
Ghost Raider in DC universe

Ghost Raider in DC universe

Aditya_Kumar_2408 · Action
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94 Chs


"So whats all this about anyway?" Jax asked as they flew to the meeting point.

"I did some more research on Monarch turns out and get this they study monsters that roamed the earth during when it was mostly all radiation which was their food supply." Sean said handing him and the others the files.

"Wait you mean real live breathing dinosaurs?" Johnny Cage asked.

"No they lived long before they existed millions of years ago. These guys are from the Primordial age which is when the earth was first formed and able to sustain life. However now though most of them live in the deepest parts of the ocean feeding off the radiation coming from the Earth's core." Sean said.

"I believe the Elder gods spoke of these creatures some time ago. When a certain balance in Earth Realm is uneven one of the creatures will come to restore order." Raiden said.

"So are they asking us for help because one of them is on the surface and caused the accident 14 years ago?" Batman asked.

"Not sure but its a good guess. The Radiation in the area is almost completely gone which shouldn't be possible since its supposed to stay for a long time hundreds of years in fact." Sean said.

"So why call us though if one of these creatures is getting rid of our problems?" Lantern asked.

"Unclear. The message only said to meet up at the original plant site." Sean said.

"For whatever reason we still need to be here. If theres a situation that could result in something worse then the Chitauri invasion months ago we need to find out what it is and deal with it ASAP." Talbot said.

"Most have been some party if your this spooked." Johnny said.

"Shut up." Sean said.

Soon they arrived at the meeting location where a group of armed men arrived while Lantern Iron man Superman and Diana landed while the others got out of the drop ship.

"Sean Ashbrun Kruger. Thank your for coming I am Dr. Serizawa." Serizawa said shaking his hand.

"Pleasure. Whats this about?" Sean asked as he led them to the nuclear power plant that looked to be under construction.

"As I'm sure you are full aware 14 years ago an accident occurred here spilling large amounts of radiation throughout the city. However it was not caused by a natural disaster." Serizawa said leading them into one of the observation rooms where they saw a massive cocoon like structure pulsing with red light.

"What the hell?" Sonya said getting a better look at it.

"This is what caused the meltdown 14 years ago. Its been like this ever since then. Its been feeding off the radiation the spilled out ever since." Serizawa said.

"Sounds like its cleaning up a big mess." Superman said.

"And what happens when it finishes feeding?" Raiden asked Superman.

"Well it cant be that bad I mean whats the worst it could turn into?" Superman asked.

"I could give plenty of examples of that." Batman said.

"Of course you would." Sean said before the power in the room shut off before coming back seconds later.

"Is that normal?" Talbot asked.

"Yes its been doing that from the start. We asked your father a couple years before the accident to investigate how its doing that but he never got the chance to finish his search." Serizawa said.

"Hang on a second." Sean said getting a laptop out of his bag before opening up a file showing readings of some kind. "I think he did actually. He just never got the chance to send it to you 7 years ago. Look at this." Sean said showing the readings it was giving off were the same as on the laptop.

"Whats it doing?" Lantern asked.

"Building up all that radiation till it consumes it all and fully evolves. As it does so it builds up an EMP." Sean said before the room powered down again before coming back and alarms come on.

"Its done feeding." Serizawa said.

"Wildfire protocols engage now!" One of the scientists said getting everyone outside that was near that thing away while lines were placed over it.

"Whoa whats going on?" Talbot asked.

"Obviously they're going to kill it and for good reason." Sean said looking over the Data some more. "Wait hang on theres something else here." Sean said before the laptop shut down. "Shit." Sean said.

"We're in the green." One of the workers said making Serizawa sigh.

"Kill it." He said and just as he did the scientist pushed a button and the cocoon was hit with lightning and you could hear the thing moaning in pain before the voltage stopped.

"All readings are flatlined." The Scientist said.

"Get a visual just to be sure." Talbot said before a long grey arm came out of the cocoon and smashed on the ground.

"OH SHIT GET DOWN!" Sean yelled as a EMP hit the area much larger then before knocking out all electric devices.

"Shit!" Tony said as his suit shut down.

"Ok I was not expecting that." Johnny said before a huge bat like monster appeared from the cocoon with red glowing eyes.

"Holy shit!" Talbot yelled.

"Evacuate the facility now." Serizawa said.

