
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

White Lies

"Mother, mother."

Su Qi gazed at her mother, who had suddenly appeared in her room like a ghost. Her brows furrowed, realizing that she had been caught.

"Madam." Mu Yunxuan turned around, his incredibly handsome face resembling that of a god, and he looked at Su Zimo with a soft, flattering expression.

Su Zimo's heart trembled instantly, and she shouted angrily, "Mu Yunxuan, take the old lady back to your cloud city! If you dare to come here and corrupt my son, I'll show you how I deal with you!"

Su Zimo glared at Mu Yunxuan in anger. How could he bring out Qi Er, who was being punished? If she continued to indulge Qi Er like this, how would she discipline him in the future?

Mu Yunxuan appeared aggrieved, his eyes shining with tenderness as he looked at the enraged Su Zimo. Once again, he felt deeply wronged.

"Mother, mother, please don't be angry. Don't worry about Daddy's actions. Qi Er secretly sneaked out to play, and Daddy just happened to rescue him."

Su Qi clung to the hem of Su Zimo's dress, looking pitiful as he admitted his mistake.

"To rescue him?"

This time, Su Zimo was puzzled and, despite her doubts, she still couldn't bring herself to believe it.

"Weren't you thinking about it in your room? How did you end up outside?"

"Mother, Qi Er realized he was about to break through but was stuck at a bottleneck. He had no choice but to go to the Mountain of No Return to kill a demon beast and find an opportunity for advancement. It just so happened that Father saw him and followed. He saved Qi Er. If Daddy had been a step late, you wouldn't have seen Qi Er, Mother."

As he spoke, Su Qi's eyes welled up with tears.

He didn't dare to mention that he went to the Mountain of No Return to find the Illusion Heart Grass to save Xin'er. If he revealed that, he wouldn't be able to retrieve the Illusion Heart Grass, and his mother wouldn't believe him.

The fact of his promotion was true, and his mother wouldn't suspect it. The relationship between his parents had just improved, and he couldn't afford to create a rift at this time.

A flicker of realization flashed through Mu Yunxuan's deep gaze. It was too easy for Qi Er to come up with a lie.

He glanced at Su Zimo from the corner of his eye, trying to gauge her reaction to Qi Er's words.

Su Zimo stared back at him sharply.

He quickly averted his gaze, feigning a sorrowful expression as if he had been wronged.

Su Zimo subtly probed Su Qi's cultivation level.

With that probe, Su Zimo couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Surprised, she exclaimed, "Qi Er, you've reached the sixth stage of the Golden Xuan Period!"

"Yes!" Su Qi nodded. "Qi Er killed a fire lion demon beast and just advanced to the sixth stage of the Golden Xuan Period."

Su Qi nodded quickly, wearing a pitiful expression on his delicate face, not daring to show any pride. He knew his mother would get angry, and he understood her temperament well.

Su Zimo froze for a moment, looking at Su Qi with a dejected expression. It was over. Her two sons had surpassed her in strength, even though she had been diligently cultivating during this time. She was still stuck at the fifth stage of the Golden Xuan Period. Should she also go to the Mountain of No Return or the Psychedelic Forest to battle beasts and enhance her strength? But she didn't have the time!

In an instant, Su Qi saw his mother's deflated expression, and he couldn't help but feel amused. He knew she would react this way.

Mu Yunxuan stood silently by the side, not uttering a word.

In truth, he also felt a hint of amusement in his heart. Seeing his wife's eyes lose their luster instantly brought him some satisfaction. Yet, in her dimmed eyes, there was a flicker of light.

"Just consider yourself lucky this time. If there's a next time, I'll run away with our son and daughter. You'll never see them again."

Su Zimo coldly warned Mu Yunxuan, her anger rekindling in her previously dejected eyes.

Mu Yunxuan's deep gaze froze instantly. This woman, if she dared to run away, he would show her how he could deal with her. Nevertheless, his resolve wavered in an instant.

Su Zimo stared at Mu Yunxuan with determination.

"Lady, I will never dare to do it again, I promise," Mu Yunxuan said with an unnatural tone, his face flushed. He had never experienced a woman looking at him with such intense and dazzling eyes.

