
Ghost Raider in DC universe

Ghost Raider in DC universe

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Action
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94 Chs

More then meets the eye

Chapter 16 More then meets the eye

"The amount of Raw energon we've extracted from this thing is beyond that of the amount in the dig sites combined." Sally said to Sean in his office.

"Impressive and what about our other project involving the cube?" Sean asked before Smoke burst in.

"You need to get to the lab now!" Smoke said making them rush down to see what the big fuss was about.

"What in the hell?" Sean said as a giant robotic machine was being contained by Diana Superman and Raiden.

"Get the Liquid nitrogen on this thing!" Talbot yelled as Sub Zero and Kara froze it with their powers.

"What the hell did you guys do?" Sean asked.

"One of the company cars got to close to the cube and then this happened." Talbot said.

"So what it just brought the car to life?" Sean asked.

"It's the only logical answer I see." Sally said getting a scan on the transformed machine.

"It is strange." Quan Chi said examining the cube. "While the cube does produce this Energon as you call it there is something else about it that seems to be hidden about it." Quan Chi said.

"Meaning what?" Sean asked.

"I think he means the cube itself is something more then we're seeing. The Data on when it crashed on Earth puts it around 10,000 BC. Also theres something else." Sonya said activating the screen. "As soon as it was used it sent out some kind of signal to an unknown location." Sonya said.

"As much as I hate to say it since I know how much this thing has helped in creating energon since it was found weeks ago but maybe we should send it off world." Superman said.

"Are you out of your mind?" Sally said.

"If the cube sent out a signal that we cant locate we could be facing another invasion all over again because of it." Superman said.

"He has a point." Jax said.

"Alright thats enough. Look until theres physical evidence that this cube is a danger to earth its not going anywhere especially space for people like Darkseid and Thanos to find and misuse for their own dark ideals." Sean said.

"Perhaps it would be best in outworld. Shao Kahn has no need for Energon and can be transported from Outworld to Earth Realm." Baraka said.

"No way not after Darkseid got past its defenses and the last thing Outworld needs is a new enemy. Besides the best place the cube is safe would be here." Superman said.

"Then what do you suggest? That it should never be used again? Earth Realm requires a constant supply of fuel to power its modern society and Energon mines will eventually run out on Earth the moon and on Mars." Shang Tsung said.

"Alright enough. We'll sort this out later. Right now myself and a few others here are needed at one of our bases for a new portal inspection in Qatar for Outworld." Sean said.

"He's right we'll have to figure this all out later right now we have our jobs to do." Talbot said.


"Remind me again how does this portal work?" Kung Lao asked.

"There are multiple portals I built in outworld for reasons such as this. Each one built for certain locations in both realms." Sean said getting the final parts in the machine before it activated. "See works like a charm." Sean said.

"Commander we've got an unidentified bogey approaching the base by air." A soldier of the US said on the comms.

"Who would be foolish enough to attack this base?" Baraka asked.

"Hell if I know. Proceed with regular procedure and let me know if anything strange happens." Sean said.

Minute later

"What the hell?" Sean said as he Baraka Kung Lao Batgirl Liu Kang Raiden Frank and Luke Cage watched as a helicopter landed.

"Something doesn't feel right." Liu Kang said.

"I agree I'm getting the same feeling from earlier from the machine the cube created." Raiden said.

Soon the blades on the Helicopter stopped instantly.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Batgirl said.

"Well don't say it out loud. Are you trying to jinx us?" Sean asked before the helicopter transformed into a machine just like the car did from the cube this morning.

"Hold fire." The machine said holding its metal hands out in non aggression.

"Ok that was unexpected." Frank said still aiming his riffle at him.

"Who are you?" Sean asked.

"Better question is what is he?" Batgirl asked.

"I am a transformer from the planet Cybertron. My name is blackout I seek the All Spark." Blackout said.

"All Spark?" Raiden asked.

"Does he mean the cube?" Baraka asked.

"Is this what your talking about?" Batgirl asked showing the image of the cube.

"Yes it is the only thing that can bring life back to Cybertron and it must be returned before ShockBlast and Six-Shot find it." Blackout said.

"Who?" Luke said.

"The leaders of the Autobots and the Decepticons can better explain it to you once they arrive. Your world is in grave danger." Blackout said.

"I hate it when Clarks right." Sean said to Raiden.


Sean and Talbot had to notify a few people in the UN to expect some new visitors from off planet.

"What the hell are those?" Supergirl asked seeing a few objects that looked like shooting stars approaching the area before they crashed down near the safe zones.

"They have arrived." Blackout said.

"I count at least 10 maybe 15 arrivals." Frank said.

"They'll need earth vehicle forms here." Blackout said entering their systems to display vehicle forms for the other transformers.

Soon enough a lot of robotic humanoid forms approached the area before the began scanning the vehicle forms Blackout put up for them. One of the largest of the transformers in red and blue approached Sean.

"Are you Sean Ashburn Kruger descendant of Tom Kruger?" The Machine asked.

"Yes." Sean said.

"My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the Planet Cybertron." Optimus Prime said.

