
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Heavy Casualties in All Countries, Golden Treasure Chest Appears!

  At the same moment, beneath the Ant Gathering Mountain.

  Qin Feng heard the prompt from the heavens and was overjoyed. Just then, another announcement came from the heavens.

  [Reminder: As the initiator of this gamble, all your rewards are doubled!]

  [Congratulations on doubling your reputation reward! Reputation +10!]

  [Congratulations on doubling your gamble reward! Attributes +100 points!]

  [Congratulations on doubling your personal points reward! Attributes +160 points!]

  [Congratulations on doubling your personal points reward! Six silver treasure chests!]

  Damn! Doubled!

  It actually doubled!


  So awesome!

  Qin Feng was ecstatic! This happiness came too suddenly!

  At this moment, a beam of light descended from the sky, landing on him...


  His attribute points surged, increasing by 100 in the blink of an eye. Then, a second beam of light fell!

  His attribute points soared again, increasing by another 160 in an instant! Immediately after, the third beam of light descended...

  Six silver treasure chests, one after another, slowly descended along the beam of light...

  At the same time, Villages 911, 34, and 77 all felt the shock in the sky.

  Beams of white light descended from the sky, landing on everyone. Everyone's attribute points surged, and in an instant, they all gained 50 points of free attributes.

  The three villages erupted in cheers, especially Village 34, which was almost going crazy.

  "50 attribute points! I gained 50 points of attributes!"

  "Haha! I also gained 50 points!"

  "Fantastic! Fantastic! We lost 20 points of attributes before, and now we gained back 50! In the end, we earned 30 points!"

  "Haha! Exciting! Too exciting!"

  "All of this is thanks to Qin Feng saving us!"

  "Qin Feng is like a god-like man!"

  "Wuwu! So moved! I want to recognize Qin Feng as my boss! I want to become Qin Feng's little brother in Village 911!"

  "I want to go too! But how do we get to Village 911?"

  "Don't worry, upstairs! After the novice assessment is over, all novice villages in Area 1 will be able to meet. At that time, we'll be able to see Qin Feng, our boss!"

  "If only it could be like that. Little sister really wants to witness the magnificence of Qin Feng. Just thinking about it makes me so excited!"

  At this moment, the people of Village 34 were filled with gratitude and admiration for Qin Feng.

  At the same time, Village 77 was also in jubilation.

  They also admired Qin Feng to the extreme.

  Unconsciously, Qin Feng gained extremely high prestige in the three major Dragon Nation villages.

  At the same time, in the chat channel of Village 5, Takeda Nobunaga was checking the latest points progress.

  Takeda Nobunaga: "Lord Mamiya, our points have reached 62."

  Lord Mamiya: "Yoishi! Not bad! At this rate, I think I won't even have a chance to commit seppuku. It's truly regrettable!"

  At this moment, Lord Mamiya was feeling a bit floaty. But as soon as he uttered those words, a prompt came from the heavens.

  [Area Announcement: In this camp gamble, the Red Camp has reached 1000 points first! The Blue Camp has failed!]


  The Blue Camp has failed?

  Lord Mamiya was dumbfounded!

  Takeda Nobunaga was also stunned!

  They didn't believe it at all!

  But at this moment, the heavens issued another prompt.

  [Announcement: Village 5 has failed in the gamble, everyone loses 50 points of attributes!]

  [Announcement: Village 5 has failed in the gamble, all resources are reduced by 70%!]


  All of this turned out to be true!

  Damn it!


  Lord Mamiya was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of old blood.

  At this time, the sky shook, and black beams of light descended from the sky.

  The people of Village 5 all had 50 points of attributes deducted.

  Suddenly, in every corner of Village 5, there were miserable screams.

  [Announcement: Novice Yamamoto Taro's attribute points have been deducted to negative numbers, life terminated!]

  [Announcement: Novice Akita Keiko's attribute points have been deducted to negative numbers, life terminated!]

  [Announcement: Novice Fujiwara Naoko's attribute points have been deducted to negative numbers, life terminated!]


