
Goblin System - Rise of the Goblin King

When gamer geek Ryota gets zapped into his favorite MMORPG, he's no longer slaying dragons; he's dodging angry mobs as the world's grumpiest goblin! With allies like half-elf archer Lia, who's better with snark than a bow, and Toshi, a mage who thinks fireballs are for cooking dinner, Ryota's quest for respect is hilariously off the rails. Gear up for a fantasy romp where leveling up means mastering the art of not getting squashed!

SnoozePanda · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Whispers in the Tavern

Chapter 13: Whispers in the Tavern

In the heart of Lunarhaven stood a renowned tavern - the "Silver Quill". Its dimly lit interior held an alluring charm. The scent of aged wood blended seamlessly with the sweet aroma of elven wine, creating a heady mix. From one corner, the soft humming of a bard's lullaby caressed the ears of its patrons. Elven maidens, in silvery dresses that caught every flicker of torchlight, danced with ethereal grace on a central platform.

All around, elves engaged in lively chatter. Some were embroiled in merry laughter, others whispered secrets. Crystal mugs filled with golden-hued ale clinked in celebration. The entire setting was a stark contrast to the serene ambiance of the forest Ryota was accustomed to. He felt both overwhelmed and intrigued.

Toshi, always quick to blend in, found himself in the midst of a group of young elves, laughing and showcasing his playful magic tricks. Lia, recognized by many, was soon surrounded by familiar faces, reminiscing about days gone by. Ryota, meanwhile, played the observer. He sipped his drink and let his ears wander.

Words floated to him—whispers of "secret gatherings," mentions of "changing Lunarhaven," and hushed conversations of a "power play." Amidst all this, Ryota caught multiple glances directed towards a darkened corner of the tavern. There, almost hidden in the shadow, was the subtle emblem of a cloaked figure. An emblem he associated with the 'Shadowed Elves'.

His musings were interrupted by a soft voice, frail with age yet carrying a depth of wisdom. "Young one, you seem lost in this ocean of tales and tunes." It was an old elf, Narion. His skin, wrinkled like aged parchment, held countless stories, and his silvery mane cascaded gracefully to his shoulders. They spoke of Lunarhaven's illustrious past, its golden age, and the rising ambitions that birthed the 'Shadowed Elves'. As Narion spoke of a great tragedy, a shadow passed his eyes, hinting at a personal loss. "Be cautious," he whispered, "Not everything in Lunarhaven is as it seems. Even the highest councils might be tainted."

Just as the weight of Narion's words began to sink in, Ryota felt a nudge. A young elf, with raven-black hair and a hood that veiled his eyes, passed by. He discreetly slipped a folded note into Ryota's palm. As the stranger disappeared into the crowd, Ryota felt an inexplicable chill. Unfolding the paper, the weight of its message bore into him.

They needed privacy. Finding a secluded corner, Lia, Toshi, and Ryota deliberated. The note was an invitation, a meet at midnight. Risks were evident, but the allure of uncovering the mysteries was too potent to ignore. While Lia decided to reach out to an old mentor for any support they might need, Toshi, in his typical style, fiddled with his status screen, debating aloud which skills might come in handy. Inspired, Ryota too accessed his, pondering on his new abilities and how they might assist in the looming confrontation.

As the trio made their exit, Lunarhaven's once-welcoming atmosphere shifted. Whispers grew more hushed, the playful shadows of the tavern seemed more menacing, and a sudden, cold gust of wind extinguished several lanterns. Ryota felt it deep within - this night was poised to change everything.

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