
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Continuous Improvement

  Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

  With a casual wave, Qin Feng set off a flurry of blade glows.

  The speed of the blade was frightening!

  Attack Speed +100%!

  It was extraordinary!

  Not bad! Not bad!

  He gently stroked the blade, reluctant to part with it, thoroughly satisfied.

  Afterwards, he stored the Blood Wolf Warblade in the storage ring, replacing it with the Wind Mark Blade. From now on, his equipment underwent a complete transformation.

  Oh, and from this gambling event, he gained 70 free attribute points. Additionally, reaching levels 4 and 5 each granted 5 free attribute points. In total, it amounted to 80 points, and it was time to allocate them.

  After a brief consideration, Qin Feng decided that balanced development was the right path.

  He began assigning points.

  [Attribute points allocation completed! Your Strength index increased by 20 points!]

  [Attribute points allocation completed! Your Agility index increased by 20 points!]

  [Attribute points allocation completed! Your Constitution index increased by 20 points!]

  [Attribute points allocation completed! Your Energy index increased by 20 points!]

  In just a moment, all 80 free attribute points were allocated.

  Qin Feng felt a surge of powerful energy flowing through his body, refreshing and invigorating.

  At this moment, explosive strength filled every muscle, and his skin exuded a metallic sheen, a delightful sensation of becoming stronger.

  This feeling of getting stronger was too wonderful!

  Simultaneously, the latest data appeared in his mind.

  [Occupation]: 1st level Judicator (10/100)

  [Elemental Talent]: Flame Manipulation (D-level)

  [Bloodline Talent]: Bloodline Strengthening (Dragon Blood, E-level)

  [Innate Talent]: Endless Extraction (SSS-level)

  [Skills]: True Sight Eye (1st tier), Beast Control (3rd tier)

  [Combat Power Evaluation]: 14 stars

  Not bad! Not bad!

  The combat power evaluation reached 14 stars.

  Qin Feng's mood was incredibly pleasant.

  At this time, a night breeze blew, the cloak fluttered, exceptionally refreshing.

  His tense nerves also relaxed.

  The gambling event had ended, and it was time for him to unwind.

  Fifteen minutes later, by the mountain stream, a bonfire was set up.

  The two bear paws on top were already sizzling with oil, emitting a fragrant aroma.

  Bear paws were indeed excellent ingredients.

  Before, he had killed three giant bears and kept the bear paws instead of discarding them.

  Next to the bonfire, he set up a stone pot, filled with clear stream water, with fire burning beneath it.

  Eating only meat without drinking water wasn't acceptable.

  The stone pot was improvised, carved from a complete stone on the spot.

  At this moment, Qin Feng sat by the bonfire, a cigarette in his mouth, leisurely watching the chat channel.

  It was lively inside, everyone chatting excitedly.

  "Haha!! This time was too enjoyable! Gained 20 attribute points at once, equivalent to half a level increase. My strength has improved a lot!"

  "Yeah! I'm level 1, and after gaining 20 attribute points, my combat power has risen to 2 stars."

  "Haha! I'm level 2, and now my combat power has risen to 3 stars. If I include my talent, I can hunt level 1 fierce beasts alone, just a bit challenging!"

  "Damn~! Everyone has improved! Our newbie village 911 is mighty!"

  "Upstairs, it's not that we are mighty, it's Qin Feng who's mighty!"

  "Exactly! Without Qin Feng, we wouldn't have won this gambling event!"

  "Yeah! But Qin Feng is too low-key, rarely speaking!"

  "He must be busy; let's not disturb him."

  "True! On another note, there are more fierce beasts now, and everyone's strength has increased. Leveling up should be faster."

  "Right! I'm so excited now! Tonight, I'm going to battle until dawn!"

  "Haha! I'll also battle until dawn. If I don't reach level 3, I won't sleep tonight!"

  "Damn! The newbie assessment is too difficult! We have to reach level 10 in seven days, but I'm only level 1 now, and one day has already passed. Even if I want to sleep, I can't!"