"Superman get out there and contain that thing!" Sean yelled.

"I'm on it." Superman said before the monster got out of the wires meant to contain it.

"Damnit! Sonya lets move!" Jax yelled as they rushed outside to help the others.

"Goddamnit." Sean said as he and the others rushed outside. "LOOK OUT!" Sean yelled as the heroes jumped away from the giant wing that nearly smashed them. The Monster roared before flying away.

"Its gone." Raiden said.

"Yeah no shit." Sean said standing up.

Next morning

"Oh man what a mess." Johnny said.

"How many people were killed?" Sonya asked Sean.

"To many. Serizawa we need to talk." Sean said approaching Serizawa.

"You can later." A male voice said making Sean turn behind him and saw a man in US military clothing with four stars on his shoulders.

"Lane." Sean said surprised to see Lois's father here.

"Good to see you again son." Sam Lane said shaking his hand. "Just wish it was under better circumstances." Sam said.

"Yeah I know." Sean said.

"Anyway get your people together your all coming with me on USS SARATOGA." Sam said.

"Alright." Sean said as he and the others boarded the chopper.

"Now can someone please explain to me what the hell just happened? We got called in a few hours ago about some unidentified monster officially called a MUTO. So please fill in the blanks for me." Sam said.

"We got called in here a couple days ago to help contain that thing when it was still in a cocoon. It's what caused the meltdown 14 years ago." Sean said.

"How?" Sam asked.

"It feeds off radiation. I can better explain in a larger room to show you everything." Serizawa said.

"Right in here then." Sam said entering the large conference room. Serizawa and his workers set up an old video system about his organization.

"In 1954 the first time a nuclear submarine ever reached the lower depths it awakened something." Serizawa said.

"The Americans first thought that it was the Russians. The Russians thought that it was them." Serizawa's assistant Graham said.

"I'm guessing it was neither." Sam said.

"All those nuclear bomb tests in the 50's not tests." Graham said.

"They were trying to kill it." Serizawa said.

"It?" Sam asked.

"Him." Serizawa said pointing to a monster with large spikes on its back looking reptilian just as it came out of the water.

"What in the hell?" Sam said.

"What is it?" Sean asked.

"An ancient Alpha Predator." Serizawa said.

"Millions of years older then Mankind. From an age when the Earth was ten times more radioactive than today. This animal and others like it consumed this radiation as a food source. As the levels on the surface naturally subsided these creatures adapted to live deeper in the oceans. Further underground. Absorbing radiation from the Planet's core. The Organization we work for, Monarch, was established in the wake of this discovery. A multinational coalition formed in secrecy to search for him study him learn everything we could." Graham said.

"We call him Gojira." Serizawa said.

"Godzilla? That thing actually existed in real life?" Sean asked surprised.

"Indeed. One of our former members went off to make the movies about him and those like him." Serizawa said making Sean chuckle.

"Figures." Sean said.

"Godzilla is the top of the Primordial ecosystem." Graham said.

"14 years ago we found a fossil of another giant animal in the Philippines." Serizawa said.

"I recall that incident. Dig sight found a Radiation reading and started getting the heavy machinery and ended up making a big hole." Sam said.

"I'm guessing you also found something else there. Particularly that thing." Sean said.

"Not exactly. The other Animal was like Gojira yes but this creature died out long ago. Killed by these." Serizawa said showing the video of the skeleton of the dead monster along with two organic pods.

"The hell?" Talbot said.

"Spores?" Superman said surprised.

"We assumed so at first yes but no. One was dormant and the other hatched when the mining company unknowingly drilled into its tomb. The Hatchling burrowed straight for the nearest source of radiation which was the power plant in Janjira." Graham said.

"Obviously." Sam said.

"It absorbed the radiation for the past 14 years and grew and evolved as it did till it became the creature you saw last night." Serizawa said.

"Wait so why didn't you just kill it from the start?" Talbot asked.

"And risk the possibility of the Radiation leaking out from its dead corpse?" Sean asked.

"Thats why our mission was to contain it. To study its Biology, to understand it." Serizawa said.

"We knew the creature was having an electrical effect on everything within a close proximity. What we didn't know was that it could harness this same power in an EMP attack. But your father found out but didn't get the chance to deliver that intel to us when he did." Graham said.

