
Global Slaughter: Awakening of Super Talents at the Start

Here's the translation: "Billions of people across the globe simultaneously descend into a world of celestial slaughter. Countries like Lighthouse Nation, Dragon Nation, and Sakura Island Nation vie against each other! Qin Feng awakens an unparalleled talent right from the start! SSS-level talent—Endless Extraction! He can extract everything! Even gods and demons! [Extraction successful! You have obtained spatial skills!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained time manipulation skills!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in strength attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have gained 100 points in agility attributes!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an A-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have acquired an S-level talent!] [Extraction successful! You have obtained an SS-level talent!] Henceforth, Qin Feng embarks on the path of limitless reaping…"

DaoistAdYzNN · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Joyful Gain from the Wager

  Time flew by!

  In the blink of an eye, two hours had passed.

  At Qin Feng's feet lay more than twenty corpses.

  Thirteen corpses of level-3 ferocious beasts, eleven corpses of level-6 ferocious beasts...

  Those level-6 ferocious beasts were the ones he had slain!

  The corpses of level-3 ferocious beasts were obtained through trades.

  He had already extracted all of them, reaping a bountiful harvest.

  At this moment, he held a cigarette in his mouth, silently watching the corpses scattered on the ground.

  It had been quite some time since any ferocious beasts had arrived.

  It seemed that he had nearly wiped out the ferocious beasts in this area, and it was time for him to move on.

  Speaking of which, there were a total of five types of level-3 ferocious beasts.

  He had reached the extraction limit for four of them, leaving only one missing, the White Fox.

  As for level-6 ferocious beasts, there were only four types. He had already reached the limit for three of them, with only two missing for the Night Owl.

  Originally, he had planned to go to the level-7 ferocious beast area after completing the extraction of level-6 ferocious beasts.

  Now, it seemed unnecessary to wait.

  No Night Owls had appeared in this area for half a day, so he had to find another place.

  In this bet, the Heavenly Dao had opened up map rewards from level 1 to 10 and also unlocked the ferocious beast compendium from levels 1 to 10.

  Of course, the compendium only included introductions to ordinary ferocious beasts, without information on mutated or king-level ones.

  Thanks to the ferocious beast compendium, he knew that there were five types of level-3 ferocious beasts and four types of level-6 ferocious beasts.


  Qin Feng leisurely exhaled a puff of smoke and flicked the cigarette butt into the fire pit.

  He checked his level progress: Level 5 (2570/3000).

  Level 6 was not far away.

  Then, he looked at the leaderboard.

  [Rankings of Newbie Village Level]

  1st: Qin Feng, Level 5

  2nd: Liu Xuan, Level 4

  2nd: Longshan, Level 4

  3rd: Wu Yong, Level 3

  5th: Gu Ming, Level 3

  6th: Lei Jue, Level 3

  7th: Yu Wen, Level 3


  Not bad! Not bad!

  After two hours, Liu Xuan and Longshan both reached Level 4.

  Twenty-one people reached Level 3.

  Without exception, all those in the top hundred were at Level 2.

  It was evident that everyone was making an effort.

  Qin Feng felt quite pleased.

  After the resource bet incident, he realized that there might be similar situations in the future.

  On Blue Star, there were quite a few countries with ill intentions toward the Dragon Nation.

  Thinking about this, he switched to the chat channel.

  It was already late at night, but the channel was still lively.

  The diligence of the people of the Dragon Nation was evident.

  At this point, Qin Feng directly sent two messages.

  Qin Feng: "Starting now, I will only purchase the corpses of level-3 ferocious beasts, the White Fox. Stop purchasing the corpses of other level-3 ferocious beasts."

  Qin Feng: "Continue purchasing the corpses of level-4 and level-5 ferocious beasts. Reminder to everyone, the quantity of Tier 1 refined steel knives is limited, first come, first served!"

  "Wow! Qin Feng has spoken!"

  "Wow! An idol! I'm so excited to see Qin Feng!"

  "Oh my god! Qin Feng, do you only need the corpses of level-3 White Fox? You don't want the corpses of other level-3 ferocious beasts?"

  "Sob~! Sob~! I was thinking of killing another level-3 ferocious beast to exchange for some grilled meat with you! I didn't expect you wouldn't need it anymore!"

  "Upstairs, Qin Feng made it clear. He currently needs the corpses of level-4 and level-5 ferocious beasts. Let's go hunt level-4 ferocious beasts!"

