
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Love you, and you will love all of you

"Phew!" Mu Yunxuan let out a heavy breath, feeling tempted beyond control by the alluring Su Zimo.

With drunken eyes, Su Zimo gazed at Mu Yunxuan, and in a daze, Mu Yunxuan looked back at her with affection.

In those deep eyes, filled with love as vast as the sea, tender and caring.

"Su Zimo, among the entire world, it is only you, only you who can drive me to such madness and fascination."

Mu Yunxuan's ragged breathing couldn't conceal the tenderness and infatuation in his heart.

"Hmm!" Su Zimo responded emotionally, her eyes on her flushed face revealing confusion and intoxication.

Su Zimo blinked, her heart slightly shaken—could she see?

Quickly shaking her head and looking at Mu Yunxuan's reddened handsome face again, Su Zimo felt certain in her heart that she could indeed see.

Just as she was taken aback, Mu Yunxuan suddenly increased his pace.

"Hmm... Yes! Su Zimo was instantly overwhelmed by a rush of sensations in her mind, even stronger than before.

Finally, Mu Yunxuan stopped and sat down in the diving area with Su Zimo in his arms.

Resting his flushed face against Su Zimo's smooth shoulder, he panted heavily.

Su Zimo was too exhausted to even lift her eyelids, so she quietly leaned into Mu Yunxuan's embrace.


"Be quiet!" Su Zimo didn't want to talk at the moment, as the two of them were in an extremely compromising position.

She hadn't expected herself to become addicted to this, even craving that indescribable feeling.

Yet Mu Yunxuan held her tightly, despite his anger and hatred towards him, his heart couldn't let her go.

After getting dressed, Su Zimo looked at Mu Yunxuan.

"My vision has returned. We should go back to Mingyue Villa!"

Mu Yunxuan raised his eyebrows, a joyful expression spreading across his face.

"You can see? Mo'er, that's wonderful!"

Mu Yunxuan was clearly happier than she was.

"Yes! Now, rest assured, Quercus and Qi'er."

"Mo'er, don't worry. This place is not far from the capital, and if anything happens, the news will reach Qingfeng quickly. Didn't you promise me that you would accompany me here for three days? In three days, we will definitely return, okay?" Mu Yunxuan looked at her with great anticipation, his eyes growing larger and more captivating, making it impossible to look away.

Su Zimo gazed into his ink-black eyes, filled with eagerness, and felt herself getting lost in them. Her heart stirred.

"I'm hungry." In truth, she wanted to sleep more, recalling her words in the tomb.

"Mu Yunxuan, I thought you were just a one-night fling. Turns out it's nothing more than that."

Didn't she have some doubts in her heart now? Did Mu Yunxuan remember what she said that day and was now punishing her?

It was already past noon, and for the first time, she felt like she was talking to herself, full of vigor.

Mu Yunxuan's slightly furrowed brows relaxed, understanding that she had agreed.

"I'll take you for lunch."

Returning to the main hall of the courtyard, Uncle Ran also entered with the maid carrying delicious food, and among those who came was Phoenix Yin.

However, this time Feng Yin's eyes held more respect and less jealousy when looking at Su Zimo.

After setting the dishes on the table one by one, Dye Bo respectfully stepped aside.

"Holy Lord, Madam, please enjoy!"

"You all can leave. I don't like having people watching while I eat."

Last time it was her vision that was impaired, but now it was no longer necessary.

Su Zimo reached for the chopsticks herself, surprising Ran Bo and Feng Yin. Wasn't Madam unable to see?

"Step back!" Mu Yunxuan reminded them as he looked at their astonished faces.

"Yes, Holy Lord. Madam, please enjoy your meal."

Ran Bo waved his hand and left with the maid and Phoenix Yin.

"Is there a beautiful woman in every household?"

Recalling the previous incident in the courtyard, where there was also a beautiful woman present, and now here as well, she couldn't help but notice the admiration in their eyes towards Mu Yunxuan.

When Mu Yunxuan heard this, he smiled, saying, "Mo'er is jealous."

"What about the soy sauce I asked for?"

Su Zimo replied to him coldly.

Mu Yunxuan fed her a bite of her favorite dish before explaining casually, "They are all children of the previous housekeeper, who served Cloud City faithfully for generations. Many of them have no family and learned various skills from their fathers. I assigned them suitable positions based on their abilities. It's thanks to their loyalty that Cloud City has reached this point. As for Ran Bo and Feng Yin, they were being pursued by Tianmen's people. I happened to save their father and daughter at the time when this place was just built. So I let Dye Bo take care of the other courtyard here. Dye Bo is quite responsible, and I've always been satisfied with him."

