
Goblin System - Rise of the Goblin King

When gamer geek Ryota gets zapped into his favorite MMORPG, he's no longer slaying dragons; he's dodging angry mobs as the world's grumpiest goblin! With allies like half-elf archer Lia, who's better with snark than a bow, and Toshi, a mage who thinks fireballs are for cooking dinner, Ryota's quest for respect is hilariously off the rails. Gear up for a fantasy romp where leveling up means mastering the art of not getting squashed!

SnoozePanda · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Heart of the Desert

Chapter 27: Heart of the Desert

The harsh winds of the desert buffeted Ryota and his party, stinging their faces with a barrage of hot sand. Their vision was obscured by a veil of orange and yellow, with the sun beating down relentlessly. As they trudged along, Ryota recalled Selene's words.

"Beyond the Trials of the Desert lies the resting place of the Heartstone. Guarded by the Spirits of the Sands, only those deemed worthy shall lay claim to its power," she had told them.

The shimmering mirages were deceptive, often leading them astray. But a moment of clarity came when Lia pointed out a peculiar set of rock formations. They seemed to form an arrow, pointing them in a particular direction.

Following it, they stumbled upon an oasis, an emerald jewel amidst the monochrome landscape. Palm trees swayed gently, and there was a serene pond in the middle. But what caught Ryota's eye was the massive stone structure. It was an intricately carved temple, symbols of dragons and lightning decorating its façade.

"Could this be it?" Toshi whispered, his eyes wide with awe.

As they approached, they were met by ethereal figures. These were the Spirits of the Sands, the guardians of the Heartstone. Their translucent forms seemed to waver and dance, their very essence made of desert winds and ancient magic.

"You who seek the Heartstone, prove your worth!" boomed the lead spirit, his voice echoing like a sandstorm.

With a determined nod, Ryota stepped forward. The trial began.

A series of challenges were presented. From solving riddles that delved into the history of the desert to combat trials against sand golems, the team had to prove their mettle. Through it all, the bond between them grew stronger. Their camaraderie and mutual trust shone through, impressing the Spirits.

With each completed trial, the pathway to the temple cleared bit by bit, the swirling sands parting to reveal the entrance. As they reached the inner sanctum, Ryota could feel a palpable energy, a magnetic pull guiding him to a pedestal. On it rested the Heartstone.

Ryota's fingers brushed against the smooth surface of the Heartstone. Its cold exterior pulsed with an inner warmth, resonating with his very soul. A bright light enveloped him, and for a brief moment, the world faded away.


Legendary Item Acquired: Heartstone

Description: An ancient relic of unparalleled power that amplifies the user's innate abilities. Said to be the heart of a Thunder Dragon, it holds secrets of eons past.

+15000 Experience Points

Reputation with Desert Spirits: Trusted

Bonus: +10% Mana Regeneration

Achievement Unlocked: Heart's True Desire


Returning to the present, Ryota felt an overwhelming surge of power and clarity. He could sense the latent energy within the stone, its rhythms synchronizing with his heartbeat.

"By the heavens, you did it, Ryota!" Lia exclaimed, rushing to his side. Her eyes sparkled with pride and admiration.

Toshi, however, took a moment to dig into his bag, pulling out a fresh fish. "You think the spirits would like a snack?" he mused, holding it aloft, the sun reflecting off its scales.

Lia swatted him playfully. "Now's not the time, catboy."

The Spirits of the Sands approached them once more, their demeanor softer. "You have proven worthy, young hybrid. May the power of the Heartstone guide you in the challenges ahead," the lead spirit intoned.

With the Heartstone in their possession and the blessings of the spirits, Ryota and his team set forth, knowing that with every step, they were drawing closer to confronting the looming threat that lay ahead.