
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Winning the Bet

  Upon entering the chat channel, Qin Feng saw Wu Yong making a statement.

  Wu Yong: "Brothers, let me report the latest progress to you. Liu Xuan just killed a level 3 fierce beast, Ironhide Rhino. His current progress is level 3 (597/600), just a hair away from level 4!"

  "Wow! Liu Xuan is almost level 4! That's amazing!"

  "Liu Xuan, keep it up! We need to surpass Edward! We need to surpass the Lighthouse Nation!"

  "Wu Yong, hurry over! This level 3 fox is too powerful; we're having trouble holding it down!"

  Wu Yong: "Haha! Brothers, hold on! Liu Xuan and I are on our way!"

  "Wu Yong, we've found another level 3 fierce beast, coordinates 547,998!"

  Wu Yong: "Hold it down for now! Once Liu Xuan and I kill that fox, we'll come over and help with the other one!"

  "Alright! You guys, hang in there! We'll keep it pinned down!"

  "Oh no! Oh no! Edward on the other side just killed a level 4 fierce beast, and his experience has skyrocketed!"

  "Wow! What level is he now?"

  "Don't know yet! They're asking their people!"

  Upon seeing this, Qin Feng quickly switched to chat channel 137.

  As soon as he entered the channel, he saw the people from the Lighthouse Nation cheering.

  "Fantastic! Lord Edward is amazing!"

  "Oh! Great Lord Edward! You're the most powerful man in the world! With just your strength, you've killed a level 4 fierce beast; it's truly incredible! I'm willing to spend a night with you!"

  Edward: "Oh! Lady upstairs, when I return victorious, I will grant your wish! I will also offer you the precious 'first embrace'!"

  "Oh! So moved! Lord Baron, I wish I could offer myself to you right now!"

  "Lord Edward, please stop flirting. The people from the Dragon Nation across have already killed two level 3 fierce beasts."

  Edward: "Oh! Really? Why are they killing so quickly?"

  "The Dragon Nation people are united; they're all helping a guy named Liu Xuan, selflessly dedicating themselves."

  Edward: "Oh! That's a frustrating piece of news. What's Liu Xuan's progress?"

  "He's already at level 3 (597/600)!"

  Edward: "Haha!! He's just level 3! I'm already level 4 (520/1200)!"

  "Oh my God! Lord Edward, you've increased your progress by 150 points in one go!"

  "Oh! This is fantastic! Lord Edward, you've left Liu Xuan far behind!"

  "Lord Edward, you're truly magnificent! Our 137 newbie village is sure to win!"

  Edward: "Oh! I will make the Lighthouse Nation great again! Before dawn, I will reach level 5, and you can all await the arrival of glory!"

  "Lord Edward! We look forward to your victory!"

  "Oh! I'm so excited! This time, those weak Dragon Nation people will surely cry on the ground. Their unity now seems so laughable!"

  "Oh my God! History has proven that they are 'sickly'! This time, Lord Edward will once again prove: they are sickly!"

  At this moment, newbie village 137 was completely boiling!

  The people from the Lighthouse Nation were cheering endlessly.

  Many were mocking the Dragon Nation.

  Qin Feng watched with intense anger, silently sneering in his heart.


  You want to reach level 5 before dawn?

  You won't make it to dawn!

  Soon, you won't be laughing!

  With a cold laugh, Qin Feng exited the chat channel.

  Afterward, he quickly cleaned up the battlefield and plunged into the jungle to continue searching for fierce beasts.

  He needed to reach level 5 as soon as possible, delivering a resounding slap to Edward and newbie village 137!

  The night was as dark as ink.

  A crescent moon hung in the sky.

  Qin Feng's figure moved through the jungle, like a solitary king.

  The jungle at night was cold and damp.

  Various scents permeated the air.

  Soon, he caught a whiff of a pungent odor amidst the chaotic scents.

  It was the scent of a fierce beast!

  Qin Feng rejoiced and quickly followed the scent trail.

  With his enhanced sense of smell, ten times that of an ordinary person, he had an extremely strong tracking ability.

