
Get home safe

1# book hopefully

JaMarion_Turney · Fantasy
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18 Chs

The unsafe untold truth part #7

The unsafe untold truth: Where in the hell did my son go? Jason Rodriguez Jr. has gone missing and he is only 15 years old. Yeah, he was walking from school, I thought to myself as I sat on the couch staring out the window. My mind was racing, desperately trying to piece together the events of that fateful day.

It all started like any other school day. Jason had left for school that morning, promising to be back before 4PM for his soccer practice. But as the hours passed and Jason didn't arrive, my heart started to race. I tried calling him but his phone was turned off. Panic started to set in as I called his friends, his school, and even drove around the neighborhood looking for him. But there was no sign of my son anywhere.

Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, but there was still no sign of Jason. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, my mind was consumed with worry and fear. Where in the hell did my son go? Was he kidnapped? Did he run away? These thoughts haunted my every waking moment.

The police were called and an investigation was launched but it seemed like they were just going through the motions. They didn't seem to be making any progress and it was driving me insane. Every time I heard a knock on the door, my heart would jump with hope that it was my son finally coming home. But it was always just another police officer with the same updates - still no leads, no suspects, no clues.

One night, as I lay in bed unable to sleep, my mind started to wander. I started to piece together everything that had happened that day, hoping to find some clue or sign that could lead me to Jason. I remembered that the day he went missing, it had been unusually cold and rainy, but Jason had refused to take an umbrella. 'I'll be fine, Mom,' he had said with a smile as he left the house.

But what was so important that he couldn't wait for the rain to stop? What was he in such a hurry for? Suddenly, a memory of Jason's strange behavior a few weeks ago flashed through my mind. He had come home from school looking frightened and had refused to talk about it. I had brushed it off as just teenage moodiness, but now it seemed like it could be related to his disappearance.

The next morning, I went to the police station with my newfound information. They seemed skeptical at first, but after some prodding, they finally agreed to investigate it. It turned out that a few weeks ago, there had been a string of kidnappings in the area and one of the victims had been Jason's classmate. The police had suspected that it was just a coincidence that they went to the same school, but now with my information, they had a new lead.

Days turned into weeks once again, but this time, there was progress. The police finally had a suspect and they were able to track him down. He had been keeping Jason and the other missing teenagers in a hidden storage unit on the outskirts of town. My son was finally found, alive but traumatized. It was a huge relief and I couldn't thank the police enough for their hard work.

As I sat in the hospital room with Jason, my mind finally started to calm down. I couldn't believe that my son, my little boy who I thought I knew so well, had been keeping such a big secret from me. He told me everything that had happened that day - how he had been walking home from school when a couple of guys offered him a ride because of the rain. He didn't think anything of it, but soon realized that they had taken him to a place where he was kept captive for weeks.

I couldn't believe the horror my son had endured and yet, he hadn't told me anything because he didn't want to worry me. My heart ached for what he had gone through and I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if I hadn't remembered that small detail and pushed the police to investigate it.

As I looked at my son, my mind shifted to the person responsible for this - the kidnapper that had taken away my son's innocence. I wanted to hate him, to curse him for what he had done, but when I saw him in court, my heart was filled with sadness. He was just a troubled kid, a victim of his own circumstances. It was a reminder that everything is not always as it seems and the untold truth can be just as dangerous as the known truth.

In the end, justice was served and the kidnapper was put behind bars. Our family slowly started to heal, but the memories of that dreadful time would always linger. I couldn't help but wonder how many other families out there were living in the same nightmare, not knowing the unsafe untold truth of their missing loved ones. That experience taught me to always trust my instincts and never stop searching for the truth, no matter how dangerous or difficult it may seem.