
Ghost Raider in DC universe

Ghost Raider in DC universe

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Action
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94 Chs


"Remind me again how did I let you talk me into spending my day off coming here?" Sean asked Karen Diana and Lois.

"Because you cant say no to us." Diana said amused making him roll his eyes knowing that was true.

"Ay." Sean said.

"Besides it was either this or go to your sisters art club." Lois said making Sean shudder in fear of going to that.

"I swear to god I hate their teacher for ever giving them that idea." Sean said making them laugh.

Minutes later

"Oh for fucks sakes." Sean said seeing a woman trying to get out of her parking space but a man wouldn't move his car.

"I've got this." Wonder Woman said lifting the car up allowing the woman to drive away.

"Next time do what a woman says asshole." Sean said making the man nod in fear.

"Sean Diana." Batman said from the shadows as he appeared. "We need to talk." Batman said.

Minutes later

"An Amazon? Are you sure?" Sean asked.

"I managed to get this off her." Batman said throwing a golden neckless at him which he caught and examined. "You've been to the island so you know what their designs look like and she's an expert on her home." Batman said.

"This is the real deal alright." Sean said.

"Did you get a good look at her?" Diana asked.

"She had blond hair and blue eyes thats All I could tell you about her and that she's got the injustice league with her with a new member I believe is named Tsukuri." Batman said.

"I'll have Hawkgirl head over to the island and get some answers there. In the meantime I..." Sean tried to say before his phone went off and saw a text from Talbot and frowned. "Fuck." Sean said annoyed.

"What is it?" Diana asked.

"Never mind that I got to get to work to get an unwanted visitor out of my company building." Sean said vanishing.

Minutes later

"Sorry we tried to get her out but..." Ross tried to say.

"I know her clearance got her in and got her to stay. I'll deal with it." Sean said walking into his office where a woman in her mid fifties sat in a chair waiting for him.

"I was beginning to wonder when you'd show up." The woman said.

"What do you want Catherine?" Sean asked making her frown slightly.

"Is that anyway you talk to your..." Catherine tried to say.

"Don't even say it. You have no right to call yourself that name its reserved for people who treat their kids fairly and not make their lives a living hell like you did to mom's." Sean said. This woman was unfurtufitly Sean's grandmother Catherine Halsey his mother's mother.

"Look I just came to talk." Catherine tried to say.

"Do I look like I want to talk to you? Mom might have forgiven you for what you did to her as a child but I most certainly will not. The Last thing I need is for you to ruin my life and my sisters lives hell your so called favorite creation you call a son already tried to kill my sisters nearly seven years ago and you still tried to get him out of jail despite the evidence thrown in your face." Sean said in anger.

"I made a mistake I saw that the moment I learned what happened to Mara." Catherine said trying to calm him down. "I admit I got so focused in my work and when Travis was showing great signs that he had great intelligence like me I took more time teaching him while your mother was not as interested in science like us I..." Catherine tried to say.

"You beat her and embarrassed her at every given chance possible. I read the reports once I got enough clearance to see what you did to her. My dad found her on the streets near deaths doors after she ran away from you to escape you. My dad from a long linage of patriots of this country gave her a purpose and love that you refused to give her unlike Travis who you focused all your time and effort into training not even noticing she was gone or cared. They fell in love and had me and my sisters filling the pain that you gave her. She might have forgiven you after you learned what happened to her but I NEVER WILL!" Sean said smashing his fist on his desk.

"Sean please I..." Catherine tried to say.

"GET OUT." Sean in a deadly tone in his voice making her sigh before walking to the door.

"If it means anything I don't regret my actions since if I didn't do all that she might not have fell in love with Tom and had you and your sisters." Catherine said leaving. Sean snorted in annoyance before calling for maintenance to help replace his broken desk or at least repair it.


Sean walked into his home and sighed heavily having a massive headache from his talk with his grandmother.

"Rough day?" Lois asked walking in behind him.

"You could say that I..." Sean stopped when he turned around and saw Lois in nothing but her birthday suit. "Whoa now this is something that will get rid of my headache." Sean said making her giggle before grabbing his hand and took him to the master bedroom.

"Figured you'd have a rough day so with the twins out of the house for another few hours what better way to relieve the stress then to make sweet love?" Lois said with the last part in his ear sexually making him chuckle before his clothes were gone as well. "Now let the fun begin." Lois whispered into his ear before going down to his erect cock and smirked seeing it fully awake before going lower till she was on her stomach and placed it in her hand and stroked it making him groan out slightly.

