
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Soaring Strength, Fourth-tier Items!

  Boom~ Rumble~ Rumble!

  At this moment, in newbie village 911, the sky shook. Beams of white light descended upon everyone. The attribute points of all individuals began to skyrocket, instantly increasing by 20 points of free attributes.

  At the same time, in the level 6 fierce beast area, Qin Feng stood beside a mountain stream. At his feet lay the corpse of the Blue-eyed Giant Tiger. A white light pillar descended from the sky onto his head, boosting his free attributes by 20 points in the blink of an eye.

  Afterwards, a second, thicker white light pillar descended, hitting the top of his head.

  Boom~ Rumble~ Rumble!

  In the blink of an eye, he gained an additional 50 points of free attributes.

  Following that, the third light pillar projected itself. A silver treasure chest descended slowly along with the light pillar. The treasure chest was also in his hands!

  Qin Feng was ecstatic and quickly grabbed the chest...

  Boom~ Rumble~ Rumble!

  Just at that moment, the earth trembled. The entire newbie area began to violently shake. Following that, the ground cracked, streams ceased, mountain ranges rose from the ground, and rivers appeared out of nowhere. Various minerals, trees, exotic flowers, strange grasses, and spirit fruits multiplied exponentially. Even the number of fierce beasts increased by multiples. Fierce beasts were also a type of resource.

  In this way, all the resources in newbie village 911 were doubled!

  At this moment, the chat channel was extremely jubilant.

  "Haha!! 20 attribute points! I gained 20 attribute points!"

  "Haha! I gained too! I gained too!"

  "Oh my god! A giant mountain suddenly appeared in front of me, rising out of nowhere!"

  "Oh no! I was killing a Bloodfang Rabbit, and suddenly another one appeared beside me. Now two Bloodfang Rabbits are chasing me! Waaah!"

  "Haha!! Resources! All of these are resources! The resources in our newbie area 911 have doubled!"

  "Fantastic! It's really fantastic!"

  "We won! We won! We won!"

  "Haha! Qin Feng! Qin Feng! All of this is brought to us by the great Qin Feng!"

  "Qin Feng, I love you!"

  "Waaah~! I'm so excited! Qin Feng, brother, I want to give birth to monkeys for you!"

  "Qin Feng, where are you? I want to follow you!"

  "Qin Feng, boss! Come out and show yourself! I want to find you too!"

  "Ah~! Exciting! Too exciting! Qin Feng, boss! You're electricity! You're light! You're the only myth! I only love you..."

  At this moment, the entire chat channel exploded...

  At the same time, in newbie area 137, a series of announcements appeared.

  [Announcement: In newbie village 911, newcomer Qin Feng has successfully reached level 5, and newbie village 137 loses the resource gamble!]

  [Announcement: All members of newbie village 137, lose 20 points of free attributes!]

  [Announcement: Newbie village 137, all resources halved!]

  Boom~ Rumble~ Rumble!

  The sky shook, and black light pillars fell upon all members of newbie village 137. Everyone's attributes were reduced by 20 points.

  The chat channel was filled with lamentations.

  "Oh my gosh! My attribute points! My attribute points have been weakened!"

  "Oh! God! I also lost 20 attribute points!"

  "Oh God! We actually lost! We actually lost to the people from Dragon Country!"

  "Oh! How could this happen? How could our great Lighthouse Country lose?"

  "It's Qin Feng! It's this detestable person from Dragon Country who reached level 5 first!"

  "No! I can't accept this! Why can this slim Dragon Country person surpass us!"

  "Damn it! It's all Edward's fault! It's all because of him! That cursed vampire!"

  "Edward! You demon! You vampire! Get out here!"

  At this moment, the chat channel in 137 erupted, with each person loudly cursing Edward. Even those who had praised Edward loudly before joined in the accusations.

  Boom~ Rumble~ Rumble!

  Just then, another round of earth-shattering events occurred! In newbie village 137, the earth trembled, and the crust cracked. Countless mountains, forests, trees, exotic flowers, strange grasses, and fierce beasts vanished into thin air, with massive amounts of resources flowing away.

  "Oh God! The river in front of me has disappeared!"

  "Damn it! The wild boar I was about to kill disappeared into thin air!"

  "Oh my gosh! Our resources are decreasing! It's too terrible! This is too terrible!"

  "We don't have enough resources! How are we going to reach level 10? How can we pass the newbie assessment?!"

  "It's all Edward's fault! Damn this vampire!"

  "Oh! Edward! You cursed guy! You should go die!"

  Edward: "You fools! I've noted down your names! Michael! Alexander! Smith! I will suck your blood! Let you meet Satan!"

  "Oh! Did you see that? This detestable vampire is threatening us!"

  "Let's join forces! Let's join forces to kill this vampire!"

  "Exactly! Kill him! We have to kill him!"

  "Oh! My God! I can't stand this vampire's arrogance!"

  "I think Edward is not wrong! I support him!"

  "Oh! Damn it! You should go die with Edward!"

  Madness! Utter madness!

  At this moment, newbie village 137 not only fell into a resource crisis but also faced a crisis of division! It can be imagined that the seven-day newbie assessment would become extremely challenging for them. What awaited them was destruction!

  Several Dragon Country observers, seeing this, all shook their heads.

  Selfishness! Division! Ignorance! Greed!

  These were the characteristics of the people of the Lighthouse Country!

  A country like this was destined to decline!

  [Announcement: The resource gamble has ended, and the chat channels of the two newbie areas are now disconnected and separate.]

  [Announcement: The resource gamble has ended, and the leaderboard channel has returned to normal...]

  Soon, the chat channels of the two newbie areas were disconnected. The leaderboard channel also returned to normal.

  In newbie village 911, cheers erupted again, and everyone was excited...

  At the same time, in that mountain stream.

  Qin Feng looked at the silver treasure chest in his hand with joy on his face. However, he didn't rush to open it. Instead, he crouched down and extracted the corpse of the Blue-eyed Giant Tiger. After a moment, he gained 2 strength attributes.

  After completing these actions, he looked at the silver treasure chest again.

  [Silver Treasure Chest: 98% chance to obtain a third-tier item, 2% chance to obtain a fourth-tier item.]

  Taking a deep breath, he slowly opened the chest.


  A dazzling white light lit up...

  The next second, the chest disappeared, and he held a long knife in his hand.

  Its appearance was similar to a Tang knife, with a long blade, half a foot longer than the Blood Wolf Warblade. On closer inspection, the blade gleamed like flowing water.

  Under the moonlight, it sparkled with a chilling light, exuding a very cool aura.

  [Treasure Chest opened successfully! Obtained a fourth-tier item—Wind Mark Blade!]

  [Wind Mark Blade: Attack +100, Attack Speed +100%, Armor Penetration +30%, Wound Tear +100%.]

  Oh my gosh~!


  It's actually a fourth-tier item!

  Qin Feng was overjoyed.

  To hit the 2% chance of obtaining a fourth-tier item, he was incredibly lucky!


  This time, he struck it rich!