
Gift From God

All I ever wanted was to be a mother but Shawn was never ready. Sometimes I feel as if he was cheating on me but I would never ask. I just stayed home as he wanted me to and be his little housewife but I've had enough of being his housewife.

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Chapter 5

2months later

Bey Pov

"Come on sleepy heads wake up for me," I say while pulling the cover off all of them, including Kelly.

"So y'all not gonna wake up for me," I say sadly while finally letting the cover go.

"Tt I'm up," Titan says while standing on his mother back.

"Titan you not gonna be black for long if you don't get your doodle bop head ass off of me," she said while rolling over making him fall on to the pillows laughing.

"Where is blue tt," he asks panicking.

Well in the past two months those two have created a close bond which I'm happy about, he's like her big brother.

"She's taking her morning bath just as you should be doing," I say while beckoning him off of the bed.

I took off his shirt since he always struggles to do so himself.

"Thank you tt," he said now running through the halls to his room in his bathroom.

Did I mention that we all live together? It's like one big happy family no complaints, and everybody but kels has there own room she insists on making mine hers so she could keep a close eye on the baby. I am now three months and some change, crazy right? So I didn't mind, plus she wouldn't have taken no for an answer anyway.

"Now kels you should not be the hardest person to wake up in this house, we have things to do today," I say laying right next to her.

"Like what"

"Well I have to go officially get my baby documents and certificate today since all went well at the courthouse and I need to go shopping for new baby stuff," I say low towards the end.

"But bey you can get that stuff mail to you and you don't even know the baby gender," she says while sitting up.

"So I can look in the unisex section I'm just so happy I can't wait," I say while cheesing so hard my cheeks could fall off.

"So what I'm hearing is you done woke everybody in this house up so you can go shopping for a baby of no gender," she says while raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yes now get up," I say angrily knowing she couldn't refuse me even if she wants to.

Kelly Pov

Whew, child these mood swings not it.

"Aright beybey I'm getting up before you get the waterworks going," I say while placing my feet on the cold floor, making me shudder. This shit is ridiculous she always has it feeling like Antarctica in this bitch.

I walk in the bathroom just to see my sweetie pie in the tub playing with her toys Titan gave her.

"Morning superstar Blue," I say while kissing her forehead.

"Morning tt," she says while giggling her new name always made her giggle she loves it so much.

Blue - Ivy - Knowles

Bey had decided to get rid of the name Laila all together she didn't want her baby to be reminded of her past solely because of her first name. But Beyonce made her comfortable about changing her name when she saw how similar it was to her mom she had no problem. I even caught her walking around singing her name it was the cutest thing ever.

I start brushing my teeth and Titan came in the bathroom.

"What are you playing with blue," he asks while looking in the tub.

"uh uh get your hot ass out of here and go ask your tt to get you some clothes to put on," I say while shaking my head.

"You guys aren't in trouble it's just you're not supposed to have boys in the bathroom while you're taking a bath and same for him if it isn't me or beybey they shouldn't be in here, ok"

"ok," she says while nodding and going back to playing.

I finish brushing my teeth and hop in the shower that's connected to the tub. I didn't realize I left my clothes till I saw bey bring blue clothes in.

"Hey bey can you get my clothes from off the dresser"

"Sure," she says while dressing blue.

Beyonce Pov

I decide to have a lil fun with kels. I brought her some of blue clothes knowing she couldn't fit not one item and closed the door. I heard the shower cut off and I could no longer keep my laughter in. I didn't hear anything but the bathroom door opening.

"Kel-kels" I couldn't even catch my breath.

"Giselle why did you bring me these damn clothes," she says with a pair of tights around her ankle and both hands in sleeves like handcuffs and everything else out for the world to see, whew my best friend lucky I ain't like that.

"The real question is why did you even try to put them on," I say snickering.

"Because your pregnant ass like this shit ole freak show," she says while going into our closet to find herself some proper clothes.

I should prank her more often I thought as I heard Titan getting really excited in his room which made me want to know why.

"Titan," I say while pushing open his door.

"Look tt it's Unc Jay," he says while laughing as Shawn toss him into the air.

"Shawn what are you doing here," I ask looking down at the floor.

"I came to see how you and the kids were doing," he said walking closer to me.

Who told him I was pregnant.

"What kids," I say playing dumb.

"Titan and Laila," he says while giving me a duh face.

"Her name isn't Laila anymore it's Blue, and we're fine Shawn now can you please leave," I say making my way downstairs letting him know that I want him to follow so I could escort him to the door.

"What do you mean her name is Blue," he asks standing at the end of the steps offended.

"Just what I said now can you leave we actually have things to do today," I say getting agitated.

"You told me that would be our child's first name now you just gave it to some lil girl you found on the street that's trash Beyonce, you be doing some foul ass shit I swear dawg," he says standing in the doorway looking hurt.

"There isn't a us anymore especially after how you showed your ass to the whole world saying I cheated on you, so according to my heart, according to Blue and according to the fucking court records she is my first child," I say while slamming the door in his face.

My now good day had a damper in it. I don't know what made him think he could just show up like that without even telling me.

"Was that my daddy?" Blue asks while fumbling with her fingers.

"Who that mean man of course not sweetheart," I say while picking her up.

Either I was getting fat or her ass was getting heavy.

"Mommy why your stomach looks like that," she asks while looking down at my little tummy protruding.

"Wellllllll mommy ate too many pieces of cake and they're very angry at me for eating them," I say while smiling.

"Oh no mommy I ate one too are they mad at me," she asks while raising up her shirt frantically getting down yelling Titans' name.

Oh lord what have I done? I made a mental note to change all the locks in the house and as far as him coming to get his things I would pay movers to do it for him. I went into Blues' room to find her a cute outfit for the day.

"Blue come here baby I have to get you dress" I say while rumbling through her dressers.

"I coming mommy," she says and I soon heard the patter of her little feet.

I always try to keep her outfits childlike because I don't want my child to showcase the fact that I know I have money. I want her to look like a child and actually like what she wears. I settle for a pink little dress and sat her in between my legs so I could take her braids down.

"Mommy am I gonna wear my hair down today," she asks looking up at me with those beautiful big brown eyes.

"Do you want to,"  I ask guiding her face back forward.

"Yes mommy I want to be pretty like the other girls on my iPad," she said smiling.

"But you're even prettier than them with your curly hair up bubba don't say that just because they have straight hair doesn't make them any better," I say finishing.

She nodded her head and continued to watch her cartoons. What the fuck was she watching to give her that idea. I didn't really have time to dwell on it I just made a note to check her restrictions later on tonight.

I took her a picture and my heart melted. She is so darn beautiful and I can't wait till her sister or brother gets here. Hopefully she loves them and not treat them how she treated Titan.

I went back to my room to see a full dress kels and Titan.

"Well look at y'all looking like y'all looking," I say in my deep southern accent.

"Thank you tt," Titan says blushing.

"Is everyone ready to go?" I ask already knowing they were.

"Yes mommy"

"Yes tt"

"Yea I'm ready," kels say while rolling her eyes.

"Aww what's the matter with the baby," I say while grabbing her face making kissy sounds making the kids laugh.

She swats at my hand but couldn't help but smile what can I say pregnant bey is adorable.