
Gift From God

All I ever wanted was to be a mother but Shawn was never ready. Sometimes I feel as if he was cheating on me but I would never ask. I just stayed home as he wanted me to and be his little housewife but I've had enough of being his housewife.

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13 Chs

Chapter 3

Beyonce Pov

I didn't cheat on him I just wanted him to hurt as much as I was, to feel all the pain that my heart was feeling, him confirming that he cheated was all I needed. I heard the front door slam shut so I'm guessing he went for a drive. My head was seriously pounding and my eyes felt like they were about to fall out so I took like four naproxen. Laila was still sleeping so instead of watching Greenleaf I grab my laptop and search up ways and legal actions that I could take to become Laila's parental guardian. I was searching everywhere but none of the information I was coming across made sense.  All I kept seeing was "Can you enroll a homeless child into school?" which by the way you can which is something I didn't know. I close the laptop because it was becoming useless and I was already mad so why get even madder. I laid down next to Laila and my heart skipped a beat, she is so beautiful and became the sunshine to my world in just one day. I would do anything to make her happy and she would definitely be experiencing a new life, one fit for a kid. I heard the downstairs door open again but I didn't hear anything but footsteps coming up the steps.

"Momma?" I call out just to make sure nobody ain't break in my damn house. The beyhive crazy as hell and I put nothing past them

My room door open and it was her but she was still quiet which was weird.

"Momma, you alright? why you not saying anything?" I ask while sitting back up.

"Baby have you seen the blogs? apparently Shawn was in the car driving and made a video crying saying that you cheated on him" she says while looking at Laila laying on my bed.

"Momma I didn't cheat on that man, he cheated on me and had the nerve to admit that it wasn't just once but three times, I was hurt and I was mad so I said I cheated just to get back at him. I can't believe he would take it to social media he knows how much I love my privacy." I say now standing and pacing my room.

"Well baby what are you gonna do, everyone is going crazy about the whole situation," momma said while sitting down the bags and pulling out an outfit to put on Laila.

"I'm not gonna say anything right now if things are crazy, they won't believe anything I have to say if I respond immediately. So I'll wait, and maybe plan an interview with one of my trusty friends or drop an album about it, either way, I'm only worrying about legally making Laila my daughter at the moment. I think I wanna change her name momma." I say immediately smiling at the change of subject.

"Well baby you might have to take it to court, don't prolong the wait neither because they might question how you really got her, and why you waited so long," she says while pulling the dress over Laila's head.

"I didn't really know that was an option but I'll set up a meeting with Judge Judy I know she's understanding enough to see that I genuinely love Laila," I say hopefully.

I grab my phone and let my assistant know to set up the meeting and to find me some good home interior designers so I could give Laila her own room. My mom left and it was back to being just me and Laila. She slowly starts to wake up and I was happy, I love our little conversations. Snuggling into me she looks up with the biggest smile ever.

"Hi beybey"

"Hi love bug, can you stretch out all the sleepiness so we can have big girl talk," I ask while pinching her little cheeks.

"Big girl talk? am I in trouble?" she asks while putting her head down.

"No silly you're not in trouble I just want to ask you a few questions is that ok with you," I ask.

"Yes," she says while getting up to sit on my lap.

"How would you feel if I became your new mommy," I ask nervously in case the bond with her actual mother would keep her from saying yes.

"I don't know, don't I have a mommy already," she asks confused.

"Well you did but she had to go away so she left you with me so I can take care of you and give you a better life," I say not wanting to tell a 3/4 year old that she was abandoned.

"Beybey you wanna be my mommy," she asks looking at me sadly.

"Of course I would love to be your mommy but I had to make sure you were okay with it before I start handling big business," I say while pushing back some of the stray hairs that came out of her braids.

Next thing I know she was standing and hugging me tightly.

"I love you mommy" she whispers in my ear then sat down giggling to her self.

"I love you too love bug, but what's so funny," I ask not really paying attention to the fact that she called me mommy.

"I called you mommy," she says now fully laughing as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

"You-you did you called me mommy," I said getting excited.

Hopefully, she would think me changing her name would be this funny. I always wanted all my kids to have the first letter of my name and that's no different from Laila even if she's not biologically mine.

"Laila what if I change your name," I say just to see her reaction. If it really bothers her I won't change it.

She gasped being the dramatic little diva that I'm starting to see she is.

"You don't wan me to be Laila anymore," she asks while holding her cheeks.

"Want* I corrected. And I do want you to be Laila but Laila could be your middle name and I could give you a new first name and my last name" I say probably confusing her but she nodded her head in understanding.