  This statement made many people anxious.


  The newbie assessment is too difficult!

  If they don't reach level 10 in seven days, they will die!

  "The guy upstairs is right! We must level up! Level up! Keep leveling up! I don't want to die!"

  "I don't want to die either!"

  "I still want to enter the top hundred and get a level-up reward!"

  "By the way, everyone's strength has improved. Are there any level 2 experts willing to join me in the level 3 fierce beast area to hunt level 3 fierce beasts? Level 3 fierce beasts have more energy!"

  "I'm in!"

  "I'm going too!"

  "Haha! The bodies of level 3 fierce beasts can be exchanged for 10 pounds of grilled meat from Qin Feng. Grilled meat is in high demand now!"

  "Right, with three bodies of level 4 fierce beasts, you can exchange for a 1st-tier steel knife from Qin Feng. Any level 3 experts willing to team up to kill level 4 fierce beasts? I'm level 3!!"

  "A 1st-tier weapon! That's too tempting. I'm also level 3, count me in!"

  "I'm level 3 too, sign me up!"

  "Damn~! You big shots are going to kill level 4 fierce beasts! So jealous!"

  At this moment, the chat channel was boiling.

  Many level 2 experts were requesting teams to kill monsters in the level 3 fierce beast area. Even some level 3 experts wanted to team up to hunt level 4 fierce beasts.


  Qin Feng watched it all with a smile.

  He welcomed such a situation.

  [Reminder: Liu Xuan used the body of the level 3 fierce beast White Fox to exchange for 10 pounds of grilled meat from you.]

  Oh! More benefits!

  With a thought, a white fox carcass appeared before him in a flash.

  Just as he was about to approach for extraction, he suddenly changed his expression, looking towards the bushes ahead.

  In the dark night, there was a rustling sound in the bushes.

  After a moment, a monstrous wolf, two meters in length with blood-red horns on its head, emerged from the bushes.

  Its bloodthirsty eyes fixed on the giant tiger corpse beside Qin Feng and glanced at the bear paws on the bonfire.

  It was attracted by the smell of blood and the aroma of meat.

  Finally, its gaze shifted to Qin Feng.

  Heh heh!

  A puny level 5 human dared to enter the territory of a level 6 fierce beast!

  Simply seeking death!

  Disdain showed in the monstrous wolf's eyes.

  It completely disregarded Qin Feng.


  A low roar, and it pounced swiftly...

  Qin Feng, cigarette in mouth, smirked slightly. The blade in his hand gleamed.


  A crisp sound!

  Blood splattered!

  With just one stroke, he cleaved the monstrous wolf in half, blood flowing on the ground.

  He sat still, not moving an inch.

  [Killed level 6 Bloodthirsty Horned Wolf successfully, gained +210 energy points.]


  Qin Feng smiled faintly.

  He had anticipated that the smell of the giant tiger's blood and the fragrance of the roasted bear paws would attract other fierce beasts.

  And the reality matched his expectations!

  Just like Jiang Taigong fishing, willing participants took the bait.

  He approached and collected the bodies of the white fox and monstrous wolf.

  He gained 2 points of energy and 2 points of agility respectively!

  Another good harvest!


  Qin Feng kicked the monstrous wolf's corpse into the mountain stream casually.

  The fresh blood from the corpse flowed downstream with the creek...

  This way, the smell of blood would spread far, attracting more fierce beasts.

  Gurgle~! Gurgle~! Gurgle~!

  At this moment, the water in the stone pot began to boil.

  The bear paws on the bonfire emitted waves of meaty fragrance.

  The bear paws were perfectly cooked!

  Qin Feng cut down a bamboo by the mountain stream, took out a section to make a bamboo cup.

  Then, he used the bamboo cup to scoop a cup of hot water from the stone pot.

  Like this, he ate grilled meat and drank hot water.

  The night was beautiful!

  Ink-black, like water.

  Qin Feng enjoyed his food and drink, waiting for more fierce beasts to come.

  His mood was incredibly pleasant!