  "Haha! Upstairs, our group has already killed two level-4 ferocious beasts. As long as we collect one more corpse of a level-4 ferocious beast, we can exchange it for a Tier 1 steel knife from Qin Feng!"

  "You guys are so efficient! Our group spent half the day and only managed to besiege one level-4 ferocious beast!"

  "Oh my god! You big shots are too awesome! You can even hunt level-4 ferocious beasts!"

  Qin Feng felt pleased when he saw this.

  These people had already hunted level-4 ferocious beasts.

  That would save him a lot of time.

  At this moment, in the chat channel, the profile picture of a man flickered.

  It was a middle-aged man with an elegant demeanor named Gu Ming.

  Qin Feng had a deep impression of him.

  This person had consistently ranked in the top five on the level leaderboard.

  Gu Ming: "Qin Feng, I just hunted a level-2 mutated ferocious beast and obtained a black iron treasure chest. I opened it and got a Tier 1 item—Resource Bet Token!"

  As soon as this message was posted, the chat channel erupted.

  "Wow! Resource Bet Token!"

  "Good stuff! Good stuff!"

  "Gu Ming, sir, activate the bet token! Let's have another resource bet with other newbie villages!"

  "Yeah! I really want to have another resource bet! That way, we can get another 20 points of attributes, doubling our resources again!"

  "Haha! That hits the spot! The last time was so exciting; I really want to do it again!"

  "Upstairs, be cautious! What if we lose?"

  "Haha! In our village, we have Qin Feng, can we lose?"

  "Gu Ming, sir, when you mention the Resource Bet Token, do you mean to tell everyone that you're going to activate it?"

  Gu Ming: "No. Using this token has special requirements. I can't use it. I want to trade this token with Qin Feng, along with the novice short sword I have in hand."

  Seeing this, Qin Feng became curious.

  Qin Feng: "What kind of trade?"

  Gu Ming: "I want to use this token, along with the novice short sword in my hand, to exchange for a Tier 1 refined steel knife. What do you think?"

  Seeing this, Qin Feng smiled.

  For him, this trade was quite profitable.

  The attack power of a Tier 1 weapon generally ranged from 5 to 8 points. His Tier 1 steel knife only had +5 points of attack, making it one of the more mediocre Tier 1 weapons.

  But for these newcomers, it was still tempting.

  Allowing him to exchange this steel knife for a Resource Bet Token, plus a novice short sword, was very cost-effective.

  Qin Feng: "Sure! However, you need to add the corpse of that mutated ferocious beast."

  Gu Ming: "No problem! The corpse is yours! I'm really grateful, Qin Feng!"

  Gu Ming was overjoyed, his tone filled with excitement.

  Qin Feng: "Let's go to the interspatial trade channel!"

  Gu Ming: "Okay!"

  Immediately, the two switched to the trade channel.

  Soon, they completed the trade.

  Qin Feng took out the acquired items.

  A token, a novice short sword, and a ferocious beast corpse.

  The token was entirely black, not made of gold or iron, covered in strange runes; it was the Resource Bet Token.

  [Resource Bet Token: Appears only once in each newbie village. Only the highest-level player in the village has the qualification to activate and use it.]

  Seeing this, Qin Feng understood why Gu Ming sold it to him.

  [Reminder: After the token is activated, if the village wins, the rewards for the activator are doubled. If the village loses, the penalties for the activator are doubled.]


  So the rewards and penalties for the activator are doubled.

  In other words, if the bet is lost, other villagers will lose 20 attribute points, but the activator will lose 40 points.

  In that case, Edward is in trouble!

  Thinking of this, Qin Feng couldn't help but smile.

  However, if they win, the rewards for the activator will also double.

  This doubling is not only for the 40 attribute points but also for the additional 50 attribute points awarded if the activator leads the village to victory, making it 100 points.

  Good stuff!

  This token is definitely a good item!

  Qin Feng was secretly pleased.

  This token was perfect for him.

  He couldn't wait to activate the Resource Bet once.

  [Reminder: Wu Yong used three level-4 ferocious beast corpses to exchange for your Tier 1 refined steel knife.]

  [Reminder: Hu Neng used the corpse of a level-3 ferocious beast, White Fox, to exchange for 10 pounds of grilled meat.]

  [Reminder: Wu Yong used a Tier 0 novice short sword to exchange for 10 pounds of grilled meat.]

  Just then, a series of reminders came from the Heavenly Dao.

  One good thing after another!

  Qin Feng was delighted and quickly took out those ferocious beast corpses.

  He had attracted another fruitful harvest...