
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Village Chief! The Future Lord of the Divine Realm!

  Golden treasure chest, ah!


  This was by far the highest reward Qin Feng had received so far. He was also the first player among the millions in Zone 1 to receive a golden treasure chest. Qin Feng joyfully caught the golden treasure chest and stored it in his storage ring. Now was not the time to open it. He was more curious about the D-grade public task.

  Thinking about this, he opened the task channel and entered the public task options. Sure enough, there was an additional D-grade task in the task list.

  [D-grade Task: Future Village Chief]

  [Task Content: Go to the Bone-Burying Wilderness in the Level 10 area and find a tall old tree. If you are lucky, you may discover a mysterious place called the 'Lost Village' near the old tree.]

  [Task Content: Enter the Lost Village, explore on your own to find out the truth behind the village formation, and defeat the demon behind it. Upon completion, you will receive rewards: Village Chief Appointment Scroll and a golden treasure chest.]

  Oh damn! A D-grade task reward was actually a golden treasure chest, the same as the reward for being the top scorer in the novice assessment! Truly, these tasks were precious! It made sense; the C-grade map-opening task in his hands had rewarded him with a dark gold treasure chest.

  In this way, obtaining a task was equivalent to gaining an opportunity! Qin Feng was excited, continuing to read.

  [Task Reminder: Upon receiving the Village Chief Appointment Scroll, you will become the Village Chief of Village 911. At that time, you will have great authority and benefits. Simultaneously, the villagers of Village 911 will also receive numerous benefits.]

  [Task Reminder: Becoming the Village Chief is the beginning of the development of the novice village and is a crucial first step. Without a Village Chief, the novice village will eventually disband, and newcomers will become wanderers, losing the support of the novice wooden huts.]

  [Task Reminder: A novice village with a Village Chief can gradually grow, transforming the novice village into a town, territory, empire, or even a sacred land or divine realm.]

  Seeing this, Qin Feng was somewhat surprised. A novice village could gradually develop into a sacred land or even a divine realm. This was too exaggerated! If everything was true, then the Village Chief of the novice village would be the future Lord of the Divine Realm, the Godmaster!

  Damn! This was too interesting! Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he was filled with anticipation. Then, he continued reading.

  [Task Reminder: This task is a public task. Once activated, any newcomer from Village 911, as long as they meet the corresponding qualifications, can participate in this task. Whoever first obtains the Village Chief Appointment Scroll will become the Village Chief of Village 911.]

  [Task Qualifications: Requires a level above 10 and the title 'Novice King' to participate in the task.]

  Seeing this, Qin Feng chuckled. Throughout Village 911, he was the only one who had reached level 10. The others were far from it; even Liu Xuan was only level 6. As for the title of 'Novice King,' it required a reputation of over 30 points, and currently, there was no second 'Novice Elite' in Village 911. Qin Feng was already the 'Novice King,' so he met the qualifications for the task.

  Afterward, he continued reading.

  [Task Reminder: The Lost Village is a very mysterious place. Even if you find that ancient tree in the Bone-Burying Wilderness, you may not necessarily discover the 'Lost Village.' It requires your wisdom to determine its existence.]

  [Task Reminder: To enter the Lost Village, you also need a Dark Seal. You need to find a way to collect the Dark Seal. Roaming around the Bone-Burying Wilderness might provide clues to finding the seal.]

  Seeing this, Qin Feng smiled again. These task reminders were mysteriously shrouded in secrecy, concealing many clues. However, Qin Feng had long known that the 'Lost Village' only appeared at night, and he knew its exact location. As for the Dark Seal, it had to be obtained from the Hellhound. Qin Feng had already collected it. In other words, he didn't need to prepare anything. He just had to wait for nightfall and go directly to the 'Lost Village.' This task was tailor-made for him—a stroke of good luck without any effort.

  Great! Great! Qin Feng was delighted, feeling incredibly satisfied. The position of Village Chief in Village 911 would be his. Once he became the Village Chief, who knows, he might even become a regional deity in the future. Thinking about this, he was filled with anticipation. In this world of slaughter, full of crises and infinite possibilities, the future seemed promising.