"Tom always was 3 steps ahead of everyone else." Sam said.

"Was there anything else on his computer about this creature?" Serizawa asked.

"Yeah just before it shut down I saw he was tracking some kind of communication pattern between this thing and something else. I need to fix the laptop before I get the rest of the Data out. Thankfully its files are protected." Sean said.

"If the MUTO was Talking Tom must have discovered something talking back." Sam said.

"Graham check the data again." Serizawa said to her getting her to do just that.

"So what happens when we find this thing?" Jax asked.

"Nature has an order. A power to restore balance." Serizawa said before looking at the Image of Godzilla. "I believe he is that power." Serizawa said.


"General Talbot General Lane we've just gotten word a nuclear sub went missing from the cost of Hawaii." A deck officer said.

"We're only a few miles away from there. Set course for the cost and get troops on the ground." Sam said.

"Yes sir." The Deck officer said.

"Shit." Sean said looking through the data on his dads laptop.

"What is it?" Talbot asked.

"Something definitely responded to the MUTO. What it is I don't know but its not good." Sean said.

"Uh sir?" One of the techs said.

"What now?" Sean asked.

"You might want to see this." The tech said showing the video of the MUTO eating the nukes whole.

"Oh god it more disgusting then before." Sean said.

"Cat's out of the bag, Doctor. No more secrets." Sam said to Serizawa.

"Whoa!" Sean said seeing a massive unidentified object from underwater approaching the island on one of the radars.

"Oh great what now?" Sam asked.

"I don't know but something huge is coming from the ocean to the island. ETA 5 minutes." Sean said before rushing out the room with Serizawa.

"Hey where you going?" Sam asked.

"To see what it is!" Sean yelled back.

"Ah hell go with him." Sam said to Talbot who does just that.

"Jesus Christ." Sean said getting out on the deck.

"I don't see anything." Talbot said.

"It approaches." Raiden said.

"Uh guys." Sean said pointing in a direction.

"What in the hell?" Talbot said before the helicopters pointed their lights at the water to see three rows of large spikes out of the water moving towards them.

"That thing is going to cause a Tsunami if it keeps moving that fast." Superman said.

"Then get to the mainland and get those people off the ground! Move!" Lane yelled getting him and the others who could fly to do just that.

"By the Elder gods." Raiden said seeing the massive monster just as it dived undertone carrier to avoid hitting it before coming back up.

"Oh man." Sean said in awe.

"Got all the people in top of the buildings." Superman said.

"Good and uh you might want to stay out of this things way." Sean said.

Superman and the others who could fly widened their eyes when they saw the massive monster walking on the land on two legs with its tail dragging behind.

"Oh boy this is unbelievable." Iron man said shocked.

"Wheres it going?" Lantern asked.

"Where do you think? Its going after the MUTO." Sean said getting on a chopper with Talbot and Lane.

"I can already see the possibilities with this thing." Lane said.

"Not now." Sean said as he flew them towards the monsters at the airport. The MUTO was tearing the airport apart before the other Monster smashed its foot on the ground getting its attention making the MUTO roar at it as the giant reptilian monster Roared at it as well.

"Godzilla. Unfucking believable." Sean said as the two monsters fought for a few minutes before the MUTO flew away.

"Damnit its getting away." Lane said.

"Yeah no shit Sam." Sean said as Godzilla went back into the ocean to follow it. "Looks like Godzilla is heading back to the ocean to follow it. Talbot get GlobalTechs medical teams here. I get the feeling lots of people are injured even with out intervention." Sean said.

"On it." Talbot said.

"Everyone back to the carrier we've got work to do." Sean said on the comms.


"Jesus christ. And here I thought the US's biggest asset was the Riders but now..." Sam tried to say.

"Don't even think about it there is no way in hell we can control that thing. And I especially don't want to hear any of that coming from you considering you lied to Reznov about those cops he killed." Sean said.

"I didn't lie entirely on that. They were guilty just not terrorists. I ordered that kill because of the crap they were spewing about your father. Talk like that leads to rumors and rumors lead to problems." Sam said.

"Fine whatever the point is we are not taking control of Godzilla period. Anyway where are they heading?" Sean asked.

"Uh not sure. Looks like the MUTO is heading east to San Fransisco." One of the technicians said.

