
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Fight to the Death!

  Upon entering the regional channel, Qin Feng saw that the twenty-four villages previously lost were cursing the people of Dragon Nation. Villages like 911, 34, and 77 were fighting back. In addition, a village numbered 618 also joined the Dragon Nation's side to retaliate against those scoundrels.

  It turned out that 618 Village was also comprised of people from Dragon Nation. They had just joined the regional channel, and within a few hours, the number of villages in the area had surged to over a hundred.

  Among these newly arrived villages was one belonging to Dragon Nation, namely Village 618. Qin Feng roughly counted, and the opposing side had a staggering thirty-seven villages.

  Despite losing, people like Mamiya Moto and Amir were still arrogant, largely due to the arrival of these reinforcements. Their confidence had been boosted.

  Among the newly joined villages, Qin Feng also noticed a familiar one—Village 137. This was the first village that had a wager with Village 911, and its top player, Edward, was a Baron of the Blood Clan.

  Originally powerful, they should have entered the regional channel much earlier, but due to the bet with Village 911, they lost a significant amount of attributes and resources, delaying their entry until now.

  At this moment, Edward also joined the verbal battle and cursed fiercely.

  Edward (137): "Oh! That damned Qin Feng! He caused me to lose attributes, made our village lose resources, and triggered a civil war in our village! This grudge! I will definitely avenge it!"

  Mamiya Moto (5): "Mr. Edward, that Qin Feng is extremely wicked. He killed many people from our Sakura Island nation."

  Amir (40646): "He also killed people from our Ashura nation!"

  Park Seon Shin (383): "Ah, darn it! In our South Club nation, he caused the deaths of over three hundred people in our two villages!"

  "Oh! He also caused the deaths of many people in our Kangaroo nation!"

  "And in our No Fall nation!"

  Edward (137): "Oh! Demon! Demon! Qin Feng is a demon!"

  Liu Xuan (911): "Edward, aren't you a vampire? The real demon is you, right?"

  Edward (137): "Damn it! Dragon Nation, don't be proud. I will definitely get revenge!"

  Mamiya Moto (5): "That's right! We will definitely get revenge! We will exterminate all of you!"

  Liu Xuan (911) angrily retorted, "Mamiya Moto, didn't you say you would commit suicide by disembowelment? Why haven't you done it yet? How do you still have the face to come out?"

  Mamiya Moto (5) angrily replied, "Damn it!"

  Wu Yong (911): "Haha! You defeated generals dare to say you will exterminate us! It's truly laughable!"

  Amir (446): "Dragon Nation people upstairs, don't be too proud. Have you noticed that although there are many people from Dragon Nation on Blue Star, there aren't many in this number one district."

  Amir (446): "If I'm not mistaken, when the newbie assessment ends, all villages will meet. By then, with more people on our side and fewer on yours, we will definitely defeat you!"

  Wu Yong (911): "Joke! You lost in the bets, and you still think you can defeat us after the newbie assessment. Is that possible?"

  Amir (446): "Haha! Dragon Nation people, haven't you realized? Whether it's a resource bet or a camp bet, it relies on the elite strength within the village. Mass tactics won't work."

  Amir (446): "But after all villages are opened, it will be different. People from these countries can unite to form a large army to crush the people of Dragon Nation. After all, Dragon Nation is too few in this area."

  With these words, the whole scene was in an uproar.


  Amir's analysis was reasonable.

  In a resource bet, it was about leveling up, looking at the strongest player in a village. In a camp bet, it compared the killing score ability of players above level 5, examining the strength of the elite class.

  Both types of bets left little room for ordinary players with the largest base.

  But after all villages were opened, it would be different.

  People from these countries could completely unite, forming a large army to overwhelm the people of Dragon Nation. After all, the Dragon Nation was too few in this area.

  Just like now, the opponent has 37 villages. On the Dragon Nation side, including the recently appeared 618 Village, there are only 4 villages. With this realization, the people of Dragon Nation began to feel a bit nervous; the future situation doesn't look good!

  After hearing this, Mamiya Moto and others cheered, praising Amir's intelligence. They seemed to see hope for revenge!

  At this moment, Amir continued to speak.

  Amir (446): "By then, the eight nations will join forces to wipe out all Dragon Nation villages, killing all of you Dragon Nation people. You just wait to die!"

  Edward (137): "Oh! Great idea! In history, the poor Dragon Nation has been ravaged by coalitions. This time, we'll form a new coalition and let them relive history, haha!"

  Upon hearing this, the people of Dragon Nation were furious. At that moment, Qin Feng's avatar flickered.

  Qin Feng (911): "Heh! Who will annihilate whom is still uncertain!"

  "Wow! It's Qin Feng! Qin Feng has finally appeared!"

  "Great! Our leader Qin Feng has finally come forward!"

  "Oh! This formidable guy actually showed up!"

  At this moment, the entire channel was in an uproar!

  Now, Qin Feng is the number one powerhouse in District 1. His appearance would naturally cause a sensation throughout the entire area. Even the arrogant Amir, Mamiya Moto, and Edward instantly fell silent.

  Unconsciously, they all developed a sense of fear towards Qin Feng. However, soon, their hatred and anger took over, and they began to mock him.

  Edward: "Hey! Qin Feng, you finally showed up!"

  Mamiya Moto (5): "Qin Feng, you killed many of our countrymen. I will avenge them!"

  Amir (446): "Wicked Qin Feng, you not only killed many of our countrymen but also left more people paralyzed and disabled. You must pay for this!"

  Mamiya Moto (5): "Exactly! You caused many people in our village to become paralyzed and ill!"