Lois smirked before licking his shaft slowly at first all the way to the top before swirling her tongue around the tip making him groan out again before she placed her breasts around his shaft and moved them up and down on his cock.

"Wanted to do this for a while now after Diana told me of her own little experience in the shower." Lois said making him chuckle slightly before she resumed her task again. This went on for about a few more minutes before she felt him twitch between her breasts making her smile. "Oh here it comes." Lois said moving her breasts faster before he exploded between them making her moan as her face was covered in his seed before licking it all up. "Delicious." Lois said making him smirk before she yelped as he rolled her around till she was on top of him making her smirk.

"Now for the best part." Lois said thrusting down and moaned as his cock went straight into her pussy. Sean took a hold of her hips before thrusting upwards making her moan and whimper while her breasts bounced with each thrust he gave her.

Lois soon bent down and kissed him lovingly while moving her hands around his muscles. She soon widened her eyes when she felt her climax approaching along with his own and both thrusted into each other hard before they both came and Lois's eyes rolled into the back of her head before falling on his chest trying to catch her breath.

"Amazing as always." Lois said making him chuckle before his phone went off making him sigh before picking it up.

"I swear you all have the worst timing these days." Sean said getting a chuckle from Talbot.

"Sorry. Anyway we have a problem. I've had our teams do some digging and found something concerning about the items and chemicals the Injustice league took. Combined all these chemicals have a very deadly effect on get this on the male population of the human race." Talbot said.

"Why would they be stealing chemicals that could end killing themselves?" Sean asked.

"I think Shade Grundy and Copperhead don't know that. This woman whoever she is clearly has a grudge against men." Talbot said.

"Well Batman does believe she's from the Amazon island. I already sent Hawkgirl to investigate. I'll be right over." Sean said ending the call and got dressed.

"Why would a woman want to kill all the men?" Lois asked still in bed with the covers covering her naked body.

"I have no idea. I'll call you later you just be careful." Sean said kissing her making her smile as he left.


"Ok so basically she's still missing a few more needed items for this to be complete but I still don't get why she would want to eradicate the male population of Earth." Sean said.

"Uh I can think of a few good reasons." Sonya said looking at Johnny Cage.

"Hey." Johnny said offended. Sean simply chuckled at this.

"Ok on that I can understand but still." Sean said.

"Uh Kruger." Reznov said looking at security footage of the mystery woman giving the league and other heroes her location.

"What is wrong with this woman? She just basically did the dumbest thing in the world." Talbot said.

"She wants to test her weapon. Tell the others not to engage. Being a ghost rider I've got more of an immunity to this virus." Sean said.

Minutes later

The Amazon woman was about to make a run for it once she got the final key to her virus.

"Going somewhere?" Sean asked appearing in front of her.

"You want this you'll have to take it." The woman said holding a red jewel in her hand.

"I know what you plan to use that for. Making a virus to kill the male population of the human race." Sean said making her eyes widen. "My question is why? Clearly you have a grudge against men so why not tell me?" Sean said pulling a chair up and sat down making her raise an eyebrow not expecting this at all but seeing he wasn't like most men she decided to do the same.

"When I was younger my home became the battle of a bloody and senseless war. The men showed no mercy to anyone. Me and my mother and my baby sister barely got out alive. We went to a boat and traveled as refuges but then we were attacked by pirates taking what little items of value we had before they sank the ship. I was the only one who survived. I washed up to shore on the island and was trained to be one of them." The Woman said.

"So you think all men are the same cruel and uncaring to everyone men and women? Hate to break it to you but it goes both ways." Sean said.

"Meaning?" The woman asked.

"My mother was the daughter of a once in a lifetime prodigy scientist named Doctor Cathrine Halsey. She had two children a son and a daughter. My uncle took after her in science while my mother on the other hand showed no interest in science and just wanted a regular life." Sean said.

"What does this have to do with both men and women being the same I'm not seeing the problem?" The Woman said before Wonder Woman flew in.

"Areisa?" Wonder Woman said shocking the now named Areisa before jumping away quickly.

"Damnit Diana! I was just about to get through to her." Sean said.

"What are you talking about?" Diana asked floating down to him.

"I was going to show her why both men and women are the same. My grandmother on my mothers side of the family treated my mother like garbage." Sean said shocking her. "She ran away from home to escape all that hell and in doing so she met my dad. He took her in and helped her and in the process they fell in love. I was going to use that story to make her see how flawed her view is." Sean said.

