
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Helan Min's Advice.

The black specter stared sharply at Su Zimo, wondering about her connection to the palace master of Xuan Hades Palace. However, his eyes revealed an unmistakable astonishment as he beheld the woman before him, who was the most beautiful he had ever seen.

With a calm demeanor, Su Zimo warned the black specter not to approach, concealing her peculiar expression. She pulled the quilt over herself, determined to hold on until Mu Yunxuan returned.

The black specter disregarded Su Zimo's warning and continued approaching her step by step, pondering the situation on the bed and attempting to deduce what had occurred.

A flicker of surprise crossed his eyes as he instantly realized the truth. Could it be that she was the woman of the Xuan Hades Palace Lord?

"Xuan Hades Palace?" Su Zimo was perplexed. What had the Xuanlu Palace done to her? As a merchant, she couldn't fathom why she would be entangled with those martial arts sects.

"Tell me, your relationship with..." The black specter couldn't finish his sentence as he felt a strong resistance choking his neck.

Suddenly, he raised his gaze to meet a pair of eyes filled with murderous intent and gloom.

"Go join the white specter! You two brothers have always been inseparable," Mu Yunxuan's eyes held a sinister smile.

The black specter stared at Mu Yunxuan with wide eyes, unable to believe what was happening.

With a "click," the black specter didn't even have time to make a sound before he was swiftly eliminated by Mu Yunxuan.

Mu Yunxuan quickly removed his mask and hurriedly approached Su Zimo, a concerned look on his face.

"Mo'er, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, as long as I'm with you," Su Zimo responded coldly.

Upon hearing her words, Mu Yunxuan smiled. He knew this young girl held onto grudges, but they also had good times together, such as the previous night. However, her words still pained him deep inside, knowing that he had put her in danger.

As the Holy Lord of Cloud City and the palace master of Xuan Hades Palace, Mu Yunxuan held significant power and influence. Yet, when faced with the woman in front of him, he often felt helpless and unable to protect her. He, who once treated women casually, never expected that one day he would be captivated by her smile. As long as he was by her side, he felt a sense of peace.

Su Zimo struggled to get up, realizing she couldn't stay there indefinitely. She needed to heal her eyes first.

"Don't worry, Mo'er. I'll take you to the bath first, and then we'll find Qingtan to examine your eyes," Mu Yunxuan assured her, aware of her concerns.

"Is there an alchemist here?" Su Zimo paused, no longer moving, and asked.

"Naturally, Mo'er. Let's head to the bath first," Mu Yunxuan replied, paying no attention to whether Su Zimo agreed or not. He picked her up and walked towards the inner room.

Su Zimo didn't object but rather found comfort in his actions. After a tiring night, she also wanted to relax in a warm bath.

Meanwhile, in Zhenguo Mansion, Ji Yu and Ji Rui gathered together.

"Brother, none of the people we sent to the paper factory have returned. It seems they are all dead," Ji Rui said anxiously. The deeper they delved, the more they realized Su Zimo's formidable strength. Moreover, with the addition of Cloud City, engaging in an open confrontation with Su Zimo would be like hitting a rock with an egg, underestimating their opponent.

Ji Yu lazily leaned against the chair, his eyes deep as he gazed out the door.

"It's no surprise that they didn't return alive. Even Zhihe and Zhiyang fell victim to them, let alone the others," Ji Yu remarked.

Ji Rui looked up resentfully. "Are we just going to let it go?"

The image of Su Zimo's enraged and beautiful face fueled her jealousy and a burning desire for revenge.

"Do you wish to seek retribution against Su Li or Su Qi? You've suffered enough losses at their hands. You should remember your limitations. If you want to take action, I won't stop you," Ji Yu responded without hesitation.

Satisfied with his answer, Ji Rui's eyes flashed with malice. She bore deep resentment toward Su Zimo and believed that with the power of the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion, she could defeat the supposed waste.

Before Ji Yu left, he turned and looked at Ji Rui.

"Anything else?"

Ji Rui hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Brother, since Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan are both away from Mingyue Villa, why don't we do something? It would be advantageous to hinder Su Zimo's progress."

Ji Yu glanced at Ji Rui, his gaze sharp and probing. "Have you forgotten the beatings you received from Su Li and Su Qi? You've suffered numerous hidden losses at their hands. If you want to take action, I won't intervene."

With that, Ji Yu departed, leaving Ji Rui behind. He needed to return to Tianmen Palace and see the master.

Ji Rui watched Ji Yu's departing figure, pursing her lips tightly as she clutched the silk scarf in her hand.

A maid dressed plainly, Bai Su, approached her.

"Miss, Miss He has arrived and wishes to discuss something with you."

"Helan Min?" Ji Rui furrowed her brow, contemplating for a moment.

"Bring her here," Ji Rui ordered. As the thought of Helan Min crossed her mind, a trace of gloom flickered in Ji Rui's eyes. She refused to believe that, with the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion's strength, she couldn't defeat the supposedly weak Su Zimo.