  By the way, I wonder how everyone is doing now?

  With this thought, Qin Feng switched to the chat channel and found that it was already buzzing with excitement.

  "Wow! Qin Feng, the boss, is too amazing! He reached level 10 so quickly!"

  "Yeah! He's like a god-like existence!"

  "Haha! Of course! Qin Feng, the boss, is my idol in this life!"

  "Oh damn! Everyone, quickly check the task channel! That task is incredible!"

  "I saw it too! D-grade task - Future Village Chief. Only when a village chief emerges in the novice village does it qualify for upgrades, and there's a possibility of developing into a divine realm!"

  "Divine realm? Oh my god! Don't scare me!"

  "Don't believe it! Go check for yourself!"

  "Wow! Oh my god! It's really like that!"

  "Oh damn! This is too exaggerated!"

  "Haha! Brothers, if our village becomes a divine realm, won't we all become gods?"

  "Haha! That's right!"

  "Oh my god! If that's true, just thinking about it excites me!"

  "Everyone, don't get too excited! To develop the village, someone must become the village chief. Otherwise, the village won't upgrade and might even disband, leaving everyone homeless!"

  "Oh damn! It can be like that! Let's quickly choose a village chief for our village!"

  "The village chief isn't chosen; it depends on someone completing this D-grade task and obtaining the Village Chief Appointment Scroll to become the chief."

  "So that's how it is! Everyone, let's hurry and do the task!"

  "Didn't you read the information? To do this task, you need to be at least level 10 and have the title of 'Novice King.' Who can do that?"

  "Upstairs, Qin Feng, the boss, can do it!"

  "That's right! Qin Feng, the boss, can do it. He's already at level 10 and has the title of 'Novice King'!"

  "That's great! Truly great! Everyone, let's quickly call Qin Feng, the boss, and ask him to do this task. We absolutely can't let other villages get ahead of us!"

  "Yeah! Yeah! I'm so excited! I really want Qin Feng, the boss, to do this task right away. Qin Feng, the boss, is so strong! Only he is qualified to be our village chief!"

  "That's right! Only Qin Feng, the boss, is qualified to be our village chief!"

  "Qin Feng, are you there? Everyone is calling for you!"

  "Qin Feng, the boss, come out and say something!"

  At this moment, the channel was filled with shouts for Qin Feng, and the excitement was palpable.

  Qin Feng smiled faintly and spoke.

  Qin Feng: "Everyone, rest assured, I will do this task. I have some understanding of the 'Lost Village,' but it hasn't appeared yet. I can't do the task until it does. We'll have to wait a bit."

  As soon as this information came out, the channel erupted in cheers.

  "Wow! Qin Feng, the boss, has appeared! Exciting! So exciting!"

  "Qin Feng, the boss, is amazing. He knew some information about the 'Lost Village' in advance. It looks like he has a great chance of completing this task."

  "Haha! That's great! If Qin Feng, the boss, becomes the village chief, our village can develop."

  The crowd chatted with immense joy.

  Just at that moment, Liu Yuan's avatar flickered.

  Liu Yuan: "Bad news! Bad news! There's another flame war in the regional channel! Those bastards are cursing our Dragon Country! We're outnumbered; we can't argue with them!"

  Upon hearing this, everyone was furious.

  "Those damn bastards! Unbelievable! They lost and are still so arrogant!"

  "Liu Yuan: "Their arrogance is beyond imagination. Right now, in the regional channel, they're clamoring for revenge!"

  Liu Yuan: "They said that after the novice assessment is over, people from all novice villages will meet. At that time, they plan to unite and kill all of us Dragon Country people!"

  Oh damn! They dare to brag about killing all Dragon Country people!

  Everyone was enraged!

  Indeed, people from different backgrounds have different hearts!

  As long as they don't stop their killings, their hearts will be filled with resentment towards Dragon Country!

  At this point, everyone rushed into the regional channel.

  Qin Feng watched in anger and also switched to the regional channel.