
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 27: Win

At the Human Town,

Elsa and Shin take a turn searching and doing a mission, although Shin can't take a mission because she is a new reincarnation, she can help Elsa to search and finish the mission.

"Hehehe, sister Shin looks, we already finish another mission.", Elsa looks at the notification that appeared as the F Rank mission has finished.

"Yeah, the master said we can accept all missions from low to high, especially low missions like F mission as this is a requirement to upgrade our Guild later.", said Shin.

"Yes, that's right, I wonder what is Vaness doing right now? Do you know about it, sister Shin?", Elsa while wondering about Vaness's situation.

"...", Shin was silent.

"Sister Shin?", Elsa who got no answer call Shin again.

Then Elsa looks at Shin's face which easy going and peaceful before, now becomes terrifying just like a beast who got angered by something especially her aura got berserk that people around immediately take distance from them.

"What's wrong, Sister Shin!?", Elsa seeing this immediately shouted toward Shin.

Shin this time wakes up but her face is still not good, then she looks at Elsa with a complicated face, "Sister Elsa, I am sorry, but..."

After all, Shin knows Elsa's relationship with her master is so good. No, it can be called a couple already because Elsa herself tells her about her relationship with her master.

Shin who knows about this can't bear to tell Elsa, the news about Vaness's death, but she knows she can't hide this matter for a long time so she decided to tell Elsa about it.

"Master, he is..", Shin said with difficulty.

"Vaness?? What's wrong with Vaness?", Elsa hearing this immediately got panicked and grab Shin's hand tightly, but she didn't realize her magic subconsciously got leak out and Shin's hand also got frozen a little bit along with it.

"Master ... he is dead.", Shin finish her words.

"...", Elsa immediately got silent and the surrounding aura started to get cold like ice as her magic start to out of control.

Shin who sees this tries to wake Elsa up but suddenly she got feedback that her master is alive or goes back to live.

"Sister Elsa!! Master, he is going back to live.", Shin said excitedly to Elsa and also tried to wake her up try not to do something crazy.

"Go back to life? How?", Elsa at this time also got calmed down and instantly looked at the Shin.

"I don't know myself. Maybe master has some kind of skills that can bring him back to life or get saved by someone else?", Shin also got confused by this phenomenon.

"Go back to life? Go back to life... Go back to life... I think I have heard Vaness talk about this before... hmmm... yes, I remember now, he once told me that he has a bloodline that makes him immortal as long as he is dead, he will immediately get resurrection on the spot without any limitation.", Elsa remembers that Vaness told her about his skill and including bloodline when at the Reincarnation Dimension, so as she doesn't have to worry about him.

"Ressurection? Without any limitation?? It is so powerful, right? As expected from my master.", Shin got surprised when she hears such information about her master through Elsa which makes her admire her master more.


The Black Spider gnawing Vaness with excitement and blushes appear on its face, just like it very much enjoys the luxury and delicious that she never tasted in her life.

After a while, 'Vaness' is just leftover and the Black spider who satisfy with her meal turns her back and wants to go back to her place.

But suddenly, just as she was taking a few steps suddenly her body fall as her legs got separated from her body.

"Hisssss.", The black spider screamed in pain and excitement.

"Hehehe, as expected from Black Spider of Calamity is so cruel. She is almost left with none of my body parts as she eats to relieve her hunger", as the black screaming in pain she heard a human voice that she kill and eaten before.

The black spider hear this turn her body and backed away as soon as her legs got regenerate. Then there, she sees a human that she eats before standing without any part of his loss, nor any injuries, just as good as new.

This makes Black Spider surprised and in her mind thinking, 'Is he really human?'

After her hunger got a little bit relived she is now can thinking other things than eating alone.

As the black spider is in a daze, Vaness tries to use Great fireball and see if it is effective against her then he starts chanting.

"Great Fireball", Vaness finishes his chant and shoots out a fireball using Magic that she got from shield using devour before, so this fireball is more bigger and powerful than the former reincarnation used.

The black spider who go into a daze suddenly woke up as the fireball got close to her, but when she was about to dodge, it is already too late.


The Black Spider got hit by a fireball, but it just caused a little bit of crack on its body, and not only that she also ate the residual of the fireball.

With that, her body got healed more quickly. Vaness looking at this speechless, "Well, looks like we got another meat shield later after I recruit her."

Then Vaness see a black spider rush up to his side, but Vaness looking at this didn't do anything except smile at her.

The Black spider who sees this feels bad in her heart and she immediately jumps up but it is too late as her legs once again got chopped.

The black spider falls to the ground, as she is powerless to fight this human who uses an unknown means to attack her without her knowing about it, Vaness also looks at this satisfaction.

But what he didn't know this masochist black spider got excited as she was blushing at her black face.