"Yes, Miss." Before Bai Su turned away, she cast a fearful glance at Ji Rui's malicious expression. She lived in constant fear as the person who knew Ji Rui's secrets the best.

"Snap..." The sound of water mixed with clapping resonated against Mu Yunxuan's chest.

"Mu Yunxuan, you should be more honest with me, old man."

Su Zimo's hand swung towards Mu Yunxuan's face, but he couldn't see it due to his blindfold. Mu Yunxuan had been restless since entering the hot spring, constantly touching her.

"Mo'er, how about I help you bathe?" Mu Yunxuan looked at her with an evil smile, his palm still lingering red from the slaps. His heart ached, realizing that her slaps were more like tickles, and his hand should have hurt more.

"Get out of the way." Su Zimo pushed Mu Yunxuan, but he dodged her push and slipped in closer.


Just as Su Zimo was about to be submerged in the water, Mu Yunxuan swiftly embraced her.

"What will you do if I go away, Mo'er?" Mu Yunxuan's evil smile revealed his intentions. His gaze fell on her white and alluring collarbone exposed above the water, the contrasting red and white accentuating her beautiful face and exuding a captivating charm.

Mu Yunxuan's eyes burned with desire, and his body reacted instantly.

As they drew closer, Su Zimo could instantly feel Mu Yunxuan's response, causing her body to freeze and her eyes to widen.

"Mu, Mu Yunxuan, if you dare..."

"Hmm...!" Su Zimo's words were cut short as a softness met her tongue.

The hardness that entered her body widened Su Zimo's eyes, and she found herself tightly embraced by Mu Yunxuan. While she was shocked, Mu Yunxuan had already started indulging in the pleasure of their union.

In Ji Rui's courtyard, Helan Min dressed meticulously in a pink dress with golden floral patterns along the edges. The vibrant colors added a touch of elegance to her appearance. She sat under the octagonal pavilion, waiting for Ji Rui, enjoying a piece of osmanthus cake.

She had anticipated meeting Ji Yu today, but after inquiring with a maid, she learned that he had already left.

Helan Min couldn't help but feel disappointed, and her mood dampened compared to when she first arrived.

"Oh, look who it is. Who are you all dressed up for? Ah, it's Sister He," Ji Rui greeted with a bright smile, but inwardly sneered at Helan Min's attire, finding it far less beautiful than her own.

"Sister Ji, you're here," Helan Min quickly put down the osmanthus cake in her hand.

"Of course, I wanted to see you, Sister He," Ji Rui replied, her smile reaching her eyes. However, she secretly mocked Helan Min for her lackluster appearance, daring to compare herself to Ji Rui's beauty.

"Sister Ji, please have a seat. Your presence is worthy of the Zhenguo Mansion. This osmanthus cake is truly delicious!"

"Naturally. It's made by the imperial chef who serves the emperor himself, so it's much more delicious. If you like it, Sister He, I'll have some sent to you through my maid. It'll satisfy your cravings," Ji Rui said with generosity, her eyebrows raised in a pleasant manner.

"Thank you, Sister Ji," Helan Min forced a smile, but deep down, she cursed Ji Rui for being a stingy woman, daring to belittle her.

However, she didn't show her displeasure on her face.

"Sister Ji, where is Brother Ji Yu?"

"Oh, don't even mention it!" Ji Rui pretended to be annoyed.

"What's wrong, Sister Ji? Is something bothering you?" Helan Min asked with concern.

"It's not just a bother. Lately, my brother has been facing many troubles. Su Qi destroyed his Fengyue Tower, lost to Su Qi in an alchemy competition, and that person, Su Zimo, trampled on my beloved and severely injured Hong'er. And today, I finally managed to get out of bed and move around a bit, but the Su Zimo family keeps causing trouble for our Zhenguo Mansion."

Helan Min's brows furrowed slightly, lines forming on her forehead.

"Sister Ji, have you heard? I heard that the Three Princes went missing overnight, and there's no news about them. When I came here earlier, the people at the Three Princes' Mansion were mobilizing manpower to search. Considering the conflicts between the Three Princes and Su Zimo, why didn't you link the disappearance of Jun Lintian to Su Zimo? In the entire Haoyue Kingdom's capital, only Su Zimo and the Three Princes had grievances. Have you thought about involving the emperor to deal with Su Zimo? It would be much faster than dealing with her ourselves. Even without evidence, we can create evidence, and killing a member of the royal family would warrant beheading."

Helan Min's words made Ji Rui's eyebrows narrow slightly, her fingers tightening.

That's right! Why didn't she think of that? Using the emperor to deal with Su Zimo would be much quicker than their own efforts. They could create evidence even if there was none. Killing a member of the royal family would lead to execution.

"Well, well, Sister He, you may act foolish at times, but you do come up with good ideas when it matters. Let's go! I'll take you to see my brother. When he sees how you've dressed up today, he'll surely brighten up." Helan Min's eyes turned cold, wondering if she often appeared foolish. Nonetheless, in order to see Ji Yu, she stood up and followed Ji Rui.