"Why there? More importantly why call out to Godzilla in the first place?" Talbot asked.

"I don't think the MUTO did. I think Godzilla was only listening. Wait a second hold on. What happened to the other spore?" Sean asked Serizawa.

"The Americans took it why..." Serizawa said before it hit him.

"I think the dormant spore was just waiting till the other one reached full maturity. Where is it?" Sean asked.

"Where you keep all your nuclear waste." Serizawa said.

"Wait hold on what are you saying?" Lane asked.

"The other spore was just waiting for the first MUTO to fully mature before it does the same thing. Get Frank and the others to Nevada now." Sean said,


"We're near the site now." Frank said as they drove inside the facility.

"Check every room now!" Luke said as they searched every room.

"Uh guys." Cassandra said getting their attention as she opened one of the cells. Looking in the room it was a giant hole.

"Oh crap." Carter said. "Kid the thing already hatched." Carter said on the comms.

"Yeah thats not the only thing. Look at this one." Frank said pointing forward to the other MUTO but this one was much different no wings and bigger then the first.

"Getting visual now General." One of the technicians said.

"Jesus christ this one is even bigger then the first." Sam said.

"Why doesn't it have wings though?" Jax asked.

"Diffrent sex?" Graham added.

"A female." Serizawa said.

"Thats why it was dormant. It was waiting for its mate to fully mature. And since the fact is we put it right next to a bigger pile of nuclear waste..." Sean said.

"It matured even faster then the male did." Batman said.

"Great just great." Sam said.

"So what are we waiting for lets just go take them down." Superman said.

"This is a military op alien we'll handle it." Sam said.

"Sam can I talk to you for a second." Sean said leading him away from the others to the conference room. "Look those things are going to tear everything in their way apart now is not the time to be holding back allies that can help just because you have issues with him being an alien." Sean said.

"Really now? I think I have good reason to be after what he did to you your sisters and my daughter or have you forgotten?" Sam reminded.

"I haven't forgotten anything I needed him out of the way till the Defenders initiative was complete. We need everything we can throw at these two monsters." Sean said.

"Two? Aren't you forgetting the other one?" Sam said.

"No. Godzilla is basically the one thing that might be able to stop them without us brining in the big guns. Don't think I didn't find out about you trying to bring in nukes into this." Sean said.

"Those nukes are the only things that can kill them." Sam said.

"No it will just make them stronger I've done a simulation on them." Sean said making Sam sigh.

"Fine whats your alternative solution?" Sam asked.

"Godzilla might be the only thing to kill the MUTO's. Serizawa said he was basically at the top of the primordial age ecosystem meaning he's to one thing that can stop them." Sean said.

"You want me to put all my faith on a monster from way back then before the dinosaurs roamed the earth? Why should I do that?" Sam asked.

"Because I know you trust me just as you trusted my dad." Sean said making Sam smirk.

"Fair enough. Alright how do we lure them all together for our lizard asset to take them down?" Sam asked.

"I said the nukes would make them stronger but I put in a request for one to be delivered to the city. I already have my company evacuating the whole place before we had this conversation. We lure the MUTO's to the city Godzilla comes in and takes them down. Me and the others from the league and the other groups step in to assist him." Sean said.

"And what about military support?" Sam asked.

"Keep the destroyers at a distance and only fire on the MUTO's if giving a clean shot." Sean said.

"I'm taking a big risk here kid so you better be right." Sam said.

Later Night time

"Here comes the male." Frank said as the Male MUTO flew by and landed by the unarmed Nuke before grabbing it to take to its mate.

"Hey wheres the big lizard?" Jax asked.

"Godzilla is still a few minutes out. Just keep an eye on the MUTO's see what their doing." Sean said.

"Uh yeah about that. You guys might want to see this." Johnny said.

"What is it now Cage?" Sean asked going to his position and stopped. "Oh shit." Sean said.

"What is it?" Sam said on the comms that thankfully were still working with special tech Sean's company developed.

"Sam we might need some more help after all. The Female has already laid her eggs." Sean said.

"What? Its only been a few hours." Sam said in disbelief.

"We're dealing with a new species theres bound to be a lot of surprises." Sean said before Godzilla approached and roared at the female making her roar back before charging at him. "Scratch that request Godzilla is keeping her busy. Frank you and Natasha are with me the rest of you help out our new friend." Sean said as he and his group went into the nest.

