
Gift From God

All I ever wanted was to be a mother but Shawn was never ready. Sometimes I feel as if he was cheating on me but I would never ask. I just stayed home as he wanted me to and be his little housewife but I've had enough of being his housewife.

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13 Chs

Chapter 2

Beyonce Pov

I woke up to an empty bed which causes me to panic. This house was way too big for Laila to be walking around by herself. I quickly got up and went to the stairs when I heard Shawn talking.

Shawn: Momma she literally said she wants a divorce, do you know how bad that's gonna make me look in the public eye? they already talk about me and she got me in here slaving for the help like I'm a maid when I remember specifically telling her to hire one

Everything he said didn't matter but I was stuck on the fact that this clown just called Laila "the help". It's not her fault her mommy was clearly a junkie. Is this really the type of man I married? but at least I knew where Laila was. I knew one thing and that was that Shawn wouldn't hurt a little kid so I went to our room to freshen up a bit. I took a nice shower and let the water run through my hair as my thoughts consume me.

Has Laila ever had a good bath?

Why doesn't she know her mothers' first name?

Why didn't her mom just leave her at a shelter?

What kind of sticky situation did she get herself into?

Am I really thinking about keeping her?

Coldwater starts to hit my back and I quickly jump out of my thoughts and start washing up. Once out of the shower I dry off and moisturize my hair and let it do what it do while I got dress. I heard little knocks on the bathroom door, and it made me smile, to say she was homeless she has manners.

"Come in," I say loud enough for her to hear.

"What are you in here doing beybey," she asks while sitting on the bathroom bench.

"Well I was getting ready so that I could get you ready" I said then look down to see her already staring up at me in complete admiration and not because of the famous part of me.

"You look so pwetty beybey," she said while standing and reaching up to me.

Picking her up she immediately reaches for my hair, I, guess the length astounded her.

"Well little love bug the word is pretty," I said correcting her and she tapped her little chin as if taking note of that. "and you're pretty as well ladybug," I said while giving her a smile.

"No I'm not," she said putting her head down.

"Why not," I ask.

"The tall man downstairs said that I was dirty and that he didn't know why you brought a homewess person in his house," she said sadly. "am I a homewess person beybey," she asks looking at me with those big brown eyes.

"The word is home-less ladybug and no you're not homeless anymore because you're here with me now and maybe you are a little dirty but beybey is gonna fix that in a few ok," I say while lifting her head.

All she did was nod and it made my blood boil that he would say such things to a little girl who he didn't know anything about, he needs to go and now but first I want to text my mom and ask for a few favors.

"How about you go get my phone and finish watching those Dora episodes" I suggest to try and cheer her up and it did.

"Ok beybey don't leave me," she says while pointing her finger at me and then running off.

I went to go get my main phone and text my mommy.

She's so cocky I don't know what to do with her sometimes. I look over at Laila and she was all into her episodes, I would have to get her-her own iPad one of these days. I went back into my bathroom and ran her some hot water since I didn't know when her last bath was.

"Lovebug it's time for your bath," I say while going back into the room.

"Aww but beybey it's too cold outside for the hose can we wait till it's warmer pleaseeee" she said while cupping her hands together and pleading.

I stood there with confusion all over my face. Why would we be going outside when I have a bathroom that even she went into. My heart broke at the realization of her mom possibly giving her baths outside with hoses. No child should have to experience that.

"No love bug we're going to take a bath in the tub in the bathroom, it was warm in there wasn't it?" I ask trying to get her to remember when she went in there.

She nods her head and got off the bed to come and take my hand. I lead her into the bathroom and undress her and place her into the tub.

"Would you like some bubbles?"


"No, bubbles, love bug with a B, "I say trying to explain to her.

If she was four she was having trouble pronouncing easy words which I didn't understand, but it would all soon be fixed once my mom let me know what to do. I'm pretty sure we would have to take some legal actions for me to get her. I put the bubbles in the tub and to no one's surprise, she had a ball playing with them until I start to wash her. I see a few cuts and bruises but nothing too concerning that would make me think someone intentionally harmed her. I washed her hair and it was matted and dirty but I combed it all out once I got the conditioner in. Her hair was so curly, long and beautiful. About time I finish, she was practically sleeping on my arm so I knew it was time for her to get out. I wrap my robe around her and went into my room to find one of my shirts for her to wear until my mom got here, I'm pretty sure it's taking her so long because she's buying up the whole store. I let Laila sleep on my side of the bed while I found something to watch on tv. Not even a minute in and there came Shawn peeking his head in the door.

"Don't even say anything she's sleeping" I say while putting my hand up.

I wasn't in the mood for him.

"I just want to talk baby seriously," he says now standing fully in the doorway.

"Ok fine we can talk, downstairs," I say while pausing the first episode of Greenleaf.

As I made my way downstairs I couldn't help but think about what he wants to talk about. I thought I made myself clear on what I want to happen. I guess he was about to try to convince me otherwise. I sat on the sofa waiting for him to say something.

Shawn Pov

"Look bey we can't get a divorce, that's not the route that I want to take we can fix this-"

"No we can't you disrespectful, you lie, you cheat, and you were down here being rude to a child Shawn, a child that didn't do anything to hurt you that's foul, and not only that but you put your hands on me and that's unacceptable, period."

Damn, she wants to divorce my ass. I refuse to be the laughing stock of this marriage. Her divorcing me would tear my damn career apart. She got me fucked up if she thinks I'm going out like that.

"Baby look you didn't even try to hear me out, you don't even know what was going on if I'm in the studio, of course, I'm gonna smell like other bitches because other bitches around me and sometimes my la potnas be bringing they girl and I'm not rude I give them a la side hug, a respectful one. As far me putting my hands on you all I did was try to stop you from leaving I didn't bat the fuck out you and I didn't throw you against the wall and as far as that little girl go I was just mad. You left mad at me and came back with a whole ass kid. How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot?" I ask.

I meant every word I said man. She really is acting like I'm not that nigga she knows how I can be but I choose not to be that way because she my wife and I love her.

"Have you ever cheated on me?" she asks while looking out of the window.

I don't even think she really wants the answer to that, that's why she can't even face me. Honestly, I have and all three times were with the same female who I had newly signed and I knew she would be a problem so I had to let her go from my label but I swear that was the only time.

"Yes," I say being completely honest with her.

I could see the tears already falling from her eyes, I never really meant to cause her pain but at the moment I was weak, I was wrong and I can admit that.

Beyonce Pov


It's the only thing I could hear at the moment, it was flowing through my ears like a wildfire and it was burning. I said I wanted a divorce but truth is I just wanted to scare him into acting right but I don't even know anymore.

"Was it the new artist Ashley that just all of a sudden disappeared?" I ask now looking him dead in his eyes.

"Yes but bey I swear it didn't mean anything to me, baby that's why she had to go, that's why I let her go," he said now sitting right beside me. "bey baby you gotta believe me, I'm being honest and I'm being real I just wanna fix us please," he said while grabbing my hand and placing it on his face.

"No, I can say I hate you now, your ass was out there cheating on me, but that's cool and I forgive you because I cheated too," I said getting up and walking back upstairs.

Merry Early Christmas🎅🏾❤️

Sorry for the short chapter!

How do you feel about Shawn and his honesty?