Su Zimo paused for a moment, gazing deeply into his eyes. What he said made sense. The last thing people should be is ungrateful.

"By the way, what's happening with the Xuan Hades Palace? The person who broke into the room this morning was looking for the palace master of the Xuanxian Palace."

Mu Yunxuan was slightly taken aback, swallowed his food, and said, "Mo'er, these are some grudges of the martial world. You don't need to concern yourself with them."

"I wanted to ignore it, but they came looking for me."

Su Zimo ate absentmindedly, her gaze also casual as she looked at Mu Yunxuan, wondering if he was hiding something from her.

But the person who came this morning was after his life.

"There won't be any such incidents in the future."

Mu Yunxuan's expression darkened. He hadn't expected the Black Ghost and White Ghost to find their way here. It seemed that the people from Tianmen were eager to destroy the Xuan Hades Palace. His identity as the Lord of the Xuan Hades Palace was extremely secretive, completely separate from his identity as the Saint Lord of Cloud City. If the Black Ghost and White Ghost could discover his trace, then it was likely that the rest of Tianmen could too. Last night, he had killed the intruders along with the Black Ghost and White Ghost, and if his guess was correct, no one should currently know his true identity as the Lord of the Nether Palace.

And Su Zimo's words weighed heavily on his heart, making him realize that he had to make all kinds of preparations to protect her and their child.

A wry smile involuntarily appeared on his lips. Mo'er said she trusted him, so he must not let her down or allow any harm to befall her.

After finishing breakfast, Mu Yunxuan suggested going out for a stroll.

Su Zimo readily agreed, viewing this trip as an unforgettable expression of their love.

On both sides of the pathway in the courtyard, rows of peach trees were planted, adorned with layers of pink flowers. Some of the early-blooming peaches were tinged with white, resembling plump jade. Delicate and translucent, they blossomed and smiled in the wind under the warm sunlight.

Su Zimo paused, gently closing her eyes, and her two rows of long and curly eyelashes pressed together.

She took a deep breath, savoring the subtle fragrance of the peach blossoms. Though not overpowering, the scenery around her was captivating.

Standing next to her, Mu Yunxuan wore a tender expression, a warm smile playing at the corner of his lips. He stood quietly, afraid to disturb the beauty that surrounded him.

Clad in a pink and purple dress, Su Zimo stood amidst the peach blossoms, surpassing even the delicate flowers in her beauty.

Mu Yunxuan etched every scene into his heart, intending to transform them into exquisite paintings and treasure them in his secret room.

Three days had passed, and after tonight, they would enter a world meant only for the two of them. During the day, they would roam freely through the peach blossom forest, swimming in the lake and catching fish. At night, their passion and tenderness would intertwine.

"Mu Yunxuan, I want to have a barbecue tonight! I'll return to the capital early tomorrow morning," Su Zimo declared.

She placed the caught fish into a bamboo basket, reminiscing about the time when Mu Yunxuan had helped her catch fish back in Sanqing Mountain.

"Good!" Mu Yunxuan exclaimed, a smile brightening his face. As long as she was happy, he would do anything. Su Zimo's cooking skills were top-notch, and he had tasted her food before, longing for more opportunities to enjoy it. Now, Su Zimo herself proposed to grill and feast together, filling him with joy.

As night fell, the aroma of roasted meat wafted through the watery garden.

Mu Yunxuan sat nearby, unable to help the drool forming in his mouth as he caught the scent.

His eyes followed Su Zimo's every move. She loved wearing purple dresses, and her elegant skirts were adorned with minimal embellishments, yet she still outshone any woman who wore makeup.

Her naturally radiant face outshone even those who used rouge and cosmetics.

Lost in his thoughts, he couldn't help but recall the first time he saw her in the tomb. There was an inexplicable feeling that he was beholding a fairy. And after getting to know her, he discovered that she was more like a lively girl—candid, obedient, and even a bit mischievous. Despite her sometimes crude language, he found himself inexplicably drawn to her.

"Yun Xuan, bring the sauce over," Su Zimo suddenly called out, pulling Mu Yunxuan back to reality.

He got up and picked up two plates of sauce from the table.

"Mo'er, the fragrance is incredible!" Mu Yunxuan exclaimed as he sat down by the grill, his eyes fixed on Su Zimo with a smile.

Su Zimo gazed at him with a tender smile. "Of course, don't forget who prepared it," she replied.