  Park Seon Shin (383): "Ah, darn it! Many paralyzed and disabled people appeared in our village too!"

  "And in our No Fall nation's villages!"

  "And in ours too!"

  These people complained one after another. Qin Feng sneered, "Didn't you say before that we Dragon Nation people were invalids? Now, retribution has come! You are the real invalids!"

  "Oh! Damn it!"

  "Damn you!"

  "Ah, darn it!"

  Edward and others were infuriated and cursed loudly.

  Qin Feng coldly laughed, "Hehe! It seems that not exterminating all of you poses a permanent threat!"

  As soon as these words fell, Mamiya Moto and others burst into loud laughter.

  "Haha! Qin Feng, who do you think you are? Can you kill people from our eight nations by yourself?"

  "Oh, West! No matter how strong one person is, they can't withstand thousands of people! When all newbie villages are open, it will be the end for you Dragon Nation people!"

  "Oh! He must think we're afraid of him! Unfortunately, without the wager token, he can't do anything to us. He can only wait until all newbie villages are open and wait for our coalition to kill them all!"

  "Rest assured! Each village can only have one wager token at most, and he has used it. He doesn't have a second chance to deal with us. Haha!"

  These people mocked recklessly, and the people of Dragon Nation were about to explode in anger.

  Just then, a new announcement came from the heavens.

  [Regional Announcement: The number of individuals promoted to level 8 or above in this district has reached 5. Regional trading channel activated.]

  With this information, the entire venue became restless.

  "Huh! The regional trading is open!"

  "So, does that mean villages can trade with each other?"

  "This feature is great. Villages can exchange resources with each other."

  While everyone was discussing, a North Bear nation player named Tugenev's avatar flickered.

  Tugenev (44): "Mr. Qin Feng, hello! I am Tugenev from Village 44, level 8."

  This information caused a momentary silence in the entire venue.

  There aren't many level 8 powerhouses! Just now, the heavens had already indicated that in the entire District 1, there were only five individuals at level 8 or above. Therefore, Tugenev is a super powerhouse.

  However, why did he take the initiative to talk to Qin Feng, and his tone was quite polite? Seeing this scene, Mamiya Moto and others were somewhat puzzled.

  North Bear Nation is one of the major nations on Blue Star, known for its bold national character. In this verbal battle, North Bear Nation remained neutral, silently observing.

  At this moment, Tugenev, however, came out to find Qin Feng. It seemed not simple at all!

  Qin Feng: "Greetings, friend from North Bear Nation!"

  Qin Feng also replied politely.

  Tugenev: "Friends from Dragon Nation, your current situation seems precarious! When this district opens up, you may be besieged by many people!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Mamiya Moto interjected.

  Mamiya Moto: "Lord Tugenev, you must be the strongest in North Bear Nation! I have a suggestion; join us! Together, we can eliminate these Dragon Nation people, and the benefits gained will definitely be shared with you."

  Tugenev: "Sorry, I'm not interested. I just want to make a deal with Mr. Qin Feng."

  Qin Feng: "Tugenev, what kind of deal do you want to make with me?"

  Tugenev: "Mr. Qin Feng, I have a wager token. Are you interested?"

  As soon as this statement was made, the entire audience was shocked. Mamiya Moto and others were even more dumbfounded! The reason they dared to be so arrogant was that they believed Qin Feng wouldn't have another wager token, making him unable to deal with them. If Qin Feng were to obtain another wager token and pull them into another bet, they would be in big trouble.

  Mamiya Moto: "Oh no! Lord Tugenev, oh no! Please don't trade the wager token to Qin Feng!"

  Edward: "Oh! Dear Tugenev, how can you trade the wager token with that demon?"

  Amir: "Friend, if you want to sell the wager token, you can sell it to me. I'll give you a satisfactory price."

  At this moment, Mamiya Moto and others began to panic, while the people of Dragon Nation were overjoyed. Qin Feng also felt a pleasant surprise.

  Wager token! With the wager token, he could really give those scoundrels a hard time!

  At this point, the situation between Dragon Nation and those scoundrels had reached a point of no compromise or retreat.

  In addition, there is a limited number of uses for the wager token. Each district can only use it a hundred times. Qin Feng had used it 79 times in the last round, so it was estimated that he would reach a hundred times soon. Perhaps, this would be his last chance.

  Therefore, he had to seize this precious opportunity.

  At this moment, Qin Feng asked, "Tugenev, what do you want?"

  Tugenev: "Friend, I don't need anything. As long as you can promise me one condition, I will give you the token."

  Qin Feng: "What condition?"

  Tugenev: "After activating the camp wager, include our two villages from North Bear Nation in your Red Faction camp."

  Qin Feng was overjoyed, "No problem!"

  The people of Dragon Nation were even more jubilant. Tugenev's condition was not really a condition; it was simply offering a favor willingly. They didn't know that Tugenev had his eyes on the huge rewards after activating the camp wager. Since he was only at level 8 and couldn't activate it himself, he had to seek Qin Feng's help. This way, both sides could cooperate and benefit, making everyone happy.

  "Oh no! NO! NO!"

  "Darn it! Darn it!"

  "Ah, darn it! Don't do this, darn it!"

  "Mr. Tugenev, are you going against us eight nations? You will regret doing this!"

  At this moment, Mamiya Moto and others wailed, and some even threatened Tugenev. However, Tugenev completely ignored them and directly initiated the trade.

  Soon, Qin Feng received a prompt from the heavens.

  [Reminder: Tugenev from Village 44 has traded a wager token to you free of charge. Please check.]

  Token acquired!

  Ecstatic! Qin Feng felt a burst of joy in his heart.