
Get Back to You

NOTE: Get Back To you is an LGBT novel series. Synopsis: She is back? Giselle is back! And she didn’t want me to know! Lillian Grey’s life went pretty wild without Giselle. She dated people to her wish and broke up with them to her comfort until a young model called Lucy came close to capturing her heart. Anna waited as Lillian stumped upon hearing the familiar name she had desperately searched for several years. And it came with a stab. “If you want, I can deliver a message,” Anna proposed after hearing Lillian become speechless in their phone call. Knowing well how she had come out to spend time with Lucy, Lillian refused to respond when confessed to such shocking news. Nevertheless, later to her own dismay, she delivered her message to her good friend, Anna, hoping that it would reach Giselle somehow. ******************** “Giselle, I’m glad to hear that you’re back. I hope you’re in good health. Well, I heard about your party and that you have invited Anna and not me, which is surprising news to learn. It’s alright. Things are different now for you, I guess. But here’s my message in case you even care: Don’t ever show yourself in front of me. Ever again. Why? Because I know I cannot stop myself from choosing you if I ever see your face again. What you gave me is irreplaceable. I still have it in my heart. It didn’t let me live my life in peace. However, I’ve decided to take a chance without your memories this one time. So, let me be. And congratulations on your marriage and your kid. I pray for your happiness. You know, I do. Take care. Love you, evermore.” - Lillian Grey ******************* Follow the incredible story of Lillian Grey and Giselle: Two souls bonded by love yet, pulled apart by the external forces. The two women meet years later to find out the subtle fire still tingling inside, allowing them to reconcile. But the question is: Will they accept it or not? A Message from the Author: Hey guys, 'Get Back To You' is very special because it is my first novel and a bold choice, I would say. The once short story showed a lot of potential for a perfect novel, and the characters had a depth to them and an unheard voice, for which I wanted to bring justice by exploring and writing. I hope that my efforts reap when the readers enjoy the tale as they travel through this journey. UPDATE!! I am so proud to announce that I will be self-publishing ‘Get Back To You’ as series. I plan to do an eBook series first before paperback. And right now, Volume 1: A Message to Her is available on Amazon Kindle Store. After four years of writing this series, I finally chose to publish it. The published eBook/paperback is going to be even better version and professionally edited for enhanced reading experience. So, grab a copy today and have fun reading! To follow my writing journey and learning updates about my books, do follow and subscribe to MY WEBSITE: https://www.ljackace.com/ I post blogs about writing updates, personal updates, reading lists, writing tips, etc. Newsletter is on the way, so stay tuned! **** Apart from reading my novel here, you can always extend your support through these mediums: You can buy me a coffee@: ko-fi.com/ljackace Read special chapters and short stories on: patreon.com/LjackAce **** Follow me on my Instagram! I share all the references and some cute moments of the characters from the story: instagram/ljackace Another great place to find my inspiration is on Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/ljackace/ **** I'm deeply grateful for having an opportunity to share the story here and for all the love I've received thus far and in the future. Thank you very much for enjoying 'Get Back to You!' And on that note, I have more stories to write for you guys, so follow me to get all the titbits. With love, L’Jack Ace

ljack_ace · LGBT+
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453 Chs

Moving Forward

Lillian Grey managed to return just in time for dinner. She carried along the good news to share with Giselle and Lia, who were expecting her arrival. As soon as Lillian reached home, she received an anxious welcome. Giselle quickly jumped to ask her reasons for being late and not answering her calls, to which Lillian signaled her to calm down as she guided Giselle to their living room. Lia was playing with the new doll that her grandmother got for her. Having accomplished putting Giselle and Lia together to reveal the big news, Lillian took the stage. She postponed until their curious eyes eagerly popped off, and when their impatience began to reveal itself, she struck them with Anna's pregnancy.

Hearing the good news helped Giselle understand Lillian for returning home late. She now got her answer that was convincing. Moreover, Giselle felt happy for Anna's sake. She remembered the time when Jake vulnerably admitted what went on in their personal life and how many struggles Anna had faced with her miscarriages. Giselle thought to herself that the third time was the charm. She got delighted to hear about Anna's pregnancy. But, not nearly knowing anything about being pregnant, Lia remained speechless. Seeing her mute, Giselle came to her aid, revealing that Anna was soon going to have a baby like Lia. The little girl rejoiced at her mother's explanation. She got down from her seat and started bouncing around.

"I'm going to have a little brother! No- a little sister, then we can play together!" Lia gleamed as she celebrated.

Her cheering paused momentarily to ask when she would get to meet the little sister. Lillian and Giselle glanced at each other, feeling doubtful from having to disappoint the child's spirit, yet bravely answering Lia's question.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Lia. But, you have to wait for ten months from now to meet your little friend!" Lillian replied.

Lia's joy ceased at once as she stood frozen again. Giselle and Lillian had to explain how the child was just the size of a seed now and how it takes time to grow until it reaches the size to play with Lia.

"You should be patient since you are now a big sister, Lia!" Giselle stepped in to hit the right words to trap her daughter.

As soon as Lia heard that she was going to be a big sister, her whole demeanor changed. She switched to imitate being adult-like as she returned to her seat beside her mother with poise and sat down gracefully. The little girl responded haughtily to wait for the baby seed to grow. As Lia was now the big sister, she was willing to sacrifice herself to wait for the little brother or a sister to arrive.

