
Get home safe

1# book hopefully

JaMarion_Turney · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The unsafe state part #8

My mind is in a constant whirlwind of thoughts, each one fighting for my attention. I never thought I would be in this position, sitting here alone, watching my son's room, trying to make sense of what happened. It all started with a phone call, one that shook me to my very core.

I can still hear the screams of my wife, the mother of James Brown Jr, on the other end of the line. Her words were jumbled and frantic, making it hard for me to decipher what she was saying. But one phrase stood out, piercing my heart like a thousand arrows. 'He's gone, he's gone,' she repeated over and over again, before bursting into tears.

I rushed home from work, my heart pounding in my chest, dreading what I might find. As I entered the house, I could hear my wife's sobs echoing through the walls. My footsteps felt heavy as I made my way to our bedroom, where my wife was sitting on the bed, clutching the phone in her hands.

I sat down beside her, my mind still spinning with thoughts and questions. My wife, Alice, looked up at me with tears streaming down her face. She told me that she had received a call from the California police department, LAPD, or CAPD, she wasn't sure which one. All she knew was that they had informed her that our son, James, was missing.

My heart sank at those words. My little boy, gone. I couldn't even begin to imagine where he could be or what could have happened to him. Alice handed me the phone, her hand shaking as she did so. I spoke to the police officer on the other end, trying to make sense of the situation.

They told me that James had gone missing while on a field trip with his school. They were visiting a theme park in the next town over, and the last anyone saw of James was when he was on the roller coaster ride. The police were searching for him, but so far, there was no sign of him.

My mind was in overdrive, I couldn't focus on anything the police officer was saying. I could only think of my son, my little James, alone and scared. I handed the phone back to Alice and made my way to James' room. I needed to do something, to be productive in some way. I couldn't just sit around and wait for the police to find him.

As I entered his room, I felt a wave of sadness wash over me. James' room was filled with all his favorite toys, books, and posters. But now, it felt like all of it was gone. The room felt empty, like a piece of us was missing.

I sat down on his bed, tears streaming down my face. I tried to think, to piece together any possible scenario that could have led to his disappearance. But my thoughts were scattered, jumping from one thing to another, leaving me more confused than before.

Suddenly, something caught my eye. On James' desk, there was a sticky note, with some scribbled words. I picked it up and tried to make sense of it. It read, 'Meet me at the roller coaster, 4 pm. I have a surprise for you. - The Clown.'

The Clown. A shiver ran down my spine. I had heard about the mysterious Clown, who would leave sticky notes for children, luring them to a deserted amusement park in the dead of night. The rumors said that children who went to meet the Clown never returned.

My heart was racing as I realized that James must have gone to meet this Clown, thinking it was just another one of the kids' pranks. But something must have gone wrong. I quickly called Alice into the room and showed her the note. Her face turned pale as she too realized what might have happened.

We called the police immediately and informed them about the note. They said they would send a team to search the amusement park, but they warned us that it was a risky and unsafe area. My mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts and emotions, and I could barely sit still.

As the hours ticked by, my mind was consumed with questions and worst-case scenarios. Was James okay? Had the police found him? Was this whole thing just a prank gone wrong? As the sun began to set, I felt like I was on the verge of losing my mind.

Finally, the police arrived with James in tow. I've never felt such a sense of relief and gratitude in my life. My little boy was safe, and that's all that mattered. He was unharmed, just a little shaken and scared, but otherwise okay.

As we hugged and cried, James told us that he went to meet the Clown, thinking it would be a fun adventure. He didn't realize that the note was meant for someone else and got lost in the amusement park. It was a terrifying ordeal for us all, but we were just grateful to have him back safe.

In the end, we found out that it wasn't just a simple case of a misplaced note. The Clown was a real person, with a history of preying on young children. The amusement park was indeed an unsafe place, and I couldn't imagine what would have happened if we didn't find James in time.

It took us a while to recover from this whole ordeal, but we were just grateful to have our son back. We learned a valuable lesson, to never underestimate the power of the unsafe state, and to always be cautious and vigilant in this ever-changing world.