"Yeah sure easy enough." Johnny said sarcastically.

"Johnny shut up." Sean said.

"Holy shit." Frank said seeing a lot of eggs numbered in the hundreds. "I don't have enough ammo to kill them all." Frank said.

"Me either." Natasha said.

"I don't think we need guns for this. Frank help me out with this." Sean said going to a gas tanker.

"Oh I see what your planing." Frank said chuckling.

"Sean you might want to hurry it up. Our lizard friend is getting his ass kicked from taking them both on and the others aren't having any effects on them other then just pissing them off." Sam said.

(Insert light is green from Halo 5)

"Hmmm. I wonder. Frank you two get this done I've got an idea." Sean said running back up to the others.

"I think I know what he's planing." Natasha said.

"Yup me to." Frank said opening the valve letting loose a stream of fuel out. "Alright lets go." Frank said as they ran outside to avoid getting blown up since it was next to a fire.

"Sean what are you doing?" Superman asked as an explosion in the nest went off just as Frank and Natasha got out. The Two MUTO's roared as they ran back to the nest.

"I think I have an idea." Sean said approaching Godzilla who struggled to get up. Sean jumped down next to his head making Godzilla look at him. "Easy there big guy. Lets see if I can give you a power boost." Sean said going into the Ghost Rider State and jumped on his head.

"Sean what in the hell are you doing?" Lantern asked

"Giving our friend a little power boost." Sean said.

Godzilla was suddenly engulfed in the white flames of the Ghost Rider state making him stand up and roar at the Two MUTO's who were sent into a rage and charged at him. Godzilla being able to move faster thanks to the power boost Sean gave him suddenly had his spiked glow blue before a stream of blue fire came out of his mouth managing to hit the female knocking her out from the intense blast and the force behind it.

"Whoa!" Johnny said laughing.

"Now thats what I call fire power." Lantern said.

"YeeeHaaaaw!" Sean yelled as the male flew at them only for Godzilla to hit him away with his tail with much more force behind it knocking him down to the ground. Godzilla roared at the MUTO before it got back up and dashed at him but Godzilla caught him by the wing in his mouth and threw him into a building. The Female soon got back up and charged at them again this Time Godzilla quickly bit her by the neck before slamming her down on the ground hard.

"Ooooh. Thats gotta hurt." Frank said laughing before the Male came right back at him again but this Time Godzilla slammed him with his tail into a building killing him as large metal pieces lodged into its head.

"One down one to go!" Sonya yelled.

"Come on now big guy show them why your the king of the monsters." Sean said as Godzilla roared at the female as she charged at them but Godzilla grabbed her by the mouth and kept it open as the spikes on his back glowed but instead of the blue flames coming out it was pure white using all the power Sean gave him into her mouth killing her brutally as her head came off and Godzilla roared into the air.

"Well I'll be damned." Sam said smirking.

(end song here)

"Whoa!" Sean yelled as he turned to human form again just as Godzilla collapsed on the ground.

"What happened?" Batman asked.

"Its alright he's just exhausted. His wounds that they gave him need time to heal. Man that was intense." Sean said laughing a little.

Next morning

"I guess I owe you all an apology for placing my doubts on all of you. Despite not being able to inflect a single wound on the MUTO's all of you did a great job in containing those things." Sam said to the heroes.

"That must have hurt to admit you were wrong." Sean said making Sam scoff.

"More then you can imagine." Sam Muttered making Sean chuckle. "Now then what do we do about him?" Sam asked pointing to Godzilla before he suddenly woke up and stood back on his feet and walked back to the ocean before roaring one last time in the air before entering the ocean and swam away.

"I highly doubt this is the last we've seen of him and he'll help us again when needed." Sean said.

"The Biggest asset of the world under your control no doubt." Sam said making Sean shrug.

"I wouldn't say under my control but he clearly trust me enough to transfer my own power into him." Sean said.

"Same thing really in my view." Sam said making Sean smirk.


"I really hope we never have to deal with something like that again." Talbot said as he Sean Ross and Sam entered the office where a man in military clothing was in waiting for him.

"Sean Ashburn Kruger. My name is General Hawk." Hawk said.

"Uh Ok." Sean said confused.

"I'm here to talk to you about the G.I Joe's." Hawk said.