
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Su Qi ascended to the sixth order of the Golden Xuan Period

Another loud sound reverberated, catching Su Qi's attention. The fire lion monster lay lifeless, its massive body engulfed in darkness.

Gasping for breath, Su Qi sat on a fallen tree trunk, feeling as if he had been drenched in rain. In the past, he and his brother had always fought against Warcraft together. But today, he had single-handedly defeated a fifth-order demon beast of the Holy Beast Stage. If he were to tell his mother about this accomplishment, she would never believe him.

Mu Yunxuan approached and used his Xuan Power to extract the spar from the Fire Lion Demon Beast.

"Qi'er, this is your achievement," he said.

Su Qi smiled foolishly, his hand full of sweat reaching out to take the Warcraft spar from Mu Yunxuan. It was still hot to the touch, but Su Qi's smile grew even wider, his heart ablaze with excitement.

Observing Su Qi's exhausted state, Mu Yunxuan's heart ached. Qi Er had given his all.

"Qi'er, hold on a little longer. There's a hot spring ahead. Daddy will take you there to wash up, and you can also advance to the sixth order of the Golden Xuan period," Mu Yunxuan suggested.

"It's alright, Dad. This refreshing feeling is great. Qi Er and his brother always sweat like this after fighting Warcraft. Washing up afterward feels so comfortable all over," Su Qi replied, feeling content.

"Daddy will take you there!" Mu Yunxuan lifted Su Qi in his arms, and they quickly made their way to a nearby hot spring.

Mu Yunxuan unleashed a powerful Xuan Qi, ensuring that no demon beasts within a hundred meters dared to approach the area.

Mu Yunxuan helped Su Qi undress, allowing him to soak naked in the hot spring.

"Daddy, you're not allowed to look at me," Su Qi blushed, two rosy circles forming on his face, mist filling his big eyes, making him irresistibly cute.

Apart from his mother, Su Qi had never been naked in front of anyone else before.

"Daddy is also a man," Mu Yunxuan chuckled, finding his son's shyness at such a young age amusing.

"Hmm! That's true. Daddy helped Qi Er protect the law, and Qi Er is about to advance," Su Qi replied, smiling lazily as the hot spring relaxed his entire body.

"Good!" Mu Yunxuan smiled lazily, washing Su Qi's clothes in the water and quickly drying them with his Xuan power. He then stood on the shore, patiently waiting for Su Qi's advancement.

Meanwhile, in Fengxiang Villa, the screams of pigs being slaughtered pierced through the roof.

Ji Rui stared in disbelief at the scene before her. It couldn't be true that she and her brother... No, it must be a dream. Ji Rui tried to console herself, desperately hoping it was all just a dream.

Ji Yu also woke up at the sound of the piercing screams. As he observed the scene in front of him, he didn't need to go downstairs to know what had happened.

The effects of Yun Zhonghuan's medicine were too powerful. Only Hehuan could counteract it. Who was so vicious to use such a poisonous method against them? It couldn't be the woman from Bright Moon Villa. If Yun Zhonghuan were in Bright Moon Villa, they would have sensed it when they left. Calculating the time, the most likely culprit was in the prison of the Ministry of Justice. Could it be Xie Yuan seeking revenge against Rui'er? Xie Yuan was also an alchemist, and the timing would have been just right. They couldn't return to the Duke's Mansion.

"Brother, how could you do this to Rui'er?" Ji Rui cried out, pounding Ji Yu's chest with both hands. How could they face each other after this?

"Rui, Rui'er, your hair..." Ji Yu looked at Ji Rui in disbelief. Ji Rui was also a rare beauty, but the Ji Rui before him had nothing in common with her. Her hair was unevenly cut, as if someone had used scissors to create a messy tangle, resembling a crow's nest.

Ji Rui suddenly stopped crying, her gaze lifting as she frantically touched her hair. Inadvertently, she caught sight of Ji Yu's hair, and there was barely any left on his head.

"Brother, your hair...?" Ji Rui pointed in disbelief, then dared to step closer and saw that hair was falling out everywhere, twisted messily.

Horror flashed in Ji Yu's eyes as he rushed to the copper mirror.

The screams that followed were even louder than Ji Rui's, making the slaves in the courtyard feel a sense of impending danger.

"What the hell is happening here? Who is responsible? I'll kill her!" Ji Rui seethed with anger. If her anger alone could cause harm, everything around her would have turned to pieces.

"Rui'er, we can't lose control. We have to think about what went wrong," Ji Yu gritted his teeth, realizing that he had never suffered such a significant setback before.

The deed was done, and even though Ji Rui couldn't accept it, she had to swallow her anger. All she wanted now was revenge, a fierce and ruthless revenge.

