
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Hold Me

"Huh!" The sound of Mu Yunxuan's hearty laughter revealed his current happiness.

"You dare to laugh, you bastard?" Su Zimo exclaimed, her hand reaching out to land a precise punch on Mu Yunxuan's chest.

Mu Yunxuan's expression turned shocked as he looked at Su Zimo.

"Mo'er, can't you see with your eyes yet?"

Suddenly, Su Zimo stopped her assault on Mu Yunxuan.

Furrowing her brows, she wondered, "Could it be because of the charm medicine from last night?"

Su Zimo found it strange.

"By the way, with your peak cultivation, didn't you notice that someone drugged us last night?"

Mu Yunxuan's eyes flickered, "I didn't sense it. The person who did it has a higher cultivation than mine."

But with the limited number of people here, he could probably guess who it was in his heart.

"How many people can have a higher cultivation than you?" Su Zimo doubted, even thinking that Mu Yunxuan did it intentionally.

Regaining some sanity from her state of loss of control, Su Zimo pursed her lips. It seemed that she also enjoyed last night, but she couldn't let Su Zimo, who had been plotted against, go unpunished. An eye for an eye!

"Mo'er, we weren't drugged. We are husband and wife, and it's natural to engage in such activities," Mu Yunxuan said, smiling brightly, his deep eyes focused on her crystal-clear skin, which bore the marks of their lovemaking. His gaze intensified.

"Of course it's nonsense!" Su Zimo gritted her teeth, not willing to accept that this man had taken advantage of her once, let alone a second or third time.

Mu Yunxuan seemed greatly shocked by her response.

Su Zimo reached for her clothes but then remembered that Mu Yunxuan had torn them apart last night, leaving her with nothing to wear.

The quilt slipped off her body, revealing her exquisite figure, causing a gleam of desire to flicker in Mu Yunxuan's eyes.

Mu Yunxuan's gaze deepened instantly. "Mo'er...!"

Angry, Su Zimo shouted, "What are you staring at? Hurry up and find me some clothes!"

She grabbed a pillow and smashed it at Mu Yunxuan, feeling a coolness on her chest as her naturally beautiful face flushed.

Mu Yunxuan caught the pillow and looked at Su Zimo with a gentle smile, his eyes filled with tenderness.

Putting the pillow aside, his attractive brows furrowed slightly as his deep eyes focused on her increasingly charming face.

Softly, he said, "Mo'er, some of the clothes got worn out last night. Would you like to sleep for a while?"

"Get out!" Su Zimo angrily roared, her eyes still squinting at Mu Yunxuan, coldly asking, "Mu Yunxuan, do you really not know who drugged us last night?"

After asking, Su Zimo felt conflicted. To be honest, she had to admit that Mu Yunxuan not only had a handsome face but also a great physique. Although they had been intimate before, it felt different this time. Was it a matter of mood? Last night's experience was thrilling and exciting. Oh! She couldn't think about it. Su Zimo shouted inwardly, feeling ashamed.

A dark gleam flashed in Mu Yunxuan's eyes as he silently watched her, his eyes suddenly becoming deeper. He couldn't tear his gaze away from her face, and the air around them seemed to grow colder.

"Mo'er, we are husband and wife. Do you really care so much about what happened last night?"

Su Zimo's eyebrows twitched, and she replied coldly, "Don't you care? Do you expect me to be grateful to them?"

His handsome face tensed at her attitude, and the air turned instantly cold. "Mo'er, you are already mine. Even without the drug, I would still have taken you. You are the only woman who can make me say these words because I love you."

Mu Yunxuan gazed at her affectionately, his voice filled with unwavering determination. His sexy lips curved into a lazy smile.


The word "love" struck Su Zimo's heart.

They say that if love is a path, then meeting is the most beautiful blossom. A person's feelings are most afraid of lifelong passion turning into indifference.

And her heart feared that long-held expectations would lead to disappointment and pain.

But when someone gave her their heart, she couldn't turn a blind eye.

In the face of Mu Yunxuan's declaration of love, she wanted to hold him in her heart, to reciprocate with her sincerity, and see how enduring this love could be.

"Hold me!"

Her sudden request caught Mu Yunxuan off guard.

"Hold me!" Su Zimo repeated her command.

Mu Yunxuan was certain he hadn't misheard her, both times.


Mu Yunxuan approached her, and they instantly embraced each other, their bodies tightly pressed together. The smooth touch of their skin made them hold on even tighter.

Su Zimo nestled against Mu Yunxuan's chest, listening to his strong heartbeat, her own heart following its rhythm.

