
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs


"Your mother has fainted."

Mu Yunxuan's deep eyes carried a tinge of worry.

"Daddy, there's no need to worry. It's normal for my mother to faint now."

The sunlight filtered through the gaps in the leaves, casting a star-like glow on Su Qi's rosy and delicate face, making it even more adorable.

Upon hearing this, Mu Yunxuan felt a wave of relief in his heart, and the tension eased from his handsome face.

"Qi'er, what did you do to the siblings from the Ji family?"

Mu Yunxuan asked casually, but deep down, he wanted to know. Ever since the mother and son appeared in his life, each day had been filled with excitement.

"Dad, I just gave them a little medicine. Those two ignorant fools dared to lay their hands on Xuanji. It's truly infuriating."

Su Qi narrowed his eyes mischievously, his face wearing a cunning expression.

Mu Yunxuan's eyebrows twitched. Was it really just a little medicine?

"Qi'er, the Eight Great Xuan Qi are extraordinary treasures in the world, especially for cultivators. They serve as lifelong guarantees, and everyone desires to obtain them."

"Dad, while that's true, fate also plays a role."

Suzie grinned, her eyebrows picturesque, instantly becoming cute.

Mu Yunxuan couldn't help but pull him into his arms and pinch his tender cheeks.

"Are those Eight Great Xuan Qi in your mother's possession?"

Mu Yunxuan inquired further, as Ji Rui and Ji Yu had clearly come for the Eight Great Xuan Qi.

"Dad, they are not in my mother's possession. She is only interested in Xuan Bingxue Practice."

Suzie weighed her words, ultimately deciding to share it with her father.

"She's only interested in Xuan Bingxue Practice? What does that mean?"

Mu Yunxuan looked puzzled, his handsome brows furrowed. Others couldn't obtain the treasures, yet she was selective and only interested in Xuan Bingxue Practice?

"Dad, if you want to obtain the Xuan Weapons, you have to rely on your own abilities. For example, Qi Er doesn't have them. Qi Er only has the Soul Devouring Bell. Only my brother and mother obtained them by their own means. Xin'er has the Phantom Feather because she can't cultivate, so there's no way for her to form a contract. Otherwise, when Ling Qiushui took Xin'er away from Mingyuexuan, Xin'er wouldn't have been able to leave. The master gave it to Xin'er."

As soon as the topic of the mysterious weapons came up, Su Qi's attractive eyebrows furrowed. His cultivation wasn't enough to control the Phantom Feather yet.

"Why? Aren't these Eight Great Xuan Qi in the possession of a single person?"

Mu Yunxuan recalled that the Eight Great Xuan Qi were taken away by a single individual.

It had been fifteen years since they disappeared, and if the Eight Great Xuan Qi resurfaced, it would disturb the entire rivers and lakes.

"No, Dad. I'll explain it to you later. Didn't you just say that Mom fainted? Judging by the time, I can also head to the Mountain of No Return."

"To the Mountain of No Return?"

Mu Yunxuan's brows furrowed. Qi Er wanted to go to the Mountain of No Return.

"Hmm! I've been studying the Dan Pu recently and found out that there's a spirit grass called Phantom Heart Grass that grows in the Mountain of No Return. It can substitute for the Silver Plant Grass to control Xin'er's condition."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Daddy will take you there and cure your daughter's illness." Mu Yunxuan didn't say another word. He picked up Su Qi and flew towards the Mountain of No Return.

In the carriage of Ji Yu and Ji Rui, both siblings felt varying degrees of heat.

Ji Rui, in particular, felt intense itchiness all over her body.

Ji Yu excelled not only in refining poisons but also as a fifth-grade alchemist at the Golden Xuan Period.

The heat on their bodies made it clear that they had been drugged.

"Hmm!" Ji Rui couldn't help but make a sound.

The itch became unbearable, causing her to frantically scratch her body.

And this sound made Ji Yu's heart tighten.

"Rui'er, calm down. We've been drugged."

Ji Yu forcibly suppressed the uneasiness in his heart.

Although Ji Rui wasn't his biological sister, she was still his half-sister, and they had a close relationship. He had to maintain control.

"Rui'er, take this pill quickly."

Ji Yu swiftly took out a pill for Ji Rui to consume, taking one himself as well.

"Brother, it's so uncomfortable. Rui'er feels hot and uncomfortable." Ji Rui began tearing at her clothes, and the eyes of the two siblings grew cloudy.

If they had been attentive at that moment, they would have been shocked, as their hair was falling out in large clumps.

"Hurry, increase the speed and take us back to Zhenguo Mansion. No, head to Fengxiang Villa."

Ji Yu bellowed loudly.

