
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Camp Triumph!

  In just a moment, the white pillar of light disappeared.

  Qin Feng's strength skyrocketed significantly.

  After his joy, he rushed into the ant swarm.

  Boom~ Boom~ Boom!

  At this moment, he transformed into the Flame War God!

  Wherever he went, the giant ants couldn't approach, and the ant sea tactics could no longer form.

  Suddenly, the field was filled with flashing blades and surging flames.

  Crack~! Crack~! Crack~!

  Giant ants fell to their deaths one by one!

  Flashes of energy white light shimmered!

  [Successfully killed level 12 Devouring Gold Worker Ant, gained +8 points, obtained +620 energy points.]

  [Successfully killed level 12 Devouring Gold Worker Ant, gained +8 points, obtained +620 energy points.]

  [Successfully killed level 12 Devouring Gold Worker Ant, gained +8 points, obtained +620 energy points.]

  In this way, Qin Feng slaughtered in all directions!

  Points and energy values skyrocketed all the way!

  The process was incredibly refreshing!

  At the same time, in the chat channel, everyone exclaimed.

  "Wow! Qin Feng is now the Rookie King!"

  "The Rookie King! That title requires a reputation of over 30 points to obtain. I really don't know how Qin Feng did it."

  "Yeah! Reputation is so hard to get! I'm level 4 and don't even have 1 point of reputation!"

  "Exactly! I'm already level 5, and I only got 1 point of reputation by killing a mutated beast!"

  "Damn! Reputation is so hard to get! Qin Feng has over 30 points! He's too awesome!"

  "Qin Feng is a god!"

  "Admiration! Truly admiration!"

  "Little sister admires Qin Feng so much!"

  "Damn! Look at the leaderboard! Qin Feng's points have reached 600!"

  "Wow! Really!"

  "Oh my god! Not just 600 points! It's already 700 points!"

  "So fast! It's really too fast!"

  "Haha! Qin Feng has completely erupted!"

  "So powerful! Really too powerful!"

  "Damn! 750 points!"

  "No, 766 points!"

  "Nonsense! It's already 783 points!"

  "Damn! 800 points! 800 points!"

  "Oh my god! This is too scary!"

  Everyone exclaimed.

  They could no longer describe their own feelings!

  At the same time, Ant 583 gathered at the foot of the mountain.

  Qin Feng was in the midst of a killing spree.

  But at this moment, a message from the heavens came.

  [Reminder: Your personal points have reached 800. If your camp wins, you will receive personal point rewards.]

  [Reminder: When personal points reach 800, the additional rewards change to: 80 attributes, three silver treasure chests!]


  So cool!

  Too cool!

  The rewards have increased again!

  Qin Feng was ecstatic!

  Of course, all these additional rewards would only be eligible for him if he won this gamble.

  To win the gamble, one camp's total points must reach 1000 first.

  Now, the total points of Village 911 have reached 867, just 133 points away from 1000.

  If you add the points of Village 34 and Village 77, it should reach 1000 soon!

  From this, victory is imminent!


  Points! Points!

  I want points!

  I want to win!

  Qin Feng was in a great mood, and his moves were as fast as lightning, with sharp blades and flashing edges.

  Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

  Puff~! Puff~! Puff~!

  Giant ants fell one after another!

  [Successfully killed level 12 Devouring Gold Worker Ant, gained +8 points, obtained +620 energy points.]

  [Successfully killed level 12 Devouring Gold Worker Ant, gained +8 points, obtained +620 energy points.]

  [Successfully killed level 12 Devouring Gold Worker Ant, gained +8 points, obtained +620 energy points.]


  At this moment, the valley was filled with ant corpses, and scorch marks covered the field.

  Of the two hundred ant swarms, only a dozen or so remained after being slaughtered.

  Especially after the death of the Ant Devouring General, the ant swarm lost its backbone.

  Qin Feng displayed his might once again.

