
Goblin System - Rise of the Goblin King

When gamer geek Ryota gets zapped into his favorite MMORPG, he's no longer slaying dragons; he's dodging angry mobs as the world's grumpiest goblin! With allies like half-elf archer Lia, who's better with snark than a bow, and Toshi, a mage who thinks fireballs are for cooking dinner, Ryota's quest for respect is hilariously off the rails. Gear up for a fantasy romp where leveling up means mastering the art of not getting squashed!

SnoozePanda · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Secrets of Lunarhaven

Chapter 9: Secrets of Lunarhaven

The grand halls of Lunarhaven shone with an ethereal beauty, lit by enchanted lanterns and the soft glow of the moon. High, arched windows gave way to panoramic views of the city below, the turrets and towers casting long shadows. The walls were adorned with intricate murals, depicting tales of valor and legends of old. Every brushstroke told a story, making the past come alive.

Ryota, Toshi, and Lia moved through the crowd, their footsteps echoing softly on the marble floor. Whispers and murmurs floated around them as beings of various races and backgrounds discussed politics, shared stories, or haggled over trades. But as Lia passed, a particular group of elves with silver hair and luminescent tattoos stopped their chatter, their eyes widening in recognition.

"Lady Liatris?" one of them stepped forward, an elder elf with a staff adorned with glowing crystals. The others bowed, murmuring her title in reverence.

Lia nodded, her demeanor shifting to one of authority, "Elder Calion."

Ryota raised an eyebrow, intrigued, while Toshi merely smirked, floating around and changing the hue of drinks with a wave of his tiny hands. The shimmering murals caught Ryota's attention, each image unfolding a narrative of battles and heroics. "What are these?" he whispered to Lia.

With a sigh filled with nostalgia, Lia began, "These murals depict our history. Legends of heroes, tales of great battles, and the rise and fall of our empires."

As Lia narrated, Toshi, always one for mischief, flicked his fingers, making an ornate chalice levitate and twirl. It drew giggles from the crowd, lightening the mood.

Pausing at a mural of an elegant elf with a striking resemblance to Lia, Ryota pointed, "Who is this?"

Lia hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "That is my mother, the previous queen. There was a betrayal, and I had to flee, which led to my long exile." Her voice trailed off, heavy with memories and emotions.

As the weight of her words settled, a herald approached, his voice echoing through the hall, "Lady Liatris, the Elven King and Queen request your presence." His gaze flitted to Ryota and Toshi. "And your companions."

The anticipation was palpable as the trio prepared. Lia adorned herself in her ancestral armor, shimmering and elegant. Ryota, feeling out of place in such grandeur, was provided a fine tunic, its deep green hue complementing his goblin skin. Toshi, ever the free spirit, opted for just a sash, his mischievous grin in place.

They entered a grand chamber, its ceiling high and adorned with crystals that refracted light, casting a mesmerizing dance of colors. The Elven King and Queen, their regal bearing evident, sat on thrones made of intertwined branches and gemstones.

"Lady Liatris," the king began, his voice gentle, "We have heard of your exploits and the prowess of your... unique companion." His gaze settled on Ryota, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

The queen, her demeanor warm yet authoritative, extended a hand, "We offer you a mission, one that promises answers to the very secrets of Lunarhaven."

Suddenly, a chime resonated in Ryota's mind, and before him, the familiar status screen materialized:


Quest: Secrets Unveiled

Objective: Unravel the mysteries buried deep within the heart of Lunarhaven.

Rewards: 5000 Experience Points, Artifact of Lunarhaven, Rise in reputation within the Elven community.


With this mission laid out in front of him, Ryota's determination flared. As they exited the chamber, the weight of the upcoming mission pressing on them, Ryota couldn't help but gaze at the moonlit sky, filled with wonder. Little did he know that his destiny, intertwined with histories and tales grander than he ever fathomed, was only beginning to unfold.

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