
Goblin System - Rise of the Goblin King

When gamer geek Ryota gets zapped into his favorite MMORPG, he's no longer slaying dragons; he's dodging angry mobs as the world's grumpiest goblin! With allies like half-elf archer Lia, who's better with snark than a bow, and Toshi, a mage who thinks fireballs are for cooking dinner, Ryota's quest for respect is hilariously off the rails. Gear up for a fantasy romp where leveling up means mastering the art of not getting squashed!

SnoozePanda · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Evolution's Echo

Chapter 19: Evolution's Echo

Fresh from the aftermath of Queen Liora's revelations and their last encounter, Ryota, Lia, and Toshi found themselves in one of the grand chambers of the Elven Palace. The enormity of what they had just learned was still sinking in, and the Draconian Elixir in Ryota's hands seemed to pulsate with Azural's ancient might, serving as a potent reminder of the past and the responsibility now thrust upon him.

The vast halls were no strangers to magic, but even they seemed to thrum with tension as Ryota, cradling the vial, felt both anticipation and trepidation. Lia and Toshi flanked him, their faces reflecting a mix of excitement and concern.

Ryota uncorked the vial, and the room filled with a scent of distant storms and high mountaintops. He took a deep breath, exchanged one last look with Lia, whose eyes shimmered with emotion, and downed the liquid. Almost immediately, energy coursed through him; it felt like being reborn.

His vision blurred, his senses heightened, and for a moment, the weight of Azural's ancient lineage pressed on him. When the world came back into focus, Ryota felt... different. Stronger, more attuned to the magic around him. His very essence had changed, and he could sense the raw power of the Thunder Dragon coursing through him.

Lia hesitated a step, her hand covering her mouth in awe. Toshi whistled, "Well, someone's had quite the makeover." Ryota, inspecting himself, realized his skin had taken on a slight shimmer, and his eyes now held the spark of a storm. As he met Lia's gaze, he could see the mix of wonder and that touch of fear. "Ryota?" she whispered.

Before he could reassure her, a chime echoed in his mind.


*Status Update*

Name: Ryota Nakamura

Race: Goblin-Thunder Dragon Hybrid

Level: 30

Strength: 46

Agility: 52

Intelligence: 40

Health Points: 530/530

New Racial Skill Acquired: Azural's Thunderclap


Lia reached out, touching his hand, feeling the surge of power. "You're still Ryota," she murmured, eyes locking onto his. The emotional tension was palpable, and Toshi, ever the opportunist, quipped, "Do I need to leave you two lovebirds alone?" earning him a playful swat from Lia.

Queen Liora, witnessing this transformation and the bond it further strengthened, commended Ryota for his bravery. She then turned her attention to their next mission. "With your new abilities, I believe you are ready to confront the Shadowed Elves' stronghold. It won't be easy, but Lunarhaven is counting on you."

Lia, determination burning in her eyes, interjected, "We started this journey together, and we'll see it through to the end."

The atmosphere grew solemn, the weight of their next mission pressing down on them. The Queen handed them a map, detailing the suspected hideouts of the Shadowed Elves. As they studied it, another chime resonated within Ryota's mind.


*Quest Initiated*

Objective: Confront the Shadowed Elves and neutralize their threat.

Rewards: 15000 Experience Points, A Royal Favor, Potential Alliance.


The trio, armed with newfound resolve and a clear goal, prepared to embark on their most challenging mission yet. With Ryota's evolution and their strengthened bond, they felt invincible. But only time would tell if that confidence would be enough against the looming shadows.

As the chapter drew to a close, Ryota, Lia, and Toshi shared a moment of camaraderie, humor cutting through the tension as they set forth towards the unknown.

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