
Chapter Six

"Late at night, the hospital was unusually quiet. Su Xia's upper and lower eyelids were fighting, and eventually, she succumbed to fatigue, her head resting on the table as she fell into a deep sleep.

The man lying in bed couldn't hear the sound of the keyboard tapping, so he slowly got up and saw a small figure huddled on the table, curled up like a kitten.

Stepping down from the bed, he put on his slippers and walked quietly to Su Xia's side. He looked at Su Xia's small face, about the size of his palm, her once large eyes now closed, her lips slightly parted. A few strands of hair had fallen across her face. The man couldn't help but reach out and gently tuck the hair behind her ear.

Feeling an itch on her face, Su Xia moved slightly. The man quickly retreated, then gently patted Su Xia's shoulder. Startled, Su Xia woke up abruptly, sitting up with a start, which startled the man, causing him to step back.

Nervously, Su Xia looked him up and down and asked, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell? Should I call the doctor?"

Turning to leave, but the man grabbed her wrist. Su Xia turned back, looking at him in confusion, waiting for him to speak. The man pointed to her and then to the bed.

Su Xia understood and whispered, afraid of disturbing the other patients, "Is everything okay with you?"

The man nodded and pointed to the bed again. Holding Su Xia's hand, he led her to the bed and gently pressed her shoulders, as if wanting to say something. He picked up a pen and notebook from the table, quickly wrote something, and handed it to Su Xia. It read, "Don't sleep on the table, it's uncomfortable. Sleep on the bed. I always lie down, and my head hurts. Besides, I can't sleep, so I thought I'd sit for a while. You have to work tomorrow, right? Rest is important."

Su Xia looked at him in surprise and nodded. Feeling a bit embarrassed, she explained, "I'll just nap for a while."

The man nodded in satisfaction and watched as Su Xia lay down. He then sat on the chair where Su Xia had been sitting before, looking at the laptop that hadn't been shut down yet. He moved the mouse to save the unfinished manuscript and shut down the computer. Then, satisfied, he gently closed the laptop and sat back in the chair.

In the early morning, a nurse came in to give the man an IV drip and saw Su Xia sleeping on the bed. She wanted to wake her up, but the man stopped her and shook his head.

Smiling, the nurse said, "Taking care of your girlfriend so tenderly? Come, sit on the chair. You're going to have an IV drip." She set up the IV drip for the man and then left.

The man sat quietly on the chair, and the soft melody of the phone on the table rang. The man saw it was the alarm clock and reached out with his left hand to turn it off. He slowly got up, pushing the IV stand with his left hand.

Approaching the bed, he gently tapped Su Xia's shoulder. Su Xia, still half asleep, opened her eyes, and the man quickly lit up his phone to show Su Xia the time.

Su Xia took the phone, checked the time, and then lay back down.

After a while, the man looked at the electronic clock on the wall. It had been half an hour since the alarm clock had rung. Seeing that Su Xia showed no signs of getting up, he reached out and gently pushed her. This time, when Su Xia opened her eyes, she sat up.

Turning to see the man getting an IV drip, she quickly got out of bed and helped him back onto the bed, apologizing, "I'm sorry!"

The man smiled and shook his head, pointing at the electronic clock on the wall.

Su Xia understood what he meant. She smiled and explained, "It's okay, I won't be late. I set the alarm one hour early."

The man nodded in relief.

Su Xia looked at the hanging IV bag for a moment before remembering that she had almost finished the draft last night. She hurried to the chair, opened her computer, and found it was black screen. She exclaimed, "Ah!" realizing she had written all night in vain. She looked up angrily at the man and asked, "Did you turn it off? Who told you to do that? I wrote all night for nothing!"

She shouted as she approached the man, holding her computer. The man watched her actions and wanted to laugh. He reached out, took Su Xia's computer, and quickly started it up. He skillfully used the mouse to find a document with the draft Su Xia hadn't finished last night, then pushed the computer back to her.

Su Xia looked at the computer screen and realized it was what she had written last night. She quickly turned back and apologized to the man. Su Xia was good at this, she was brave enough to admit her mistakes.

The man smiled helplessly, raised his hand to touch Su Xia's head, then quickly stopped and pointed at the time.

Blushing, Su Xia turned back to pack her things and told the man to ring the bell if he needed anything. She also said she would come at noon, and finally said she would go to the police station to inquire. Su Xia left the ward, gave the nurse money to buy breakfast for the man.

In the middle of the ward, lying on a bed, was a young man who had been injured in a fight, hurting his head. His girlfriend had been with him last night.

You could vaguely hear his girlfriend complaining to him, "Look at others, letting their girlfriends sleep on the bed, while you sat on a chair all night. Look at you, you don't know how to care for people at all!"

Su Xia drove home first to change clothes, then hurriedly went to the company.

At this moment, the nurse came over with breakfast, saying enviously, "Your girlfriend is very considerate. She asked me to make sure to buy you eggs and said just drinking porridge is not enough."

The man's mouth curled up when he heard this, and he took the breakfast from the nurse's hand, slowly eating it.