In Bright Moon Villa, Su Xin's eyes were closed, her long and thick eyelashes gently fluttering, giving her an adorable appearance. Her delicate nose twitched slightly, and her lips were beautifully curved, appearing slightly pale.

After finishing his business, Su Li brought Yue Tongzi to see Xin'er.

Quietly pushing the door open, they witnessed this enchanting scene.

Yue Tongzi's clear eyes deepened as he couldn't take his gaze off her charming and rosy face.

"Shh!" Su Li turned around, gesturing for silence.

Yue Tongzi nodded. Both of them could see that Xin'er was on the verge of advancement.

Just as the two of them were feeling quite nervous, a golden light appeared above Su Xin's head.

Su Li and Yue Tongzi were astonished as they looked at Su Xin in shock.

The golden light slowly faded away, and Su Xin blinked her long eyelashes, opening her bright, watery eyes.

With a knowing smile at the corner of her lips, she had succeeded. She had successfully advanced to the third stage of the early Xuan period.

Ling'er had also advanced alongside her, and the master and servant exchanged joyful glances, smiling at each other.

"Xin'er," Su Li approached anxiously.

He crouched down to be at eye level with Su Xin, examining her rosy face, and finally felt relieved.

"Sister, Xin'er has advanced to the third stage of the Chuxuan Period." Her smiling watery eyes sparkled with a strange brilliance.

"Xin'er, did you experience any physical discomfort when you advanced?" Su Li asked, more concerned about Su Xin's well-being than her advancement.

"No, brother. Xin'er has been taking the elixir that you and Grandpa Li refined recently, and she feels much better. She rarely coughs now," Su Xin replied with excitement. She looked forward to being able to run and jump like a normal person, to go outside happily. She didn't want to be a daughter who caused her mother to worry and lose sleep.

Su Li lightly furrowed his brows, smiling gently. His warm smile seemed to reach into people's hearts, spreading warmth throughout their bodies.

"As long as Xin'er's health improves, everything will be fine."

Su Li gently picked up Su Xin, and Ling'er happily jumped into Su Xin's arms.

Su Li looked at them, smiling, and the mischievousness in his eyebrows vanished. "This little one advanced as well."

"Yes! Brother, can Xin'er make a contract with the Phantom Feather?" Su Xin asked eagerly, her big eyes shining with anticipation.

"Yes, once Qi Er comes over and checks Xin'er's condition, if everything is fine, I will help Xin'er make a contract with the Phantom Feather."

"That's great, brother!" Su Xin's eyes gleamed with misty excitement. No matter how difficult the process might be, she was determined to endure it.

"Tongzi, go and call Qi Er over."

"Yes, Young Lord."

Tongzi glanced happily at Su Xin, then turned and left. He was tall and still dressed in white.

At the same time, Su Qi, who was far away in the Mountain of No Return, had just advanced to the sixth stage of the Golden Xuan Period.

Filled with excitement, he leaped out of the water.

Naked, he rushed straight into Mu Yunxuan's arms.

"Dad, I've advanced!" Su Qi quickly took the dry clothes from Mu Yunxuan's hand and put them on.

"Yes! Dad saw it, Qi Er, you're amazing. Alchemy and Xuanqi cultivation side by side, progressing so quickly. There are probably few people in the world with such talent as my son," Mu Yunxuan praised without hesitation, feeling grateful that Su Zimo had returned and brought him such unprecedented happiness.

"Dad, it's getting late. Mother is about to wake up, so it seems I won't be able to search for the Phantom Heart Grass today. I'll have to come back tomorrow."

Su Qi glanced at the setting sun, realizing that if he didn't return and was discovered by his mother, he would be in trouble.

"Alright, let's go back first. Daddy will accompany you tomorrow."

In Bright Moon Villa, Yue Tongzi hurriedly entered.

"Young Lord, the second prince is not in his room."

"Not in his room?"

Su Li looked puzzled. Didn't Qi Er say he would be thinking on the wall?

"Of course, if he's not in his room, he must have snuck out to play again. That disobedient boy."


"Mother, you're awake."

Su Li and Su Xin exclaimed in surprise.


Yue Tongzi automatically stepped back.

"Yes!" A flash of red light appeared on Su Zimo's face beneath the mask.

She had fainted so gracefully, and this time, Shao Feng's hibiscus cake had turned out white.

Su Zimo probably gritted her teeth. What the hell was this heart-devouring thing? It had such unexpected consequences.

"You three can stay here and play. I'll wait for Qi Er to come back," Su Zimo said before turning and leaving.

Su Xin wanted to tell her mother about her advancement, but her mother had already disappeared from sight.

"Daddy, hurry back! It would be embarrassing to be caught by Mother," Su Xin urged as soon as they entered the room.

"Alright!" Mu Yunxuan turned around and reached for the doorknob.

"Where do you think you're going?"

A voice filled with suppressed anger made both father and son freeze in their tracks.
