
Goblin System - Rise of the Goblin King

When gamer geek Ryota gets zapped into his favorite MMORPG, he's no longer slaying dragons; he's dodging angry mobs as the world's grumpiest goblin! With allies like half-elf archer Lia, who's better with snark than a bow, and Toshi, a mage who thinks fireballs are for cooking dinner, Ryota's quest for respect is hilariously off the rails. Gear up for a fantasy romp where leveling up means mastering the art of not getting squashed!

SnoozePanda · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Shadows and Secrets

Chapter 20: Shadows and Secrets

The caves of Lunarhaven, with their winding tunnels and mysterious echoes, were eerily silent except for the occasional drip of water from stalactites. Ryota, Toshi, and Lia trudged on, their footsteps echoing in the dimly lit paths. It wasn't long before the trio, accompanied by their latest addition, Selene, found themselves facing a vast cavern.

Selene stood a few paces ahead, bathed in the soft glow of the cavern's luminescent runes. Her long silver hair flowed like a moonlit river down her back, and her emerald eyes scanned the area with a mix of wariness and familiarity. "My name is Selene," she began, her voice melodious yet commanding. "I've been tracking the movements of the Shadowed Elves for quite some time, driven by personal reasons." Her fingers brushed the pendant around her neck, hinting at a deeper story.

As they ventured further into the caves, the surroundings grew colder and more oppressive. Every so often, Lia would pause, touching the ancient symbols on the walls, her fingers tracing the intricate patterns. On one such occasion, her touch seemed to trigger something. Her eyes glazed over, pupils dilating. She was no longer in the caves but somewhere else – amidst a celestial gathering of elves under a shimmering moon. She danced, her movements flowing with grace and purpose. But just as quickly as the vision came, it receded, leaving Lia disoriented and filled with questions.

While the group rested, Selene shared her story. She spoke of a love lost to the treachery of the Shadowed Elves, and the locket pendant she wore was the last memento of him. The depth of her pain was palpable, and her desire for revenge was evident in every word.

She also regaled them with the legend of the first Shadowed Elf – a tragic hero who was cast out by his own kin for his radical beliefs. This tale painted the enemies they faced in a different light, adding layers of complexity to their mission.

Throughout, Toshi's eyes flitted between Selene and the surrounding darkness. His warrior's instinct was on high alert. In a hushed conversation with Ryota, he expressed his doubts. "Something doesn't add up. We need to be careful," he whispered.

Ryota nodded but found himself distracted by a rising surge of power within. The blood of Azural, the ancient Thunder Dragon, pulsed in his veins, reacting to the magic permeating the caves. Visions of the dragon's past conquests and grandeur threatened to overwhelm him. His transformation had granted him immense strength, but at the cost of his peace.

As they moved deeper, they discovered vast murals, their colors vibrant despite the ages. It depicted a battle of epic proportions, where beings of pure light clashed with the shadows. Selene pointed to the majestic dragon painted at the center, its eyes a mirror to Ryota's. "Your role in the events to come is pivotal," she murmured.

Nightfall found them taking a brief respite in a small alcove. The soft strumming of a lyre filled the air as Lia and Selene shared elven songs from ages past. Toshi, still mistrustful, kept to himself, sharpening his weapons, while Ryota sat apart, reflecting on his incredible journey, the weight of responsibility, and the power that threatened to consume him.

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