
Get Back to You

NOTE: Get Back To you is an LGBT novel series. Synopsis: She is back? Giselle is back! And she didn’t want me to know! Lillian Grey’s life went pretty wild without Giselle. She dated people to her wish and broke up with them to her comfort until a young model called Lucy came close to capturing her heart. Anna waited as Lillian stumped upon hearing the familiar name she had desperately searched for several years. And it came with a stab. “If you want, I can deliver a message,” Anna proposed after hearing Lillian become speechless in their phone call. Knowing well how she had come out to spend time with Lucy, Lillian refused to respond when confessed to such shocking news. Nevertheless, later to her own dismay, she delivered her message to her good friend, Anna, hoping that it would reach Giselle somehow. ******************** “Giselle, I’m glad to hear that you’re back. I hope you’re in good health. Well, I heard about your party and that you have invited Anna and not me, which is surprising news to learn. It’s alright. Things are different now for you, I guess. But here’s my message in case you even care: Don’t ever show yourself in front of me. Ever again. Why? Because I know I cannot stop myself from choosing you if I ever see your face again. What you gave me is irreplaceable. I still have it in my heart. It didn’t let me live my life in peace. However, I’ve decided to take a chance without your memories this one time. So, let me be. And congratulations on your marriage and your kid. I pray for your happiness. You know, I do. Take care. Love you, evermore.” - Lillian Grey ******************* Follow the incredible story of Lillian Grey and Giselle: Two souls bonded by love yet, pulled apart by the external forces. The two women meet years later to find out the subtle fire still tingling inside, allowing them to reconcile. But the question is: Will they accept it or not? A Message from the Author: Hey guys, 'Get Back To You' is very special because it is my first novel and a bold choice, I would say. The once short story showed a lot of potential for a perfect novel, and the characters had a depth to them and an unheard voice, for which I wanted to bring justice by exploring and writing. I hope that my efforts reap when the readers enjoy the tale as they travel through this journey. UPDATE!! I am so proud to announce that I will be self-publishing ‘Get Back To You’ as series. I plan to do an eBook series first before paperback. And right now, Volume 1: A Message to Her is available on Amazon Kindle Store. After four years of writing this series, I finally chose to publish it. The published eBook/paperback is going to be even better version and professionally edited for enhanced reading experience. So, grab a copy today and have fun reading! To follow my writing journey and learning updates about my books, do follow and subscribe to MY WEBSITE: https://www.ljackace.com/ I post blogs about writing updates, personal updates, reading lists, writing tips, etc. Newsletter is on the way, so stay tuned! **** Apart from reading my novel here, you can always extend your support through these mediums: You can buy me a coffee@: ko-fi.com/ljackace Read special chapters and short stories on: patreon.com/LjackAce **** Follow me on my Instagram! I share all the references and some cute moments of the characters from the story: instagram/ljackace Another great place to find my inspiration is on Pinterest: https://in.pinterest.com/ljackace/ **** I'm deeply grateful for having an opportunity to share the story here and for all the love I've received thus far and in the future. Thank you very much for enjoying 'Get Back to You!' And on that note, I have more stories to write for you guys, so follow me to get all the titbits. With love, L’Jack Ace

ljack_ace · LGBT+
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453 Chs

A mysterious call

Lillian woke up from her precious sleep, opening her eyes to a vision of emptiness. The house appeared the same to her sight, yet it felt hollow inside.

Immediately calling out for Anna and Jake, Lillian heard no response, not even a faint sound to acknowledge their attendance.

Sleeping on the couch, even though it is comfortable, Lillian often feels her muscles atrophy from the long duration spent on this place without being able to turn freely.

Dragging her wasted body upstairs, she saw that her room is vacant without its last night's guest.

Searching all around the house, Lillian finally realized that her dear guest left already without a word.


Despite their short stay, the house looked more pleasing than before. Lillian recognized that Anna and Jake are responsible for this change since both retired a long time ago from requesting her to keep her place tidy. Moreover, the trash bin got cleared, and there were no pizza boxes from last night, the bottles in the mini-bar returned to their positions and empty glasses already washed and sat on its spot, cleaned.

Entering the tidy kitchen, Lillian found a pan standing on top of the stove. She approached closer to discover a memo posted by the side on the countertop.

A note from Anna:

'Good Morning! We're sorry to leave soon, Lilly. Jake received an urgent call from his client. I made breakfast with what you had. There's avocado toast in the pan, the smoothie is in the fridge, so eat properly.'

Anna's handwriting ended, and Jake sent his message now.

'You have to consider buying another house with at least decent guest rooms. If not, then it would be difficult for our Wednesday and Pugsley in the future to stay for sleepovers.'

Anna's handwriting returned.

'I- agree with him about buying a new house! Take care, and don't forget about Thanksgiving Dinner at my place.'

A lovely note from the sweetest couple and Lillian's day began with a smile. She peeked into the pan and removed the toast, which retained mild heat to it, referring that the guest only left a while ago.

