
glimpse of trust

yue_xingxing_357 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

ch 15

in the office, he took out the old man phone and called Lin xiang, due to his phone being untraceable so unfortunately can not be hacked.

" yes father?"

" Hi Lin xiang"

" Huan qingji?"

" yeah"


" i sended him in a bullet train to hell, don't worry it was a free ticket"


" but you didn't ask about your mother"

" why do i has to worry about that sl*t"

" wow indeed a clone of his father, anyway i sended you two videos, and you know what i want, i know that you recorded me many time while gang rape me so send them all in 2 hours or i will make you regret"

then he closed up.

after 2 hours the record was sended

seeing only one, he messages him " only one?" and was answered by " yes with every date in the title of it".

At that time he was unconscious so he wanted to see what they did to him.

( 18+ this will be torture and rape so you were warned)










A black screen then day 1 in the title of it, later it changed to that bedroom.

huan qingji was dragged by two men, followed by others.

they throw him in the bed and three holded him down, and one said " this is a new drug and it is used for animals to go in heat, so let is try it being overdose in human"

then one injected him and the ones holding him left him on the bed.

after half a hour

he started moan and a man came and grabbed his chin, pinching it " beg for it, say ' master fuck me to death'"

" master, fuck me to death"

then that man jumped at him and tear his clothes while he took off his then he took another

one of these sexual drugs which was a cream and emptied all in his asshole and another one on his chest.

after few minutes, he entered him

" ahhh, stop it hurts"

" do you want master to stop and take out his dick" then he hitted a sensitive spot that made him moan

" no master more, brutal and faster"

" you asked for it not me"

then another man came " do you want more"

" yeah more more"

" how greedy, boys let satisfy this greedy slut"

soon it became three for a session, one in mouth, one with his chest and other in his ass, and two others for another session in another position , then five together and like this 7 sessions in 3 hours, the room became covered with blood and semen then all men leave and the young man will be in the bed full of semen and blood.

2nd day the same but they brought sex toys

3rd day the same but more sex toys

4th day the mastrubate in front of his face

5th day made him drink a bowl of semen of all of the 11 guys.

6th day Lin xiang join in

7th day when he leave.


seeing all this made huan qingji get very angry that nerves are going to come out.

" hahaha, since you want to be master, i will show you who is it.

then he called " i want these 11 guys, catch them and put then in some basement i want to torture them and i want you to find for me 51 gangster or criminal that adore sex"

" yes boss as you order"

" good do it"

it was midnight and it was time to sleep but he couldn't every time he went, he will have nightmares so he begin suffering from insomnia so he took medication and go to sleep.

so at 2 am he took medications and went to sleep