"Yes, Young Master."

Upon hearing Ji Yu's furious command, the coachman dared not slacken and whipped the horse, galloping without a moment's delay.

In Bright Moon Villa, Su Xin hid in her room, dressed in a pink gown, and sat cross-legged on the floor.

The new contract snow spirit fox lay quietly beside her, occasionally gazing at Su Xin's pained expression with its big pink eyes.

A small sound of "poof" escaped from Su Xin's mouth, as a bright red blood stain bloomed at the corner of her lips, contrasting against her pale face.

The snow spirit fox quickly jumped up, gesturing with its small snow-white paws. As a divine beast in the phantom beast period, it couldn't speak, so it could only express its nervousness through gestures.

Su Xin's clear eyes were filled with sadness as she looked at her reflection in Ling'er's cute appearance. With a helpless smile on her lips, she gently wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with her jade-like hand.

"Ling'er, isn't Xin'er useless? Even with just a little progress, Xin'er couldn't reach the third rank of the First Xuan Period. If I can reach that level, I can form a contract with Phantom Yu and protect myself in the future. My mother wouldn't have to worry about me."

Ling'er was the name Su Xin gave to the snow spirit fox. Although it was still in the phantom beast period, it possessed exceptional psychic abilities, so Su Xin affectionately named it Ling'er.

Ling'er vigorously shook its head. Wasn't Su Xin already remarkable by achieving the first rank in just a few days?

Su Xin looked at Ling'er's cute gestures, her crescent moon-like eyebrows raised slightly, and a faint, melancholic smile graced her lips.

She opened a jade pill box and saw that there were only two pills left from her brother's half-month of refinement. After hesitating for a moment, she decisively picked up the pills and swallowed them together. These pills could suppress her breathing and help her reach the second rank of the early Xuan stage. She could feel her body undergoing a subtle change, becoming lighter than before. With a contract with the Phantom Feather, her cultivation would advance by leaps and bounds.

Feeling more comfortable in her body after taking the pill, Su Xin closed her eyes and continued her cultivation in a cross-legged position.

Ling'er extended its small paws again, lazily keeping Su Xin company by her side.

In the Mountain of No Return, Su Qi confronted a fifth-order demon beast of the Holy Beast stage.

Although the fifth-order Holy Beast stage fire lion demon beast could be easily defeated by Mu Yunxuan, Su Qi insisted that his father refrain from intervening. His motivation was to kill this fifth-order Holy Beast and absorb its fifth-order Holy Beast Period Xuan Qi, thereby advancing to the sixth rank of the Golden Xuan Period. Surpassing his older sister made his little face blush with determination.

Moreover, the demon beast's spar would be of great help to their alchemists.

After a few rounds, the Fire Lion Demon Beast was beaten to the ground by Su Qi, but Su Qi found himself in a weakened state.

"Hmph! Xiao Ye has been cultivating diligently lately! Haven't I defeated you within ten moves?"

Su Qi wore an aggrieved expression and then turned to look at his father.

Mu Yunxuan displayed an expression of love and helplessness. His son didn't allow him to help, but the fire lion demon beast had already stood up, its scarlet eyes fixed on Su Qi.

The fire lion opened its mouth, spewing a basin of blood, and its massive body shook the earth, causing the trees to shatter.

"Hey! Are you too tired to take a break and fight for a while? Why do you have to stand up and rest?"

The fire lion demon beast, now with red eyes filled with anger, ignored Su Qi's words. It only wanted to devour him and relieve its hunger.

Su Qi raised his eyebrows, focused his mind, and couldn't afford to lose face in front of his father. His spirit was more focused than ever as he condensed his Xuan Qi into a huge fireball and sent it rushing towards the fire lion monster. The scorching heat made Su Qi feel like he was burning before the fire lion even came close.

"Boom!" A tremendous explosion reverberated as the spot where the Fire Lion Demon Beast had stood became unrecognizable, the ground turning black, and a large hole forming in the beast's huge body.

"Huh?" Su Qi was surprised. His gaze flickered with joy, and he exclaimed, "Dad, Qi Er did it! There's a big hole in that fire lion monster!" A flash of appreciation appeared in Mu Yunxuan's eyes. This fire lion demon beast had managed to evade Qi Er's attack. Moreover, it was different from other monsters—cruel and ruthless.

While the Fire Lion Demon Beast struggled to rise from the ground, Su Qi exclaimed, "Why isn't it dead? Didn't get the expected result." Annoyed, he waved his hands, launching an even more powerful fireball to attack the beast once again.

Mu Yunxuan stood aside, allowing Qi Er to experience and seize the opportunity for rapid cultivation advancement.