The corners of Mu Yunxuan's lips curled up, and he didn't argue with her, simply maintaining his smiling gaze.

When Su Zimo met his smiling eyes, her own eyes shimmered, and her smile grew even wider.

Suddenly, Su Zimo spoke up in a loud voice, "It's said that to win a man's heart, a woman must first capture his stomach. Well, as a skilled cook, Su Zimo isn't afraid that she can't win your heart."

Mu Yunxuan couldn't help but laugh at her words, feeling both amused and touched. He looked at her with fascination and said, "Mo'er, you don't need to worry about that. Since I, Mu Yunxuan, love you, I will love you unconditionally."

A strange glimmer flashed across Su Zimo's eyes upon hearing his words. What he said shattered the last defense in her heart. His declaration of loving her unconditionally encompassed everything.

"Let's eat quickly! The shrimp will get cold if we don't peel and eat them while they're still hot," Su Zimo said, taking her seat and picking up her chopsticks to start eating.

Mu Yunxuan watched her, his heart filled with warmth. How wonderful it was! They were now like husband and wife, sitting together in happiness. Such a life was what Mu Yunxuan had always longed for, and he was truly happy to have it.

As Su Zimo took a bite of the grilled fish, she silently reminded herself that even if there might be pain in the future, the beauty and happiness of this moment were what she desired most. Perhaps she would be hurt in the end, but she knew that cherishing what they had now was the key to long-lasting happiness.

Another night of intimacy followed, with Mu Yunxuan seemingly addicted to their closeness. Reluctant to let go of Su Zimo even for a moment, he held her in his arms as they drifted off to sleep.

The next day, Su Qi and Su Li woke up early, while Nalan Yi also resided in Mingyue Villa. He Yunting was bustling around, busy attending to various matters. Mo Niang managed Dankaku's shop and would prepare for the day's opening in the early morning. Qinglian and Qinghe remained at home, taking care of both important and trivial matters.

Even Shaoyu, Tianji, Hongxiang, and Wu Jiang, who have always been fine, are also busy. Su Qingjue, needless to say, is responsible for matters at the paper factory.

"Young Master, your actions this time are too impressive. Little Nuan just heard Aunt Qinglian saying that the whole capital is talking about you, Young Master," Li Xiaonuan said adoringly, looking at Su Qi.

Su Qi smiled proudly, thinking that his years of hard work had finally paid off. He said, "Li Xiaonuan, if you want to reach my level, you have to keep working hard and make continuous efforts to succeed, you know?"

He spoke with a tone of a child imitating an adult.

"Young Master, Xiaonuan knows. I will definitely work hard," Li Xiaonuan assured, determined to become someone who could stand by Su Qi's side.

"Just make sure you don't slack off. Go back and practice according to my methods, you don't have to follow me," Su Qi said, pausing for a moment before his cunning eyes rolled around. He took advantage of the old lady's absence these days and needed to dash off.

Upon hearing this, Li Xiaonuan blinked her big eyes and tried her best to speak. "But Young Master, the young owner instructed me to follow you, so I must follow you."

"Li Xiaonuan, are you my brother's person or mine? Do you listen to my brother or me, huh?" Su Qi widened his eyes, looking at Li Xiaonuan unhappily.

Li Xiaonuan took a few steps back, anxiously explaining, "Young Master, of course, I listen to you. But..."

"But what? If my brother asks about me, you will say that I went to the Dange, you understand?" Su Qi interrupted, disappearing in a flash before Li Xiaonuan could respond.

"Young Master...!" Li Xiaonuan stomped her foot in frustration, feeling helpless. She remembered what the young owner had said, making her even more conflicted.

In the main hall, Su Li sat in the main seat, with Tongzi standing nearby, unaffected by any emotions. He looked at Duke Qin, who had come to announce a decree, with a gloomy expression.

It had been a while since he made his will known, but the young owner remained indifferent, sitting coldly. Although he appeared young, his natural aura was intimidating.

Just as Duke Qin was waiting for his scalp to go numb, Su Li finally spoke.

"Father-in-law, are you implying that the disappearance of the King's Landing is related to our Bright Moon Villa?"

His words were cold and devoid of any emotion, his pink and jade-like face growing even colder.

Duke Qin's scalp tingled upon hearing this. It wasn't something he had said; he had only come to deliver the royal decree. The three princes were not favored, but they were still sons of the emperor! How was he supposed to explain this to the emperor?

"Young Master, I'm here solely to deliver the decree. As for other matters, I really don't know. If you wish to know the truth, you can accompany me to the palace," Duke Qin replied, his head spinning. He always seemed to end up with these difficult tasks.