"Mu Yunxuan, do you know? No matter how deep the feelings, it's a luxury to have them reciprocated. But choosing to trust someone means baring your heart to them. It takes years to warm a heart, but it can turn cold in an instant. Trust is something given only once in a person's lifetime. Can you truly be a lifetime partner for me, Su Zimo?"

Although it wasn't a vow of eternal loyalty, Mu Yunxuan's tone compelled people to believe in him involuntarily.

"As long as you give me your heart, Su Zimo, I, Mu Yunxuan, will prove over time that you are the greatest treasure in my hands, and I love you more than anything else."

Su Zimo pondered to herself, wondering if he truly cared for her, protected her, and cherished her. Perhaps he really did love her!

A sharp whistle of arrows came from outside.

Mu Yunxuan cursed inwardly, his eyes filled with a dangerous aura. Someone dared to interrupt their moment!

"Mo'er, lie down for a while. I'll be back soon!"

"Be careful," Su Zimo quickly grabbed his hand, realizing that danger awaited him outside.

Mu Yunxuan held her hand and urged her to lie down.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Seeing the concern in her eyes, Mu Yunxuan's mood lightened.

He quickly dressed and stepped outside the courtyard, wearing a golden mask.

More than twenty individuals dressed in black stood before him, led by a pale-faced scholar.

Mu Yunxuan frowned, a hint of killing intent flickering in his eyes as he looked down upon the pale-faced scholar.

The scholar felt a chill running through his body and took a few steps back involuntarily, his limbs growing cold.

"Long time no see, Palace Master," the scholar greeted with a stiff smile on his lips, his feminine expression spoiling his otherwise handsome face.

"Hundred Ghosts, you have come seeking death early in the morning. I might as well oblige," Mu Yunxuan responded playfully, looking at the pale-faced scholar as if he were already dead.

The scholar's throat tightened, and he swallowed nervously, attempting to regain his composure. He faced Mu Yunxuan coldly, "We have been searching for the Lord of Xuan Nether Palace for a long time, and we have come prepared."

Mu Yunxuan disdainfully smiled at the scholar's words. There was nothing more to say to someone who remained obstinate even in the face of death.

"Then come on!" Mu Yunxuan summoned a long sword into his hand, the hilt adorned with a lifelike golden dragon.

"The Xuanxian Sword!"

The scholar squinted, his expression gloomy. He had already lost a significant amount of confidence in the face of Mu Yunxuan's imposing presence. Not to mention the strong hesitation and fear etched on his face, the identity of the Lord of Xuan Nether Palace remained a mystery, his whereabouts elusive. Especially with the Nether Sword in his possession, known for its lethal power, few in the world were aware of the existence of the Nether Palace, except for their archenemies, the Heavenly Gate Palace.

"Die!" Mu Yunxuan leaped into the air, the Xuanxian sword tracing a silver arc.

As the scholar raised his hand, the black-clothed masked individuals unleashed a barrage of arrows, aimed at Mu Yunxuan with lightning speed.

Mu Yunxuan smiled coldly, swinging his sword and creating a white light that sliced through the air. Before the sword clashed with the arrows, the arrows shattered into pieces. Mu Yunxuan reversed the direction of the arrows using his Xuanqi, sending them flying towards the black-clothed men at an unstoppable speed.

"Ah... Shout!" The sound of the sword piercing flesh was like an iron nail penetrating wood, a chilling and terrifying sound. Apart from the pale-faced scholar who remained standing, the others collapsed, their aura in disarray. The hundred ghosts had fallen victim to their own attack.

"Are you glad to be alive?" Mu Yunxuan sneered, his grip on the sword tightening.

Upon witnessing Mu Yunxuan's movements, the scholar's heart trembled, and he attempted to flee as Mu Yunxuan drew his sword.

But Mu Yunxuan wouldn't let him escape so easily. He had already anticipated his intentions and swiftly intercepted him before he could turn around. With incredible speed, his sword's qi cut off the scholar's path.

Mu Yunxuan smiled coldly. As the Palace Master of the Nether Palace, he wouldn't allow any of his assailants to leave alive.

The corpses in the courtyard were quickly disposed of, leaving no trace behind. In an instant, the courtyard appeared as though nothing had happened.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Su Zimo thought it was Mu Yunxuan returning.

"You're back."

However, Su Zimo's eyes sharpened as she realized that the person entering was definitely not Mu Yunxuan.

Mu Yunxuan's presence could be felt from afar.

"Who are you?" Su Zimo asked coldly.