  The ant swarm completely collapsed!

  At this point, even the fearless giant ants started fleeing towards the nest!

  Qin Feng wouldn't let them escape and continued to cut them down along the way.

  In no time, he chased them to the entrance of the ant nest.

  At this moment, only the last three giant ants were desperately fleeing into the ant nest, each with extremely fast speed.

  Qin Feng caught up with a swift arrow step and slashed twice in succession.

  Swish~! Swish~!

  [Successfully killed level 12 Devouring Gold Worker Ant, gained +8 points, obtained +620 energy points.]

  [Successfully killed level 12 Devouring Gold Worker Ant, gained +8 points, obtained +620 energy points.]

  Haha! Two more dead!

  Now, only the last one remained.


  Qin Feng took another swift step, catching up with the last one, about to deliver a final blow.

  Just at this moment, a message from the heavens came.

  [Area Announcement: In this camp gamble, the Red Camp has reached 1000 points first! Congratulations to the Red Camp for winning!]


  As this message came out, the entire village erupted in cheers!

  Damn! They won!

  Finally won!

  All the rewards are in hand!


  Qin Feng was ecstatic!

  With a casual swing, he split the last giant ant in half.

  [Successfully killed level 12 Devouring Gold Worker Ant, obtained +620 energy points.]

  Meanwhile, in the No. 77 newbie village, something was happening.

  Among the three Dragon Nation villages, No. 77 was considered the weakest.

  At this moment, the chat channel in the No. 77 village was full of lamentations.

  "Oh no! Zhou Yan has been injured by a level 5 fierce beast and is currently escaping for his life! Brothers, quickly help him!"

  "We are near him! Hurry! Hurry and help him block the fierce beast!"

  "Oh! It's over! It's over! Previously, Lin Yue was also injured by a level 5 fierce beast, and now it's Zhou Yan's turn. How many people in our village can deal with a level 5 fierce beast?"

  "Oh! There's no way! Level 5 humans dealing with level 5 fierce beasts is already a stretch; it's normal for them not to be able to beat level 5 fierce beasts."

  It turns out that Zhou Yan and Lin Yue were both level 5 experts, ranking as the second of the three level 5 powerhouses in the No. 77 village.

  "Now it's bad. Zhou Yan and Lin Yue are both injured, and they won't be able to score. It's so miserable!"

  "It seems that our village only has Yang Yichao, who can score!"

  Yang Yichao was the top expert in the No. 77 village but was only level 5.

  "Oh! Relying solely on Yang Yichao is not enough. It's been three hours, and our village has only scored 8 points in total. The deciding factor is 1000 points! How can we play like this?"

  "It's over! It's over! We are ninety percent sure to lose!"

  "Wuwu! I don't want to lose! I'm only level 1! The total attribute points on my body are only 41. If I lose, I'll be deducted 50 points, and I don't have enough! I'll die!"

  "Oh my god! I'm also level 1, and my total attributes are only 43 points. I don't want to lose either! I don't want to die!"

  "It's over! It's over! If the attribute points are not enough to be deducted, will we turn into a beam of light and die on the spot?"

  "Upstairs, at this point, why are you still making sarcastic remarks!"

  "I didn't make sarcastic remarks! I'm also worried!"

  "Oh! It's all because of Qin Feng! It's that careless guy who led us into this!"

  "Yeah! I also think he led us into this!"

  "Wuwu! What should we do? I'm so scared! I don't want to die!"

  "Upstairs girl, don't cry! If you accidentally die, you can turn into a vengeful spirit and go find Qin Feng!"

  But as soon as this was said, an area announcement echoed through the entire village.

  [Area Announcement: In this camp gamble, the Red Camp has reached 1000 points first! Congratulations to the Red Camp for winning!]


  In the next second, the chat channel completely exploded!

  "Oh my god! We won! Am I hearing it correctly?!"

