
Goblin System - Rise of the Goblin King

When gamer geek Ryota gets zapped into his favorite MMORPG, he's no longer slaying dragons; he's dodging angry mobs as the world's grumpiest goblin! With allies like half-elf archer Lia, who's better with snark than a bow, and Toshi, a mage who thinks fireballs are for cooking dinner, Ryota's quest for respect is hilariously off the rails. Gear up for a fantasy romp where leveling up means mastering the art of not getting squashed!

SnoozePanda · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Navigating the Sands of Time

Chapter 26: Navigating the Sands of Time

The rugged terrain beneath their feet gradually transformed into soft, silvery sands, signaling their entry into the vast, unforgiving desert. The air shimmered with heat, and even the usually jovial group fell silent, weighed down by the relentless sun.

Ryota squinted at the vast horizon, trying to discern any landmarks. "Well, this is going to be a... warm experience," he commented dryly.

Selene, pulling her cloak tighter around her, glanced at him, "Deserts are tricky. The nights can be as cold as the days are hot. We need to be prepared for both extremes."

Toshi, never one to pass up a chance for an experiment, rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I've heard that the local desert tribes have some unique fashion choices to combat the heat. Maybe we should try adapting?"

Lia raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Local fashion? How hard can it be?"

As if on cue, a small market town emerged on the horizon. The group decided to stock up on supplies and, thanks to Toshi's suggestion, some desert-wear as well.

The scene at the market was one for the books. Toshi, draped in a robe that was clearly meant for someone twice his size, looked like a child who had sneaked into his father's wardrobe. Ryota's desert attire resembled a misshapen cape, flapping comically with every step he took.

Lia, however, managed to look effortlessly stylish in her desert robe, drawing admiring glances from locals and playful jabs from Toshi and Ryota. "Look at Lia, the desert fashionista!" Toshi teased.

Ryota chimed in, "Yeah, Toshi, any more fashion tips you'd like to share?"

Toshi, trying to figure out how to tie his robe correctly, retorted, "Hey, I'm just ahead of the trend. You'll see, capes will be all the rage next season!"

Selene, doing her best not to burst into laughter, added diplomatically, "You all look... very unique."

Their fashion misadventures done, the group ventured deeper into the desert. Following Selene's lead, they navigated through dunes, relying on ancient landmarks to guide their way.

It wasn't long before they stumbled upon the remnants of the ancient city. The ruins, though battered by time, stood majestically, hinting at their glorious past. Carvings on the walls depicted tales of valor, love, betrayal, and the rise and fall of great kings.

As they explored further, Ryota felt a pull towards a central structure. Inside, they discovered murals that depicted a dragon, eerily similar to the ones from Ryota's dreams. Underneath it was an inscription: "The heart of the dragon lies where time stands still."

Ryota's connection with his dragon lineage surged. The words seemed to resonate with him, providing a clue to the next phase of their journey.

As nightfall approached, the team set up camp amidst the ruins. As they sat around the campfire, their discussions revolved around the dragon mural and its significance. The desert, with its vastness and timeless beauty, only deepened the mystery of their quest.

Toshi, breaking the serious mood, suddenly exclaimed, "You know what this campfire needs? Marshmallows!"

Lia laughed, "Trust you to think of food at a time like this."

Ryota chuckled, "Well, why not? A marshmallow roast amidst ancient ruins? That's a first."

As they enjoyed their light moment under the starry desert sky, they were all too aware that the journey ahead was only going to get tougher. But for now, they were content in each other's company, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead, side by side.

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