
Gift From God

All I ever wanted was to be a mother but Shawn was never ready. Sometimes I feel as if he was cheating on me but I would never ask. I just stayed home as he wanted me to and be his little housewife but I've had enough of being his housewife.

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13 Chs

Chapter 4

Beyonce Pov

It was now going on 9:00 and I was waiting for my bestfriend and nephew to show up any minute now. I've thrown up at least twice since our phone call and I was starting to worry for myself. What the fuck was going on. I heard the doorbell ring and knew it was her so I tried to quickly make my way down the stairs with my child hot on my trails.

"Baby be careful coming down the stairs ok"

"Ok mommy"

"Make sure you hold the rail," I say while looking back at her to make sure she could actually reach the railing.

We eventually made our way down opening the door for our guests.

"Well it took you long enough bey," she say smartly walking inside with a cute little Titan following.

"Hey tt," he says opening his arms widely for me to hug him and I did getting an unexpected response from Laila.

"My mommy" Laila said while folding her arms.

Aww someone's jealous.

"Baby this is my nephew Titan, he's not trying to take me away I promise," I say while caressing her cheek.

"Yeah I'm a nice boy," he says while smiling at Laila making her smile.

I put him down and watch him try and get her to warm up to him, he's such a little gentleman. That's one thing I can say my best friend did right and that's raise this young king. Speaking of this heffa where the hell she done went.

"Kelly," I call out walking away from the kids.

"In the kitchen," she answers back.

Oh wow, so much for wanting to see me. I went into the kitchen seeing her sitting at the island eating cookies.

"Hey bestie," she says with her mouth full.

"Omg you know I hate when you do that," I say while laughing knowing she did it on purpose.

"Yea yea, she's beautiful bey," she says referring to Laila.

"Yea I know but you didn't even properly meet her yet"

"What you mean? I went straight to her as soon as you opened the door you were too focused on tman to notice" she say while rolling her eyes.

"uh uh cut the attitude because I ain't ask for it"

"Sir yes sir" she says while stuffing another cookie in her mouth.

"Anyways what have you been up to, it's rare that we ever have time for each other"

"I know right, I miss our girl time, but I've taken a break from traveling so I could spend more time with my son, his father and I have been at each other's neck ever since I've been back, things just aren't the same anymore," she says sighing and pushing away the cookies.

"Is it sex?" I ask curiously.

"That too, we barely have any sometimes I feel like he looks at me in disgust," she says while putting her head down.

"Aw, no best come here," I say while embracing her as a few tears fell down her face. "Kels it's not you, I promise, something is really wrong with him," I say while trying to calm her in case the kids came in.

"For weeks he had me thinking something was wrong with me," she says pulling away sadly.

From our phone call I would've never known all this. She completely led me to believe she was ok. We were kind of in the same situation except I was happy to be away from Shawn and we didn't have a child in the middle of our situation.

"You and my nephew are always welcome over here if you ever need a break from all the tension in the household plus me and Laila could use the company," I say while smiling making her smile.

"Thanks best I love you so much now enough of me what's going on with your life you have the beyhive going crazy, some of the memes are funny though, a lot actually. Some people approve of you 'cheating' on him" she says.

"Well first off I didn't cheat, he called himself trying to fix our marriage by coming clean but it was too late my mind was already made up but since he was being honest I wanted to milk the situation and get all the information I could. He apologized for putting his hands on me and everything else but then that's when I started asking questions and he told me he was fucking a new artist named Ashley that he had signed and that it took three times for him to realize that he couldn't keep cheating on me and cut it off and dropped her from his label" I say while shaking my head at the situation.

"Well, why he lying on you if he the one going crazy and what the fuck you mean he put his hands on you," Kelly said getting loud.

"I told him I cheated to make him mad and he left and hasn't been back since, probably out cheating and it wasn't anything too serious I just made it a big deal because I just don't love him anymore and I want out, yea it hurts that he cheated while I loved him but now it's starting to not even bother me if I'm being completely honest."

"Well damn bey, you need to drop a new album talking like that, it's what the women need, FUCK THESE TRASHY ASS MEN, some women can't get to the point you're at and they might need a lil encouragement with letting go of the toxic ass nigga they with," she says getting hype.

She is always supportive of my music, sometimes I wish she became just as successful as I became. She truly deserves it but the industry doesn't see it and that's a talk for another time.

"Actually that's exactly what I might do, I don't know what I would name it though," I said in thought.

"Why not Lemonade"

"Why would I name it that kels," I ask confused.

"Simple bad things can be good, and good things can be bad. Lemons can be good and they can be bad it's all about how you use them the same for relationships. Except for the fact that you aren't using each other, you're seeking what's best for each other even if it means walking away" she says while nodding like she just said some deep shit which she did, I understood what she meant.

"I guess I'm making an album call Lemonade," I say cheesing.

The beyhive would have to thank kels for this one because she thought of it.

"Them kids really quite"

"What kids, oh shit my baby," I say getting up to check on her as kelly laugh from the kitchen.

They both were in the living room fast asleep on the sofa. I guess I did lose track of time.

Kelly Pov

I can say I'm truly surprised. I thought I would be coming over to a heartbroken best friend and she seems to be doing better than I am.

"Come on let's bring them upstairs, we're spending the night," I say going to pick up my Titan.

He was good and tired which made me wonder what they were up in here doing. We both made our way to a guest room with two beds and tuck both of them in. I was glad for once he wasn't screaming and crying trying to avoid bedtime which his father always let him get away with, he's always undermining my authority. We both silently made our way to her bedroom and got comfortable.

"Bey give me some clothes so I can shower, I had a long day," I say while sprawling out across her bed making her laugh but get up to get me some clothes.

She came back with a long Tupac shirt and it would just have to do. While showering I zone out because the water was so comforting that it engulfed me and my thoughts. Next thing I know the bathroom door is being busted through with a running bey holding her mouth. Concern I quickly got out wrapping a towel around me and walking over to her. She was clearly throwing up so I just went to hold her hair and rub her back.

"It's ok bey get it all out," I say giving her encouraging words.

She finishes and silently went to brush her teeth. I hop back in the shower and quickly wash off so I could find out what was going on with her. I dry off and throw on the shirt that bey had given me and walk over to the bed to see her back facing me. I got in cuddling her and immediately she broke down rolling over with her face in my chest.

"Hey talk to me bey, what's wrong, why are you crying hun," I ask while holding her in my arms.

"I think I'm pregnant kels, I don't want to have his baby," she says crying even more.

PREGNANT, whew child.

"Hey don't think of it like that, look you're having your first child, you've always wanted to have kids bey," I say wiping her tears away.

"Second child and I don't know kels I wouldn't want him in my child's life, he already disrespected Laila for absolutely no reason at all, which is sad," she says while sighing.

"Well I'm here, and I'll be here every step of the way ok," I say while lifting up her head.

"Ok," she smiles.

Beyonce Pov

I'm pregnant, I'm really pregnant, but my best friend was right I couldn't think negative about this. I'm a soon to be mama of two.

"Kels how are you gonna be here every step of the way if you have a home to go to," I ask curiously.

"If he wants to see Titan he can come to get him," she says simply.

I love my best friend, she's always proving how down she is and this time I actually need her I've never given birth before. The thought scares the living shit out of me. I was so in my thoughts I didn't notice that she had fallen asleep. I guess I should do the same, who knows what's going down tomorrow and I need all my energy. Something I seem to be losing day by day, maybe it's apart of the whole pregnant thing.