"But you can call us Transformers for short. I am Megatron the leader of the Decepticons. Optimus is the leader of the Autobots." Megatron said.

"Why are you here? Blackout said you were here for the Allspark." Sean said.

"The AllSpark is the only thing that can bring life back to our home planet and rebuild it. Both factions of the Autobots and the Decepticons were locked in an eternal war for countless generations till our war devastated the planet and a truce was called once we saw the price for a victory would be to high. However though ShockBlast and his brother Six-Shot went against the truce and attacked both factions." Optimus said before showing a recording of the war.

"Our planet was once a powerful empire till the war began. Once Optimus and I saw the price for victory was to high we called the Truce but ShockBlast was power hungry and went against both of us along with his brother. The Damage they caused destroyed any chance of what was left of the Transformers to rebuild our home to be destroyed. The only thing left that can save Cybertron is the AllSpark which you found." Megatron said.

"We've been using it to produce energon which is the cleanest and most efficient energy source Earth has compared to the other natural resources it has that do more harm then good." Sean said.

"Energon is the life force of our race. The Cube must be returned to us or our home will never be saved." One of the Transformers with a yellow color design said.

"Ratchet is correct while the Cube is the best way to create energon we can provide Earth with alternative methods for finding and creating more." Optimus said.

"And how do we know you wont use it against us?" Batman said.

"What was that fleshing?" A decepticon said known as Starscream.

"Batman enough. The cube is not ours to keep and I will not have the guilt of denying a powerful race their only means of repairing their home. The cube is yours and if you'll allow us we will assist in repairing your home planet." Sean said before multiple explosions were heard outside.

"What was that?" Talbot asked.

"They are here." Optimus said.

"We need to get this thing out of here before they get in." PowerGirl said before the Autobot known as Bumble bee walked to it.

"What is he doing?" Lantern asked before suddenly the Cube began to reduce its size by transforming into a small version of itself.

"Incredible." WonderWoman said.

"We need to get the cube off world before ShockBlast and Six-Shot get to it. If they do they'll use its power to increase their own." Ironhide said.

"I got an idea." Sean said.

Minutes later

ShockBlast blasted a wall that led to the room that originally held the All Spark.

"Where is it!" ShockBlast yelled.

"Looking for this?" Sean asked holding the cube in his hands.

"Give that to us fleshing and you may live to be our pet along with the rest of your pathetic world." ShockBlast said.

"Hmm How about...Go fuck yourselves. NOW!" Sean yelled as Superman Flew down and drop kicked ShockBlast away into a wall while SuperGirl and PowerGirl did the same to Six-Shot.

"Insolent waste of organic flesh." Six-Shot said in anger before Reznov and Batman poured down liquid Nitrogen on him freezing him on the spot.

"YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE!" ShockBlast yelled before Sean and Johnny wrapped their chains around his neck and with a vicious pull the tore off his head.

"You know I was expecting they would be more dangerous then that." Johnny said.

"Yeah whats the deal?" Sean asked not seeing the big threat with these guys.

"These aren't the real ShockBlast and Six-Shot. Memory serves me correctly Protoforms have the ability to copy the personality physical appearance and power level of whoever uses them. They must have thought these two could do the job for them." Ratchet said.

"Well that was a dumb move." Frank said.


"With the All Spark now in our possession again life can return to Cybertron. We owe your world an unpayable debt for this." Optimus said.

"Perhaps you could help us out with a few of Earths enemies that have been coming back more frequently at a late date." Sean said.

"Consider it done. Now we must go before ShockBlast and Six-Shot learn that their doubles have failed." Megatron said as they left by Space Bridge portal.

"Yet another weird day for all of us." Talbot said.

"Its Earth we kinda live for this stuff." Sean said since this was becoming a habit of these kind of weird events.


Sean was looking over the forms of the two Tamaranean women that were still out cold from their crash landing. Shayera told him that they absorb any kind of sunlight even if its red sunlight so the rooms they were in were giving them constant sunlight to heal them.

"Still nothing from them?" Diana asked.

"Nope nothing my guess is that wherever they came from must have exhausted them beyond belief." Sean said.

"Hey Kruger." Reznov said walking in.

"What is it?" Sean asked.

"Its Sonja from the Tournament she's in your office wanting to talk to you." Reznov said surprising them.

Sean and Diana made their way to his office where Sonja was in her bikini scale armor with a much more calm expression on her beautiful face.

"I wasn't expecting to see you so quickly something I can help you with Sonja?" Sean asked kindly.

"Yes I came here to tell you something about myself something you deserve to know." Sonja said.

"And what would that be?" Diana asked.

Sonja went on to explain that the source of her powers and strength came from a deity that told her she could not bed or date a man unless he defeated her fairly in combat.

"Wait hold on so you just want to date me just like that?" Sean asked in disbelief.

"Is that a problem?" Sonja asked.

"Well no but you don't even know me. Look before we make any huge decisions about this lets see what the others think since I'm not just dating Diana here or you for that matter." Sean said.

"I can work with that." Sonja said making Sean sigh while Diana smirked at him.

"I think I have the right to tell you I told you so on you gaining a large harem." Diana said making Sean roll his eyes in amusement.

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