
glimpse of trust

yue_xingxing_357 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

ch 16

At 6 am he wake up, changed his clothes and went to his office, where he ordered for the breakfast and at 7 am he went to a meeting with mafia gang in Country N.

he left with a plane and arrived their after couple of hours.

in 12pm he went to the restaurant where the meeting will occur in.

he met with two country N mafia bosses and the deal was about guns transaction, but one was accepted but the other was soon broken.

As they were eating in front of each others

" i didn't expect that a big mafia boss is such young and more beautiful than an angel, nice to meet you my name is Liam "

" me too i didn't expect that a big italian boss is an flirty type, i am impressed, and nice to meet you, my name is huan qingji"

" what a beautiful name as his owner"

" thanks for the compliment but i had work to do"

" ok, so as decided i will give you the weapons and you pay the money which is 13 million dollars"

" of course i will pay it, but i want nothing missing or malfunction."

" yeah for sure, but i want to show you a place"

" oh where?"

" a special one"

they left the restaurant and he followed liam car with his with telling his secret 5 snipers to focus and be on the move.

they stopped and went with liam inside and liam went to the manager and said " the special room"

" it is ready sir"

then liam told him to enter only so he ordered his guards to stop and went in to see a bed and all kind of s*x toys on the wall.

then liam gave him a clothes to wear this he wore them to see what he want.

due to the excessive gym training and always on move job also the need for fighting skills also being in his 30s made him look very handsome which makes his subordinates surprised when at that time he went insane torturing handsome men while he himself is more handsome than them but luckily to them that he stopped and is controlling his insanity so that he stop torture others for his enjoyment.

The clothes he wear, where tight and revealing which made him look more sexy than ever.

then he meet with liam wearing a sexy rabbit outfit.

At that time he only has one wish which is to crash his eyeballs

then he put a hand on his forehead, soothing it.

" and?"

then he gave him a whip and kneeled on the bed with his ass raised up " hit me daddy"

and he did it.

in the room, one was moaning and one looked like his soul came out of his body.

after few minutes

" so is it enough"

" yeah... oof...i wanted to try it but i waited for a good candidate to do it for me"

then he got up and smack his hand on huan qingji " thanks man"

" welcome, so change ? and leave?"

" yeah"

they changed and left the room then liam told his goodbyes and left

" boss what did you do in the room"

" it is better to not say it nor remember it"


" simply i met a masochist"

" oh are youvalive boss"

" it seems like it"

"anyway we have another meeting"

" but i wish it is a sadistic now"

" no master"

" good"

" it is a pervert"



he arrived to the destination place.

As usual eat and talk a little and finish everything

faster than usual, but as they walking while talking that middle age man caressed his neck in flirty way.

feeling the touch of skin on his neck, snatched his sanity and he twisted the middle age man neck.

" oh he is died and here i am trying to stay sane, ahh what a bad luck"

then he call a subordinate " take care of them all"

" as you order"

soon they destroyed another gang