
Get home safe

1# book hopefully

JaMarion_Turney · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Safe to non-safe part #9

As I sit here in the cold, dimly lit police station, my heart races with fear and desperation. My mind is consumed with one thought – my son, Mark, is missing. It feels like my entire world has come crashing down with his disappearance.

I try to calm myself down and think logically. Where could he be? Why would he go missing? How did this happen? These questions swirl around in my head, like a never-ending nightmare. I take a deep breath and try to retrace my steps from the past few days.

Mark and I were visiting California for his spring break, a beautiful getaway from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives in New York. We were staying at a gorgeous resort, surrounded by sandy beaches and palm trees. It was a dream come true for Mark, who had always wanted to visit California.

Everything had been going well, until yesterday afternoon when we decided to take a walk on the beach. I remember Mark running ahead of me, his blonde hair shining in the sun. He was so carefree and excited, and I couldn't help but smile at his joy. We found a secluded spot and sat down to watch the waves, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.

But then, as we were getting ready to leave, I received a call from work. I run a successful real estate business and sometimes it requires me to be on call, even during vacation. I stepped away to take the call and when I returned, Mark was gone.

At first, I didn't panic. I assumed he had gone back to our hotel room without me. But when I arrived back at our room, Mark wasn't there. I searched every inch of the hotel, but he was nowhere to be found. That's when the panic set in. I called the front desk, the security, and they began a search, but there was still no sign of Mark.

The hotel staff suggested I contact the police, which is how I ended up here, sitting on this uncomfortable chair, waiting for any updates on my son's whereabouts.

I can't believe this is happening. My son, my everything, is missing in a strange city. I can't even imagine what he must be going through. I feel helpless and guilty for not keeping a closer eye on him.

The police officer walks into the room, snapping me out of my thoughts. He introduces himself as Officer Jackson and asks me to recount the events leading up to Mark's disappearance. I tell him everything I can remember, my words tumbling out in a jumble.

Officer Jackson listens patiently and then asks if Mark had any friends or acquaintances in California. I shake my head, explaining that we were only here for vacation and didn't know anyone. His next question sends a shiver down my spine – 'Do you think someone could have abducted your son?'

The thought had crossed my mind, but I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't fathom why anyone would want to harm my innocent 13-year-old son. I tell Officer Jackson this, but he advises me to keep an open mind. He promises to do everything possible to find Mark and bring him back to safety.

Hours turn into days, and the search for Mark continues with no leads. I'm exhausted and barely able to function. I've hardly eaten or slept since his disappearance. My mind is consumed with worry and fear. Every time I close my eyes, I see Mark's smiling face and then the face of a stranger, lurking in the shadows.

The police have been circulating Mark's picture and description everywhere, but still, no one has come forward with any information. I can't help but think about the worst-case scenarios – what if someone has taken my son and I never see him again?

In a last-ditch effort, I turn to social media, pleading for anyone with information to come forward. To my surprise, my post catches the attention of a woman who claims to have seen Mark at a nearby gas station the day of his disappearance.

My heart starts racing with hope as the woman agrees to meet me at the police station to provide more details. She tells me that Mark had seemed distressed and was asking for directions to the nearest police station. She had given him directions, but he never showed up at the station.

With this new information, the police start searching the area around the gas station, and to my immense relief, they find Mark sitting on a bench at a nearby park. He's safe, but visibly shaken and confused.

As I rush to embrace my son, I cannot contain my emotions. I'm overjoyed and grateful beyond words that he's back in my arms. I hold him tightly and vow to never let him out of my sight again.

It turns out, Mark had wandered off in search of a gift for me and lost track of time. He then panicked when he couldn't find his way back to our hotel. I'm relieved that this was just a case of a lost child, but I vow to never underestimate the safety and wellbeing of my family again.

As we prepare to head back to New York, I thank the woman who helped bring my son back to me and I thank the police for their relentless efforts in finding Mark. This has been a nightmare I never want to relive, and I'm just grateful that it's finally over.