Getting the blueberry smoothie from the fridge, Lillian ate her breakfast while reading the note again and again.

She knew that Jake adores kids, but even more loves his beautiful wife. It was tough on both of them when Anna faced a miscarriage. Lillian remembered that day when Anna cried, for the first time, so loud and so long. Recovering from such experiences is arduous, and Jake stayed by her side, supporting throughout, slowly returning her to normal.

In recent time, Anna informed to Lillian about how meeting Lia changed Jake, and he is expressing his wish to have kids more often nowadays.

Lillian recalled advising Anna to let go of the painful past.

No matter what, Jake is the perfect husband for her. Hence, Lillian suggested Anna think about it because since she has Jake by her side forever.

The thoughts guided her to Lia lastly.

If Anna and Jake have children, then it is most likely that the kids would become friends as well. Lillian heard it from Anna that Jake is already favoring Lia, and at times inquires about her well-being.

And these thoughts directed Lillian to Giselle. She took a sip of the blueberry smoothies.

'There must be a reason for you to break up with Lucy.' - Jenna's words still sounded in her ears.

Without a wait, Lillian hunted for her mobile and right away called Jenna.

After two or three rings, Jenna answered.

Leaving Lillian's apartment, Jenna returned home, only to change it shortly to another house. She was not able to continue living in the same place where Jade's presence flourished to depress her. To move on without getting drowned into sadness, Jenna decided to move out.

To start anew!

"Ms. Grey! Morning!" Jenna spoke cheerfully.

With no hesitation, Lillian inquired about Giselle, asking to confirm if she is indeed working for Jayce as his editor. Confused at first, Jenna still verified the information.

There lay a long pause, and Jenna worriedly called out Lillian Grey.

"Yes! I'm still here," she replied.

"Do you happen to have her number?" Lillian finally asked after mustering enough courage to request the favor over the phone.

"Ms. Giselle's contact?" Jenna repeated.

Jenna thought about it and admitted owning Giselle's number as they both work in the same department.

Lillian waited more, suddenly feeling bashful to act against Jenna.

"Ms. Grey?" Jenna called out again.

Feeling the pressure hot at hand, Lillian spoke in a low tone, barely hoping it to reach the other end.

"C- can you give- me her- number?" she asked at last.

There was no response from Jenna's side, and it panicked Lillian to sweat more.

"J- J- Jen- na?" Lillian stuttered visibly.

"I guess- I can give it to you, Ms. Grey!" Jenna replied, still suspended from the request.

Shortly, Jenna shared the piece of information, and their call ended.

Having finished breakfast as well, Lillian left to go upstairs and lock herself in her office room, where there are a fresh breeze and a spectacular view of the city.

Moving to and fro from the door to her workstation, Lillian bothered herself whether to call Giselle or not.

After losing herself to the toss of a coin, she decided to follow its result.

Lillian dialed the number to Giselle.

From the beginning of the silence, before the actual ringing starts to the prolonging sound of the call, every second terrified Lillian Grey. She even considered to cut the call and was about to do so when it got connected.


Lillian heard Giselle's voice.

Just hearing it gave her heart palpitation.

Biting her lips tight from making a noise, she hesitated, instantly blaming onto her rash decision making skill.

'What was I thinking to call her out of nowhere?' - she thought.

The trembling lips were about to betray her, and the need to shut it physically made Lillian seal those lips tight with her hand.

"Hello?" Giselle spoke again.

"Who's this?" she added.

'What are you doing? Then why did you get her number?'

Lillian yelled at her cowardly self and shortly cut the call in fright.

'I- I'm such an idiot!' - she cursed herself and rested her mobile on the table carefully as if it were a fragile object.

"That's right! I need to meet her in person and not through the phone. It was a bad idea even to execute," Lillian muttered, convincing herself with all possible reasons.

"What would Giselle think of me if she hears that I got her number through Jenna?" she sighed aloud, almost satisfied with self-persuasion.

The phone rang again, and Lillian anxiously tripped in her spot.

Is it Giselle who is calling her back?

Lillian panicking worsened, and she refused to attend to the call at the moment.

The ringing stopped soon, and within another few passing seconds, the mobile buzzed again.

Hesitating every step, Lillian peeked a little to find that it is not Giselle, but Jenna, who is calling her.

An immediate relief follows her, and Lillian casually picked it up to answer.

Jenna informed her about another invitation to sit down for an exclusive interview with a television appearance.

As usual, Lillian refused, but only this time, her rejection resulted in harsh reasoning of living with an anonymous pen name until now.

Jenna already knew but still called Lillian to confirm since it is a popular program airing on prime time.

Still, Lillian politely refused the offer, and Jenna cut the call.

There was no reason to interfere with anyone at work, and she avoided all outings until now to ease. However, now that Giselle's working at KeyLine, Lillian worried if her anonymity would face an issue in the future.