
Goblin System - Rise of the Goblin King

When gamer geek Ryota gets zapped into his favorite MMORPG, he's no longer slaying dragons; he's dodging angry mobs as the world's grumpiest goblin! With allies like half-elf archer Lia, who's better with snark than a bow, and Toshi, a mage who thinks fireballs are for cooking dinner, Ryota's quest for respect is hilariously off the rails. Gear up for a fantasy romp where leveling up means mastering the art of not getting squashed!

SnoozePanda · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Bonds Forged and Tested

Chapter 8: Bonds Forged and Tested

The town of Lunarhaven was a flurry of activity as the trio ventured through its ornate gates. Stone buildings crowned with vibrant rooftops stood tall against the backdrop of cobbled streets. The alluring scent of fresh bread, roasted meats, and mysterious spices wafted through the air, carried by the tune of a distant lute. Stars began to appear in the evening sky, casting a soft glow over the town.

While Ryota's goblin senses were alive with the myriad of sights and sounds, not all the attention he received was positive. Suspicious glances and hushed whispers followed him. However, an elderly woman's kind smile offered a brief respite from the unspoken hostility.

Drawn to a weapons vendor, Ryota became enamored with a luminescent dagger. "The Dagger of Lunar Essence," stated the merchant, a burly dwarf with a beard filled with trinkets, "a masterpiece of craftsmanship."

While Lia haggled over an intricate crystal pendant, Toshi regaled a crowd with exaggerated tales of their adventures, using exotic fruits as props.

The evening's climax was at the makeshift arena. A towering warrior, gleaming armor catching the last rays of sunset, sought challengers. "Double the prize for the goblin!" His words drew cruel laughter, but for Ryota, it was a chance to prove himself.

The duel began with the warrior using his sheer strength to overpower Ryota. But as the battle raged, Ryota felt an odd sensation, a pull between two conflicting energies—the aggressive force of the warrior and his own determination. Tapping into his "Harmonizer" skill, he began to sense the imbalances in the warrior's moves. Each overly aggressive swing, each forceful step forward was anticipated and deftly countered.

As the warrior grew more frustrated, Ryota deftly maneuvered him into making a critical mistake. Sensing an opening, Ryota, with the aid of the sand below, managed a disarm, turning disdainful jeers into roaring applause.

After the dust settled, Ryota's status screen appeared:


Name: Ryota Nakamura

Race: Goblin

Level: 5 (+1)

Strength: 7 (+1)

Agility: 9 (+2)

Intelligence: 5

Health Points: 140/140 (+20)

Achievement: Victor of Lunarhaven Arena!

New Skill Unlocked: Swift Dodge - Allows the user to predict and swiftly evade an oncoming attack, granting a fleeting advantage.


"Looks like you've not just won respect, but also a new skill," Toshi remarked, having sneaked a peek at Ryota's status.

Their victory drew the attention of a robed figure. Robes spun from what looked like the night sky itself flowed around Rael, whose twilight-colored eyes hinted at ancient secrets. Curious about Ryota, he whispered tales of a place named the "Nexus of Fate."

Over mugs of ale at "The Moonlit Tavern," Rael's stories unfurled — tales of ancient magic, beings who defied their predestined paths, and the challenges of the Nexus. As Ryota listened, a sense of destiny began to kindle within him.

Midnight arrived, casting Lunarhaven in a silvery glow. Standing on a tavern balcony overlooking the radiant town, with Toshi, Lia, and Rael by his side, Ryota felt an indescribable connection to this world. He might be a goblin, but an adventurer's spirit was awakening.

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