  Even with dozens of level 2 and 3 powerhouses assisting Liu Xuan, their efficiency in searching for fierce beasts might not be comparable to his.

  A few minutes later, in a mountain stream, Qin Feng saw a colorful giant tiger.

  Using his True Sight, he knew it was a level 6 fierce beast—the Azure-eyed Giant Tiger!

  Qin Feng was overjoyed and quickly approached the giant tiger...


  The giant tiger was alerted, raised its head, and saw a level 4 human charging towards it.

  It disdainfully roared, leaped across the mountain stream, and rushed toward Qin Feng...

  One man, one tiger, engaged in a fierce battle!

  At the same moment, in chat channel 911, it was already in chaos.

  "Oh my god! Edward's progress is already level 4 (520/1200), and he says he can reach level 5 before dawn!"

  "What the heck! Level 5 before dawn? That's too fast! Liu Xuan, can you reach level 5 before dawn?"

  "Yeah! Liu Xuan, can you level up before dawn?"

  People asked one after another, extremely concerned.

  After a while, Liu Xuan finally spoke up.

  Liu Xuan: "Um... with my current progress, reaching level 5 before dawn is impossible. The soonest would be tomorrow afternoon!"

  As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar among the crowd.

  "Oh no! It's over!"

  "Waiting until tomorrow afternoon, it's already hopeless!"

  "Wu~! Wu! It looks like we're going to lose! I don't want to lose! I don't want to lose 20 attribute points!"

  "Ah! Those bitches from the Lighthouse Nation! Just now, they were mocking us Dragon Nation people as weak. This time, they've got the last laugh!"

  "Screw them! Those idiots from the Lighthouse Nation! It pisses me off!"

  At this moment, the crowd was both angry and helpless.

  Wu Yong: "Don't be pessimistic, everyone! Maybe Edward is just bragging! Until the last moment, we shouldn't give up! Let's keep trying!"

  "That's right! Let's keep trying! Until the last moment, we won't give up!"

  People responded one after another.

  But at this time, an untimely voice popped up.

  Liu Yuan: "Forget it! Even if Edward is bragging, if he doesn't reach level 5 before dawn, he can still reach it by tomorrow morning. We've already lost! I'm done! I'm selling barbecue! Anyone in need, contact me!"

  Wu Yong: "Liu Yuan, if you're not going to help, fine. Is selling barbecue appropriate at this time?"

  Liu Yuan: "Wu Yong! This time, Liu has made no contribution? I've run my legs off to help Liu Xuan find fierce beasts. I thought it was hopeless, so I thought about selling barbecue. Besides, I'm not the only one selling barbecue; Qin Feng is selling barbecue too!"

  Wu Yong: "Qin Feng is not like you. He quietly sells barbecue and doesn't undermine everyone at this critical moment!"

  Liu Yuan: "I'm not undermining. I see no hope, so I'm not doing it. By the way, Qin Feng is also a level 3 expert, right? This time, all of us level 3 experts went to help, but I haven't seen Qin Feng. Where did he go?"

  This reminder made everyone think of Qin Feng.

  "Yeah! I haven't seen Qin Feng!"

  "That guy seems to have disappeared!"

  "For such a big event as the resource gamble, almost every level 3 expert has spoken in the channel. Only he hasn't said anything!"

  "Right! Where did he go?"

  As soon as this was mentioned, a red announcement appeared at the top of the chat channel, exceptionally conspicuous.

  [Announcement: In newbie village 911, newcomer Qin Feng has successfully reached level 5, and newbie village 911 wins the resource gamble!]


  As soon as this message came out, everyone was stunned.

  What the heck!

  Qin Feng reached level 5!

  This is too sudden!

  [Announcement: Congratulations to all members of newbie village 911 for winning 20 points of free attribute rewards!]

  [Announcement: Congratulations to newbie village 911 for winning double resource rewards!]

  [Announcement: Congratulations to Qin Feng! Leading newbie village 911 to win the gamble, gaining 3 reputation points!]

  [Announcement: Congratulations to Qin Feng! Additionally, receiving 50 points of attribute rewards!]

  [Announcement: Congratulations to Qin Feng! Additionally, receiving a silver treasure chest reward!]