
glimpse of trust

yue_xingxing_357 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

ch 14

The second step of revenge started

Huan qingji traced Lin Xiang's father and caught him with all his family only Lin Xiang was missing but he did not mind after leaving the dessert for later, now start with the big meal.

he orders some members to catch them and he wants them all alive since he wants to enjoy themselves with everyone, no one can escape even the baby must be punished for being his child.

he was in the office, talking with his assistant who was peng's sister, that young man who helped him in escaping but was killed in front of him so he told his sister everything and she never blame him since it was her brother's decision and he wanted to repay him even her, she owowesim if it were not for him she will be dead by the fever or even starve to death.

so she request to be his assistant, she could repay to him without being dangerous also she got hacking skills so she could be useful, she even teaches him daily how to hack and he is learning by himself too, and since Huan qingji doesn't want to put her in dangerous after all her brother was killed for him so he doesn't his sister to die for him too.

he received a call from one of the members that they caught them.

hearing this get him excited but he signaled to her, then she came and hacked their phones, making sure what they said was correct, he took his coat with keys and left.

after the accident, he rarely trusts anyone only this young woman and Fu Zhen as for others he doesn't.

he went to his car and went to the destination to find them all kneeling, the place the members took them was an abandoned farm.

Lin Xiang's father saw Huan qingji he cursed and when he walked in front of him, the old man who was kneeling and looked up at huan qingji face " ha? didn't your a$$ already full with s€m€n so why are you here?"

" to full yours?"

" huh?!"

then huan qingji looked at one of the members and told him to hold this man when he finish with the others he will take care of him, maybe seeing his family tortured, he may go nuts which is more exciting.

he first brought his wife and shot a couple of bullets until she was killed also every one of her children.

then his other mistress was killed by multiple of knife wounds and her children too.

then he went to Lin Xiang's mother Lin Mian

he lowered and looked at her.

" it is not my fault, blame your son who created a monster"

then made injected her with the same drug they used on him, he wanted to observe every action he did then he called some of their family guards.

(18+ here so everyone younger will receive a bonk on his head)




at first she took off her clothes and jumped to one of the guards, at first he resist but feeling the cold gun hole on the back of his head with huan qingji, he stopped then Lin Mian took off his clothes.

at that time huan qingji told a member to bring a chair for him and when it was brought, he took it and sat, watching the whole show.

and he took his phone and started recording.

she took his dick and started stroking it and circled his head, then she sat on his body, raised her ass and hold his dick and directed it to her pussy and push it in. feeling the cold thing entering her hot body due to the drug made her moan then she sat on it, which made it enter deep inside of her, caressing her walls made her shiver then he started going up and down but soon she stopped, she still hot, she is greedy for more. still inside of her she extended her hand to one of the near guards to come to her.

" take off your clothes and go to her"

soon he did what he was ordered and went to her.

" do as she wants"

she grabbed his dick and started taking it, following where she wanted, he ended behind her then she pointed his dick to her ass and push it in.

feeling one more sensation made her moan harder.

" stop being like a statue, move, fuck her very hard, I want to her scream"

they did want he asked.

one hold her waist push in and out of her and the other caught both of her thighs push in and out of her ass.

soon moans and groans appeared.

" more and harder, do you fuck like this?"

then the position changed to both of them standing while fucking her, playing with her breasts and sucking them, biting her collar and neck also kissing her.

" you, take off your clothes and join it, in her mouth"

then it became, one in the ass, one on the vagina, and one the mouth

" emm perfect foursome but more"

he pointed to the other four " you go, take off your clothes all of you and two for the breasts and one extra in her pussy and the other in her ass"

soon it became ninesome and higher groans and moans were emitted " release inside of her" by this semen started falling from both of her holes.

then the old man spoke " hahaha are you doing the same what happened to you, but they were 11, not 8"

he glare at the old man " I know that but what impresses me is you could too but actually, they were 12 do not forget your son"

" you bitch do not dare to mention my son"

" Indeed you are crazy, your wife and two mistresses are dead with 7 daughters and you never said a word so now when it comes to your son you are all up, getting angry and making drama"

" he is a male, he is my heir so he is more useless than these whores"

" wow indeed, an apple doesn't fall far from the tree as father as son one is trasher than the other"

then huan qingji signaled for more so that it became 13 but soon she stopped moving, she died during sex.

then he stopped recording, stood up, and started another one and he throw the old man

" do the same, as you did with her"

" you bitch leave me, do not dare"

soon they injected him with a drug

" double it, make him crazier "

soon another session begins and a more brutal

one then two then three then four then five in his ass and one on his dick, two on his breast and two in his mouth while stroking two by his two hands then they all released and he became fully covered in semen and in the middle of 2nd session he died too.

" good" huan qingji, stood up and stop recording then raised his hand which is a signal then gun shots were sounded, all guards were killed and they left, but before leaving they burn the place out.