"Good, I will go with you," Su Li said, knowing that he had to go this time. Whoever dared to throw such dirty water at their Bright Moon Villa, he wanted to see them.

"Tongzi, come along," Su Li commanded.

"Yes, Young Lord."

Phew! Duke Qin breathed a sigh of relief, finally done with this little ancestor.

Just as Su Li was about to leave with Duke Qin, he encountered Nalan Yi at the door.

After giving a nod of acknowledgment, Su Li followed Duke Qin and departed.

Observing Su Li's departure, Nalan Yi remarked, "Mueller, he doesn't seem like a five-year-old child at all."

"Wang Ye, but he is indeed a five-year-old child," Mueller responded.

After two days of rest, Mueller's injuries had significantly improved.

"I wonder how he cultivated. I am twelve years old now, and my cultivation is only half of his. When I left Lixia Kingdom, I realized that there is a world beyond our kingdom," Nalan Yi pondered.

"Wang Ye, there's no need to compare yourself to others. You are also a genius in Lixia Kingdom," Nalan Yi's aide reassured him.

Nalan Yi turned to glance at Mueller and said, "Mueller, don't say such things in the future. There are two geniuses stronger than me now. The queen mother says that one must be humble and learn from those stronger than us."

"Yes, Wang Ye," Mueller replied, quickly lowering his gaze and remaining silent.

"Who are you? And why are you in my Bright Moon Villa?" Mu Yunxuan questioned as he brought Su Mo to the ground, arriving just in time to see Nalan Yi and Mueller.

Seeing yet another stranger, Su Zimo couldn't help but frown.

"I am Nalan Yi. I came to the capital in search of relatives, and for now, I am residing in Mingyue Villa," Nalan Yi explained politely, stepping forward.

"Nalan Yi?" Su Zimo examined Nalan Yi, who appeared to be around twelve or thirteen years old, very handsome, and exuded an aristocratic air.

"Are you from Lixia Country?" Su Zimo inquired.

"Yes, I am from Lixia Country," Nalan Yi patiently responded.

Looking into Su Zimo's eyes, he felt a shock. She was exceptionally beautiful, and there was a sense of familiarity about her.

Mueller, standing behind Nalan Yi, was equally surprised.

"Owner, you're back!" Qinglian greeted Su Zimo eagerly.

Her eyebrows furrowing, Su Zimo wondered if something had happened.

"Owner, the Haoyue Emperor has sent someone to bring Li'er to the palace. The three princes have been missing for three days, and someone has accused Bright Moon Villa of being involved," Mu Yunxuan said with a trace of anger in his eyes. "Mo'er, you rest for now. I'll go to the palace and investigate."

"No need, I'll take care of it," Su Zimo quickly stopped Mu Yunxuan.

Nalan Yi and Mueller exchanged quick glances. Could a five-year-old really handle such matters?

"Momo, you're back?" Murong Shaofeng, appearing surprised, hurried over to Su Zimo.

When he saw Mu Yunxuan, his gentle jade-like face lost its luster.

"Shao Feng, thank you," Su Zimo expressed her gratitude to Murong Shaofeng. She owed him too much, and it seemed impossible to repay it all in this lifetime.

"As long as you're safe!" Murong Shaofeng spoke softly, looking at Su Zimo with a gentle gaze. There was now a hint of emotion in his eyes, perhaps because of Mu Yunxuan.

Glancing at Murong Shaofeng, Mu Yunxuan's face turned gloomy. Did he have to let Mo'er notice his feelings?

"Shao Feng, we've been through so much together. Why bother with words of gratitude?" Murong Shaofeng forced a smile, concealing his emotions. His heart trembled, and he struggled to make his smile appear more natural.

"Hmm!" Su Zimo nodded. "Did you not go out today?"

"I'm an idler in Haoyue Country. I came here early to see you, but it seems like you've been quite busy," Murong Shaofeng replied with a bitter smile. He would be leaving in less than half a month, and she was the only reassurance in his heart.

"Shao Feng, thank you," Su Zimo expressed her gratitude to Murong Shaofeng. Even a thousand words couldn't fully capture her gratitude.

"Silly girl, save your thanks," Murong Shaofeng said, walking towards her.

Mu Yunxuan, with a gloomy expression, watched Murong Shaofeng closely. Must he let Mo'er discover his true feelings?

"Mo'er, I must have tired you out last night. Go back and rest," Mu Yunxuan said, prompting Su Zimo to return home.