  In just an instant, over a hundred people from Village 5 perished on the spot! In the previous gamble, they had already lost 20 attribute points, and this time, they lost another 50 points. With the two losses combined, they were deducted a total of 70 attribute points, causing all those below level 2 to die instantly! Even those at level 2 were left with only a dozen points of attributes. At this moment, the Village 5 chat channel was filled with cries.

  "Oh heavens! I only have 7 attribute points left!"

  "I'm paralyzed! I'm actually paralyzed! Wuwu!"

  [Announcement: Using an adult's body as a standard, a four-dimensional index sum below 10 points will be deemed as paralysis, rendering the individual unable to move.]

  [Announcement: Using an adult's body as a standard, a four-dimensional index sum above 10 points but below 30 points will be deemed a sickly state, with a combat power rating of 0.5 stars.]

  Now everyone understood what had happened, and the wails became even louder. Currently, in Village 5, there were over four hundred people with a four-dimensional sum below 30 points. They had become paralyzed and sickly. Similar scenes unfolded in other blue camp villages. For a moment, curses like 'damn it,' 'goddamn,' and 'ah, damn it' echoed in the sky above the various blue camp villages.

  As attribute points were deducted, many people died on the spot, and many others became paralyzed or sickly. In this way, those who had once insulted the Dragon Nation people as weaklings now found themselves in a weak state. After the deduction of attribute points, in the 24 blue camp villages, numerous mountains, forests, trees, exotic flowers, and strange beasts disappeared out of thin air, resulting in a massive loss of resources.

  The blue camp side was filled with lamentations again. Losing 70% of their resources would make their future days extremely difficult. At the same moment, in Village 911, beneath the Ant Gathering Mountain, Qin Feng had already stored away the six silver treasure chests, temporarily placing them in his storage ring. Suddenly, the Ant Gathering Mountain in front of him started shaking.


  Following that, the entire mountain expanded slowly, extending in all directions. New veins emerged from the ground, and the entire mountain turned three times larger, stretching for over ten miles—a magnificent scale. Resources had doubled! The entire Ant Gathering Mountain was filled with Tier 0 iron ore, a basic resource naturally subject to doubling. In the blink of an eye, the Ant Gathering Mountain expanded to three times its size, becoming incredibly rich. Even if the resources of twenty villages were combined, they wouldn't match a single Village 911.


  At this moment, some crawling sounds were heard in the valley, and Qin Feng quickly followed the noise. Among the dead ant bodies, several half-cut giant ants were struggling to move. They hadn't died completely! Ants, even when chopped in half, were difficult to kill unless their heads were severed. In the previous swarm, it was inevitable that a few ants didn't die instantly. Qin Feng glanced across the scene and saw about seven or eight half-cut ants crawling among the ant corpses. He quickly approached and killed the nearest one.


  [Successfully killed a Level 12 Gold-Eating Worker Ant, gaining +620 energy points.]

  [Your level has increased to Level 10!]

  [Your strength index has increased by 10 points!]

  [Your agility index has increased by 10 points!]

  [Your constitution index has increased by 10 points!]

  [Your energy index has increased by 10 points!]

  [You gained 5 points of free attributes!]

  Huh! Leveled up! Finally leveled up! Haha! Qin Feng was overjoyed.

  [Announcement: Novice Qin Feng has reached Level 10, becoming the first to complete the novice assessment in this village. Reward: one golden treasure chest.]

  This news instantly caused a sensation throughout the entire village! Everyone was incredibly amazed!

  [Announcement: A Level 10 newcomer has appeared in this village. The private chat channel for this village is automatically activated.]

  [Announcement: A Level 10 newcomer has appeared in this village. The village mission, 'Future Village Chief' (D-grade public mission), is automatically activated.]

  Oh! A D-grade public mission was also activated! Qin Feng's eyes lit up.

  Buzz~! At this moment, another beam of light descended from the sky. Following that, a golden treasure chest slowly descended along the beam of light.