"What's my name mommy," she asks putting me on the spot.

"Well I have to come up with some good names, so how about you find something for us to watch while I pop us some popcorn," I say while tickling her.

"OKAY OKAY OKAY MOMMY STOP" she screams while I laugh.

I got up going downstairs to pop the popcorn and I couldn't help but think of the loss and gain in the short span of time. I might be getting a divorce but I have a daughter that I love with all my heart. The popcorn finish and I put it in a bowl and went back upstairs. While laying down watching Tangled the sudden urge to throw up washed over me. I shook it off because I was fine or so I thought I was. I got up dashing to the bathroom scaring Laila on accident but that popcorn was coming up and out of me, maybe it's because I skipped breakfast, either way, I flush the toilet and stood in front of the sink getting ready to brush my teeth.

"Mommy," a crying Laila says while slowly peeking her head from behind the door.

"Aww come here baby what's the matter," I ask while picking her up.

"You ran and weft me mommy and all my corn on the floor" she explains while crying and I notice when she cries her speech changes significantly but that was ok hopefully I can get her birth certificate when we go to court.

"Mommy sorry but I was feeling a little sick and I had to hurry up and get to the bathroom so I don't spill all my sickies over you," I say while tickling her a little to cheer her up some.

"Is that why your breath smell like that?" she asks while holding her nose and erupting into a fit of laughter.

I never felt so attacked in my life.

"You just hurt my feelings love bug," I say while sitting her on the sink conner so I can brush my teeth.

"I sowwy," she says while giving me the puppy eyes.

This girl gonna be the death of me I thought as I smile at her to let her know I was just playing. I heard my phone ringing and quickly got love bug down and ran to answer my phone. It was my best friend and I wasn't prepared for this conversation.

B: "Hello" I answer.

K: "Since when you started cheating bey, I told you his funky ass wasn't the one he looked a damn mess crying on Instagram" she laughs.

B: "Well damn I couldn't get a hi, how you're doing best friend," I say shaking my head at the fact that she only called to gossip about my marriage.

K: "Sorry I just had to get that out really quick, but how are you doing best," she asks fake concern.

B: "Well we're actually doing fine," I say thinking about my baby.

K: "Who is we? is the man you cheated with there," she asks getting excited.

B: "Uh no, and I didn't cheat on him kels, but I'm talking about my daughter," I say while smiling.

K: "Bey I know I've been gone but not for no damn nine months, how did you hide a whole pregnancy from me," she asks sounding hurt.

B: "Because I never got pregnant I found her one night when I left the house to get away from Shawn and she's been with me ever since, her mother left her at the park sleeping with a note in her backpack basically making an excuse for abandoning her and I wasn't gonna leave her there," I said explaining my actions.

K: "Well I wanna meet this lil cutie pie, are you sure you're ready to be a mother"

B: "I wouldn't be going to court for her if I wasn't but you can come over later today I wanna spend some time with her"

K: "Ok well I'll bring Titan so she can have someone to play with, what's her name"

B: "Her name Laila but I'm getting it changed"

"Mommy come back and watch tv with me" I heard Laila say from the bed.

"Alright baby I'm coming"

B: "I'll talk to you later kels Laila and I were in the middle of watching Tangled and she's getting upset with me," I say trying to hang up.

K: "What! don't let the little brat run you, we haven't talked in a minute now, I miss yoooouuuuu" she says whining like a little kid.

B: "Kelly don't be calling my baby no brat now I gotta go love you kels," I say while making kissy noises through the phone.

K: "Love you too bey," she says sounding defeated which made me laugh. She was such a big baby.

After hanging up I got back in bed with Laila and she didn't wanna look at me.

"Lovebug I know you're not mad at me," I say while gasping.

All she did was nod her head and I smile knowing it wouldn't last for long.

"You took all day on the phone mommy you miss the good parts," she says sadly.

"Well i'm here now, I promise to not miss anything else"

"You pinky promise"

"I pinky promise love bug," I say while holding out my pinky.

"I love my clothes mommy where did you get them," she says while looking down at her unicorn shirt.

"My mommy brought them for you," I say while looking down at her.

"Nana," she asks and my heart swells with joy at her fully taking on the fact that I was her mom and that my mom was her grandma.

"Yes baby, nana," I say smiling seeing how happy her having clothes made her.

This was cheers to new beginnings but something felt wrong. I just couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly but I was craving peanut butter and strawberries right now. It sounds nasty but you never know until you try it.

Why is Shawn out here spreading their business to the world? smh at this point he's trying to ruin her name!!

What do y'all think Bey is going to name Laila?

Peanut butter and strawberries, eww.