"I'm sorry I didn't know." Diana said still shocked that his mother was treated so harshly.

"Thats who was at my company today. She shows up every few months to try to patch things up but I have no intentions of being involved with her not now or ever." Sean said.


"So now she has all the pieces she needs to make her virus but clearly she needs a way to get it airborne and only one place has what she needs." Sean said.

"The airbase is close to where she was last seen." Talbot said.

"Send a team there to stop her I'm going with." Sean said.

Minutes later

"Is that everything?" Aresia asked Tsukuri.

"Everything is ready." Tsukuri said before Sean Wonder Woman PowerGirl and Supergirl arrived.

"Aresia you cant do this." Sean said.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't? Whys should Man be allowed to live after all their crimes?" Aresia asked.

"For starters how is the human race supposed to continue?" Cathrine said making Sean look behind him and saw her.

"What are you doing here? I don't recall asking for your help." Sean said.

"No but she's not going to listen to you if you finish your story so its better if it comes from me." Cathrine said.

"What story? You never did finish what you were about to tell me." Aresia said.

"How I treated my son like a prince while I treated my own daughter like garbage just because she didn't want to be like me." Cathrine said making her eyes widen.

"What?" Areisa said in shock.

"It is true. I treated my son better then I ever did my own daughter. I've beaten her humiliated her and did countless other things to her just for her to be exactly like me. I even told her she was my biggest mistake of my entire life. After all that she ran away and I didn't even truly care back then. Ten years after she ran off I saw her with her husband leaving a military building. I didn't know they were married back then so I waked up to him and asked what my daughter had done and he...Hit me pretty hard in the face before dragging me inside to tell me how much of a failure I was for a human being. And he was right. I saw realized much I failed her. A month later I came to their house and asked just to speak to Mara just for a minute. I told her how sorry I was for failing her and begged her for her to forgive me and surprisingly she did since she had the perfect life with Tom back then when they were alive." Cathrine said shocking Areisa so much by how a woman could be so cruel to her own daughter still be forgiven since she loved her life with her husband and son.

"Believe me when I tell you the human race is flawed in all ways not just men. If you go through with this your no better then I am for what I did to my own daughter." Cathrine said making Aresia look down before putting down a vile of the virus on the ground before PowerGirl and SuperGirl knocked them out fast just for precaution. Cathrine sighed before walking away.

"Cathrine wait." Sean said making her stop and look at him. "I uh...Meet me in my office tomorrow please." Sean said getting her to nod before walking away.

"Finally beginning to forgive her?" Diana asked placing a hand on his shoulder making him sigh.

"I just realized something. If mom was able to forgive her because of the life she had back when she was alive. I cant keep hating her for something she was forgiven for. It's time for a change." Sean said making her smile before kissing him.


After getting through a brief apology to his grand mother Sean could say he felt a lot more open minded to seeing her around more in the company to repair the damage he caused in their relationship plus he didn't want his sisters to not know anything about her.

"Feel better?" Sonya asked.

"Yeah I guess you can say that." Sean said getting a drink of whisky in a glass. "At times like this I'm glad I keep this around." Sean said taking a swift drink.

"So whats going to happen to Aresia and Tuskuri?" Sonya asked.

"Well Areisa is going to be in a cell for a while till she's cleared. Tsukuri was only following orders so she's out and serving with the company." Sean said before an alert came up on his computer. "The hell?" Sean said before receiving a video of a man requesting for his help in Japan. "This cant be right." Sean said bringing up an old file.

"Whats that place?" Sonya asked.

"When my dad was still alive I recall he had brief business with a group called Monarch some kind of organization meant for something. I never understood what the purpose was of the group but this email is tell me to come to Japan where a nuclear reactor collapsed 14 years ago." Sean said.

"I recall that event. They said it was caused by a massive earthquake." Sonya said.

"It was no Earthquake." Raiden said walking in.

"Yeah I didn't buy that either. I kept tabs on that area once my company worldwide and found something rather odd." Sean said showing the area where the reactor was destroyed and showed the radiation contaminating the area from that day. "This is 14 years ago and this is now." Sean said showing the radiation was almost completely gone.

"How is that possible?" Sonya asked.

"I have no idea." Sean said.

"Perhaps the answers we need are there." Raiden said.

"Probably. Alright since this is practically impossible we're going. I'll get Diana and a few others to go with us." Sean said.


Deep under the ocean a large rock like formation began to move and soon eyes began to show reveling them to be yellow before the rock formation began to move revealing it was not a rock formation but rather a large reptilian creature.