
Goblin System - Rise of the Goblin King

When gamer geek Ryota gets zapped into his favorite MMORPG, he's no longer slaying dragons; he's dodging angry mobs as the world's grumpiest goblin! With allies like half-elf archer Lia, who's better with snark than a bow, and Toshi, a mage who thinks fireballs are for cooking dinner, Ryota's quest for respect is hilariously off the rails. Gear up for a fantasy romp where leveling up means mastering the art of not getting squashed!

SnoozePanda · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Echoes of Betrayal

Chapter 12: Echoes of Betrayal

The once-tranquil city of Lunarhaven, now enveloped in twilight, seemed to shimmer with a newfound reverence for the trio as they made their way back. The cobblestone streets were lined with cheering elves, their melodious voices lifting in jubilation, and the ambient glow of the magical lanterns highlighted their graceful forms. Word had spread like wildfire of the adventurers who had ventured into the Labyrinth and emerged victorious.

The Elven Palace, with its spires reaching towards the fading sun, stood as the beacon of hope and order in these lands. The grand doors opened, revealing the resplendent main hall where Queen Liora awaited their return. She stood regally, her elven grace evident in every gesture, her face breaking into a genuine smile as she welcomed them.

"Brave Ryota, valiant Toshi, and our very own Lia," she began, her voice echoing in the hall, "You have done Lunarhaven a great service today."

As promised, she gestured, and Ryota's status screen flickered:


+5000 Experience Points

Reputation with Elven Community: Honored


Ryota felt a surge of power and knowledge. His senses sharpened, and his mind cleared as he gained a new level.

Name: Ryota Nakamura

Race: Goblin

Level: 8 (+1)

Strength: 13 (+1)

Agility: 15 (+1)

Intelligence: 11 (+1)

Health Points: 170/170 (+20)


Basic Combat: Lv. 2

Forest Camouflage: Lv. 2

Racial Skill: Harmonizer

Swift Dodge: Lv. 1


Then, the moment everyone had been anticipating. Queen Liora took the Artifact of Lunarhaven in her hands. The room grew colder, and an ancient energy pulsated from the artifact, dimming the lights. Suddenly, the world shifted.

A vision unfolded before them: Elven warriors clashing in the heart of Lunarhaven, spells flying, and the ground quaking. The focus shifted to an ambitious and charismatic elf leader, Arion, his eyes burning with power and malevolence. The vision showed the betrayal, the attempt to overthrow the rightful rule, and the combined efforts of elves, goblins, and other races to stop him. As the vision faded, the labyrinth's creation was shown, an ultimate defense to protect the very artifact that held the power to dictate the future of Lunarhaven.

The weight of the past settled heavily in the hall. Queen Liora, her face pale but determined, spoke, "There is a group that has risen from the shadows, idolizing Arion and his ideals – the 'Shadowed Elves.' They seek the artifact and the power to control our destiny."

A chime resonated in Ryota's mind, and his status screen gleamed:


Quest Initiated: Shadows in the Twilight

Objective: Investigate and thwart the plans of the "Shadowed Elves."

Rewards: 8000 Experience Points, The Queen's Favor, and a Secret Reward.


The trio found themselves in a secluded chamber, the gravity of their new mission weighing on them. Lia, her face thoughtful, said, "The legends of Arion were told as bedtime stories, but I never imagined them coming to life."

Toshi, ever the pragmatic, chimed in, "Legends or not, our best bet is to gather intel. Taverns, markets – the city speaks if you know how to listen."

As the night deepened, the once-familiar comforts of Lunarhaven felt shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Resting in their quarters, Ryota reflected on the journey ahead, the weight of their mission pressing on him. The city's lullaby played outside, but the looming shadows whispered of challenges yet to come.

The chapter draws to a close with the trio's determination to shine a light on the secrets lurking in Lunarhaven's alleys and heart.