But deep down, he had been anticipating such a look of affection and curiosity from her all along.

Could it be that their recent days together had made her feel something?

Mu Yunxuan's eyes quickly lit up with excitement.

The radiant glow of the sunset illuminated her silver mask, and her sparkling eyes reflected his figure, which belonged entirely to him.

Mu Yunxuan's heart was inexplicably thrilled by this feeling.

"I just want to tell you that our agreement at Sanqingshan, if three of your shops can't surpass mine, then between us..."

"Don't worry, Niangzi. I won't disappoint you," Su Zimo nodded and walked away.

Su Zimo didn't overthink it. The world was vast, and not everyone could meet, nor could every heart rely on and love each other. If her relationship with Mu Yunxuan could create a bond akin to family affection and love, she would take the first step and try.

Mu Yunxuan gazed at her figure in the sunset, a peerless smile gracing his lips.

"Lady, I understand. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words. What you truly need is someone who can warm your heart, someone who can deeply connect with your soul. As long as our hearts are close, nothing in the world can hinder the touch between us.

"Daddy, have you seen enough? Mom has already left," Suzie said with a smile, looking at her clueless father.

"And you dare to say that? Lies come so easily to you. If it weren't for me being with you today, even I would have been deceived by you," Mu Yunxuan replied, squatting down and pinching his child's cheeks.

"Dad, it was just a little white lie. It saved the relationship between you and Mom. You should thank Qi'er," Su Qi chimed in, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"You little troublemaker!" Mu Yunxuan reached out to pinch Su Qi's face again.

Suzie quickly jumped away, avoiding his touch.

Mu Yunxuan looked displeased. He hadn't finished pinching yet. The smoothness of his child's cheek made him want to pinch it a few more times.

"Dad, if you keep pinching, my face will swell up, you know? You're a grown man, you don't understand the weight of your touch. Qi'er knows he looks adorable, but if you keep pinching, it will make his face shape uneven," Su Qi said with a serious expression. "Oh, the troubles of being good-looking!"

Mu Yunxuan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"I've seen narcissism, but I've never seen anyone as narcissistic as you."

"Holy Lord, Second Prince," Yue Tongzi's voice called out, interrupting their playful banter.

Mu Yunxuan turned to look at him. "What's the matter?"

"Holy Lord, Second Prince, Miss has been promoted to the third stage of the Early Xuan Period. The Young Miss asked the Second Prince to come over and check on her progress," Yue Tongzi reported respectfully, blending well into the household.

"Great! Dad, let's go. Let's go and see. Xin'er can contract the Phantom Feather," Su Qi's little face couldn't hide his excitement.

"Let's go," Mu Yunxuan responded, equally thrilled. His daughter's progress in cultivation brought him more joy than anything else.

In the Siyuxuan of Mingyue Villa, Murong Shaofeng resided.

This arrangement was made by He Yunting, and it happened to provide him with some company.

In the courtyard, the air was filled with the vibrant energy of spring. Camellias bloomed, creating a picturesque scene, while Murong Shaofeng, dressed in white, sat by the stone table with a camellia in front of him.

A cluster of plantain trees stood behind him, their leaves swaying in the evening breeze, producing a soothing sound that resembled raindrops falling on plantain leaves.

The blooming camellias looked delicate and attracted colorful butterflies.

Murong Shaofeng quietly observed the enchanting scenery before him.

Even when the hibiscus flowers were in full bloom, he still wanted to make her favorite hibiscus cake.

He Yunting led two maids into the courtyard.

"Lao Yuan, Shao Feng," He Yunting greeted with a hearty voice.

But Murong Shaofeng remained unmoved, his attention still captivated by the scenery.

Can flowers convey emotions through their blossoms? Is there a flower or medicine that can solve matters of the heart?

Murong Shaofeng chuckled at his own thoughts. If forgetting were that easy, then it wouldn't be love.

"Why are you ignoring everyone?" He Yunting asked, gesturing for the maids to place the food and wine on the stone table.

As they arranged everything meticulously, the maids respectfully withdrew, their shy glances occasionally stealing a peek at Murong Shaofeng.
