned appeared at one time so you friend isn't going to be summoned."

At that moment the summoning circle in the middle of the room lit back up and a young man with short black hair and dark blue eyes was left in its place.

"Sorry I'm late everyone, I was in the middle of my nap when they summoned me and my goddess was kind enough to let me sleep a little longer."

It was the best lie I could come up with. It's not as if I could say sorry I was too busy becoming a god or something like that.

"Now that everyone is here let us go meet the King."

"What took you so long J."

A short kid comes up to me and starts trying to wrestle me. This is Eli he's a short kid with buzzed brown hair and brown eyes. He is always so full of energy.

"Eli stop it we have to get moving now."

The young girl tries to stop Eli from slowing us down. This is Lauren she has long blond hair and blue eyes, just a little taller than Eli. She always tries to look out for everyone.

"Listen when others talk pipsqueak."

A tall girl comes up behind Eli and puts him in a choke hold. This is Diane she has short brown hair and green eyes. She is much taller than Eli and is a little too defensive of Lauren.

"Specs *cough* save me."

A tall man with glasses looks up from his book for a second and then looks back down. This is John aka Specs he has long black hair and bright blue eyes. He loves books and hates things he can't quantify with numbers, hence his nickname.

"Quit fooling around and lets get moving!"

After that no one said another word, while walking through what I can only assume is some grand castle. Eventually we got to grand room filled with gold lined medieval decorations, the Kings reception hall. On top of the throne was a man who exuded a royal aura, NOT he looks like the a certain king of burgers. Hey where is the jester that looks like the Ronald of McDonald.

"Heroes from another world, blessed by our gods and goddesses, I ask you to stay calm I have summoned you here today to help us with the increasing threat of the Djinn and there minions attacking us from the north. They are beings of pure evil and hold human live with no regard. I know some of you might not want to fight and some of you might want to go home, but rest assured once you defeat them we will send you home if you still so desire. To those who don't believe that they can fight or that don't want to fight please for the good of mankind and for your own safety in the world you now inhabit with us, the Djinn are evil and must be eliminated. Now one by one you shall have your status displayed for us so we may have a better understanding of what you are capable of. Rest assured that no matter the danger your lives are of our upmost importance as you all are our last hope."

'Wow what a speech I certainly don't want to leave this world, however why isn't anyone else saying no to this Kings proposal?'

'The King's Charisma stat must be higher than anyone else here but you as such he is able to persuade them more easily.'

'What was that?'

'I am the common sense given to you as part of the summoned title.'

After my little internal dialogue people started to line up and a mage in grand golden robes used a fancy marble looking slab to display their status one letter at a time they were displayed. Each one took about a minute to fill out completely. Eli was a Rouge blessed by the Goddess of Speed. Lauren was a Cleric blessed by the God of Good Will. Diane was a Fighter blessed by the Goddess of Defense. Specs was a Wizard blessed by Legos himself, I expected nothing less from the smartest man I know. After everyone else went it was finally my turn. I walked up to the stone tablet and put my hand on it same as everyone else.

Name: Djinn...

Suddenly the man holding the tablet went pale in the face, dropped the tablet, and screamed.


"Guards, kill that Djinn."

'Shit, those guys don't look like they want to give me time to explain, gotta run and quick.'

Taking one last look at my friends I turn to Specs who I know for a fact no matter how low his charisma is he wasn't fooled in the slightest by those kings words. I nod at the silent man, his eyes light up in a magic sort of way, and he looks stunned before coming back to his scenes and nods back at me. With my life still very much in danger I run full speed at the window closest to me and jump crashing through it full force and trying to keep as much momentum as I can continue running down the roof of the castle. The guards behind me have zero hesitation and continue their chase very quickly closing what little gap I have left. Reaching the end of the roof I jump down into the streets below. I kept running through the streets my goal was to escape outside of this kingdom. Running down the streets looking at he people as I quickly pass them by I wonder it really was a fantasy world so where were the elves, dwarves, dragon born, half orcs, nothing just humans. After running long enough I made it to what looks to be the slums. When looking around I felt as though these people in the streets were one of two types of people. Those who had given up on living and those who still struggled to keep living. In short it was not a nice place to live. After running for long enough I made it to a large field then to a forest. Once I felt as though I was deep enough into the forest I stopped to catch my breath.

Sorry for the late chapter today, but will probably be uploading chapters around this time every day from now on.

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