"But she better come soon. I am waiting to play with her! Mom, you will let me play with her, right?" Lia appealed.

The baby wasn't born yet, so seeing Lia so energetic, Giselle played along with her.

"Alright! You can play with her anytime!" she replied.

"You promised!" Lia repeated.

"Ouch. Giselle, you are busted!" Lillian remarked.

"Yeah! Yeah! We'll see! Now, shall we have dinner then?" Giselle said to change the subject.

Lillian already arrived late but just in time to have dinner, and the three sat down to celebrate the night with a comfort meal. Later that night, as Giselle read a bedtime story for Lia, something she randomly demanded out of nowhere, the little girl listened attentively. At the end of the story, she pled to her mother about the baby again.

"You promised to let me play with her anytime!" Lia repeated with a stubborn grunt.

"Her? You think it's going be a baby girl?"

"Maybe! I want a little sister. Only then I can play with her- Oh, we can play in the princess castle that dad made for me!" Lia proposed.

Giselle glimpsed at the princess castle. With all its lights turned off, the princess castle looked deserted. She imagined the sight her daughter presented. It wasn't so bad to witness little Lia playing with Anna's unborn child, which made Giselle break out a gentle smile.

"You will share it with the baby?" she asked.

"Hmm… I'm sure the baby girl would like it, right?"

"Hmm, of course! Now, go to sleep! It's getting late!"

Lia tried her best to fall asleep but soon opened her glistening eyes with another question.

"What if it's a baby boy? And I have a little brother. How can I play with him?"

"Lia! Sweetie, you have all the time to decide. Now, get some rest," Giselle advised.

"I know, mom! I can play the superhero games with him- like I do- with dad. Oh- now, I want a little brother!"


"It's going to be fun!"

"Yes. It will be. Now- you don't exert yourself! Go to sleep!"

"O- kay," Lia grumbled.

And she finally stopped her ranting. Giselle kissed her goodnight, and soon, the little girl fell asleep. Giselle stayed by Lia's side for a while to watch her and later came down to search for Lillian Grey.


Surprisingly, Lillian waited for Giselle to join her in the living room. She had opened a new bottle of wine to celebrate. Giselle sighed in relief as she went to sit next to Lillian. The sound of two glasses clunking echoed around the high ceiling. Giselle only took a sip before burying herself into Lillian's shoulder for comfort. The two got comfy in front of the fireplace as they drank wine.

"Lia's so energetic!"

Lillian softly chuckled.

"How is Anna feeling?" Giselle asked.

"Hmm… I'm sure she feels terrified on the inside, but I think she will be fine."

"Yeah, Jake is with her, right?"

"Oh, he is not."

"What?" Giselle almost left the comfort in shock before Lillian quickly returned the head back to its position. Lillian also informed Giselle of Anna's reasons for keeping her pregnancy secret from Jake until he returns from his business trip.

"I guess… but even so,"

"I know! Well, he is obviously going to know soon."

"Is she alone? You could have stayed-"

Before letting Giselle worry more, Lillian told her that Anna's mother-in-law was taking care of Anna. Since they live close by, it was easy for her to step in on time.

"That's good!"

The two returned to enjoy their wine while Lillian hesitated momentarily to question how Giselle had felt when she heard she was pregnant.

"I was… terrified as well- but in a different. I mean- I wasn't-" Giselle stammered.


Giselle took a deep breath to reminisce her memories from knowing when she got pregnant with Lia.

"I was shocked, but I couldn't just ignore it. I somehow wanted to give birth to the child. I think I did it because Ethan was there supporting me. I mean- he told me it was my decision, but honestly though- it's not. It's not like I was the only one involved, right? I knew he wanted to have a child because he used to talk about it all the time, wanting to have a family and raise a kid. He was that kind of a man! So, I trusted him, and I did it! I gave birth to Lia, our daughter!"

Lillian quietly listened to Giselle as she explained her feelings. For once, she felt grateful for Ethan, Lia's father.

"I'm glad we have Lia!" she exclaimed unexpectedly.

The atmosphere grew silent afterward. Giselle knew Lillian meant it in a good way. Being in a homosexual relationship means having a child together doesn't go the normal way. Regardless, it's not impossible to have a child. There are numerous ways to become a parent. Even so, Lillian expressed being grateful that they have Lia.

As much as Giselle was hit with reality once again, she refused to let it ruin her happiness anymore. Rather, she didn't want the silence to aggravate her worries.

Giselle changed the subject intentionally.

"So- Valentine's Day is coming! Right?"

Lillian glanced over her shoulder to meet Giselle's gaze.

"This will be our first Valentine's Day as a couple!"

Lillian smiled. She recognized that this would be their first Valentine's Day. It took her a minute but soon, she admitted to Giselle about looking forward to her surprise.

Giselle's expression altered quickly. However, she knew she could handle it well this time. She admitted looking forward to the surprise that Lillian was going to bring for their official Valentine's Day celebration.

Sorry I disappeared last thursday! I was recovering from cold and absolutely had no energy to upload!

I'm fine and healthy back now!




I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See in the next- and by that I mean, on Thursday, for sure!

Bye for now and don't forget to drink hot water, y'all! Seriously feels warm and comfortable.

Alright, I'm off!

ljack_acecreators' thoughts