  "Upstairs! You heard it right! We really won!"

  "How is this possible? How did we win?!"

  At this moment, the heavens issued another announcement.

  [Area Announcement: Congratulations to the Red Camp, including Villages 911, 34, and 77, for winning this camp gamble! Now announcing the ranking of the Red Camp points...]

  Boom~! The crowd was shocked!

  Damn! It's true!

  We really won!


  We really won!

  Instantly, Village 77 erupted in cheers!

  The scene was earth-shattering!

  This happiness came too suddenly!

  Also at this moment, the heavens revealed the points ranking of the Red Camp, displaying it in rows above the chat channel.

  People looked over one after another.

  [Red Camp Points Ranking]

  1st Place: Qin Feng (Village 911), 897 points

  2nd Place: Liu Xuan (Village 911), 21 points

  3rd Place: Long Shan (Village 911), 11 points

  4th Place: Wu Yong (Village 911), 10 points

  5th Place: Gu Ming (Village 911), 9 points

  6th Place: Lei Jue (Village 911), 9 points

  7th Place: Liu Yuan (Village 911), 9 points


  After reading this, everyone was completely dumbfounded, mouths wide open.

  Then, the chat area exploded!

  "Oh my god! That Qin Feng actually scored 897 points!"

  "Is... is this guy even human?"

  "He's a god! He's a god-like man!"

  "Admiration! Truly admirable!"

  "I feel like worshipping him!"

  "Yeah! We misunderstood him before!"

  "Wuwu! Exciting! So exciting! Little sister can finally avoid dying!"

  "Oh my god! Look at this! The top ten rankings are all from Village 911!"

  "Wow! It's really true! My god! Village 911 has 24 people on the list! So many people from their village can score!"

  "Strong! Too strong! Village 911 is too strong!"

  Yang Yichao: "Yeah! Village 911 is too strong! With my 6 points, I can only rank 14th. In their village, I can't even make it to the top ten!"

  At this moment, even the top expert of Village 77, Yang Yichao, came out to speak.

  People were also amazed!

  Village 911 is too powerful!

  Not only did they produce a powerhouse like Qin Feng, but the whole village was full of strong individuals!

  At the same time, Village 34 was also in shock.

  At this moment, they were looking at the points ranking in disbelief.

  Village 34 wasn't much stronger than Village 77.

  They had only four level 5 experts in their village.

  In these three hours, they only scored 15 points.

  The first expert, Liu Zhiyuan, earned 7 points this time.

  But he only ranked 11th on the list and didn't even make it to the top ten.

  Liu Zhiyuan: "Damn! Village 911 is too strong!"

  Liu Zhiyuan was astonished.

  "Liu boss, that Qin Feng guy is the most terrifying!"

  "Yeah! That guy is like a god!"

  "No wonder he only chose three villages! He was confident from the beginning!"

  "In my opinion, he chose us purely out of face since we are all Dragon Nation people. Otherwise, with just Village 911, they could surpass the 24 villages on the opposite side."

  "Exactly! Absolutely!"

  "It seems like we owe Qin Feng a huge favor!"

  "Everyone, the existence of Qin Feng is the example for our Dragon Nation!"

  "And Village 911! Such a village is the village of our Dragon Nation people! Haha!"

  At this moment, Village 34 was cheering.

  Also at this moment, the heavens once again issued a prompt.

  [Announcement: Congratulations to all members of Village 911, 34, and 77, for receiving a 50-point free attribute reward!]

  [Announcement: Congratulations to Village 911, 34, and 77, all resources are doubled!]

  [Announcement: Congratulations to Qin Feng! Leading Village 911 to win the gamble, gaining 5 points of reputation!]

  [Announcement: Congratulations to Qin Feng! Personal points have reached 800, receiving 80 points of attribute reward!]

  [Announcement: Congratulations to Qin Feng! Personal points have reached 800, receiving three silver treasure chest rewards!]...