
Chapter Seven

Su Xia went to the police station before going to the company. She told the police about the man, but they said, "No one has reported a missing person these days, but there are people looking for dogs and cats."

Su Xia couldn't believe that such a big person had disappeared, why didn't his family look for him? Cats and dogs are looked for when they're lost, let alone people? After leaving her contact information, the police said, "Don't worry, we'll inform you as soon as we have any news."Su Xia walked out of the police station disappointedly, drove to the company feeling upset and restless.The first thing she did when she arrived at the company was to quickly finish the remaining drafts.Lu Sichen came in with a backpack and two cups of coffee in his hands. When he passed by Su Xia's desk, he stopped and put a cup of coffee on her desk with a smile, saying, "Xia Meimei, come, have some coffee? Su Xia, do you have a boyfriend? How about I marry you?"Su Xia raised her head expressionlessly when she heard the voice and said, "Thank you, but I don't like to drink coffee early in the morning, and don't call people randomly or make such jokes. We're not familiar with each other!"Lu Sichen, feeling embarrassed, quickly changed the subject and brought the coffee over, saying, "Come on, little brother! I like coffee. Give it to me to drink. Su Xia is busy with the drafts today and doesn't have time to drink, besides, she never drinks coffee."Lu Sichen was a little scared by Su Xia's words and felt that Su Xia was quite interesting. She usually looked gentle but now she was like a cat with its fur standing on end.After taking a look at Su Xia, Lu Sichen turned to Yu Man and shrugged before leaving.After Yu Man watched Lu Sichen walk away, he leaned over to Su Xia and said, "What's wrong with this cute little brother? He even brought you coffee! What's wrong with you today? You're like you've eaten bullets, you're not usually like this." Su Xia thinks he's handsome? Cute? Then you haven't seen the one in the hospital. I bet you can't take your eyes off him!Yu Man stared at Su Xia closely, waiting for her to speak. Su Xia, who had been annoyed these days, said unkindly, "I hate this kind of smooth-talking person the most. We've only just met, and he's already trying to get close and annoying me."Yu Man helplessly said, "Okay! We won't provoke you. Just don't get mad at us," and quickly took the coffee and left.This morning, Lu Sichen kept glancing over at Su Xia from time to time. He wanted to find the right time to apologize to her, but he never had the chance.At noon, everyone went to eat, because Su Xia had told Yu Man in advance that she was going out and not eating in the company. Now the whole department was left with Su Xia and Lu Sichen.Su Xia packed up and was about to leave. Lu Sichen quickly caught up, and the two squeezed into the same elevator.Su Xia didn't even look at Lu Sichen.Lu Sichen stood behind Su Xia, hesitating to speak. Seeing that the elevator was almost at the first floor, he nervously raised his hand to touch the back of his head and said, "Um, Miss Su, I apologize for my words this morning. I shouldn't have joked with you."A calm and gentle voice came from Su Xia's mouth, "Mr. Lu, I forgot about that a long time ago. Don't take it to heart. I have something to do and I'm leaving."With that, Su Xia walked out of the elevator without looking back, leaving Lu Sichen standing there, staring at her retreating figure. His mouth slightly upturned, seemingly lost in thought.Su Xia went to a fast food restaurant and ate something simple, then packed a portion of porridge, side dishes, and two boiled eggs to take away.She parked her car at the hospital and walked quickly to the ward. Opening the door, she saw the man lying on the bed, seemingly asleep.Su Xia put the food on the small table beside him, turned around, bent down, and lightly patted the man's shoulder.The man slowly opened his eyes to see Su Xia's gentle smile, about the size of a slap. His lips slightly curved, forming a beautiful arc, and his obsidian-like eyes glowed softly. He looked at her as if he were looking at a lotus that had been guarding for a thousand years, softening even the sunlight pouring in from the window.Su Xia blushed slightly under his gaze and quickly reached out to help him up, saying, "Get up and have some food before sleeping? I'm really sorry for taking your bed last night."The man shook his head indicating it was okay.Watching Su Xia set up a small table, arrange the food, and start peeling eggs, the man couldn't help but think of Su Xia's words, "One pee and the pee is gone," pursing his lips as he started to eat his porridge.Su Xia peeled the eggs and cast a somewhat sympathetic glance at the man. "I went to the police station, and they said no one had reported a missing person."The man paused his eating for a moment and then continued to eat.With some pity, Su Xia comforted him, "Don't be sad. Maybe your family hasn't realized you're missing yet. Wait a little longer, and I'll go to the police station to inquire."Looking down, Su Xia observed the man's expression, only to see him eating his porridge expressionlessly, one mouthful at a time.Su Xia thought to herself, "He doesn't remember anything or speak, yet he's not worried at all. He's even in the mood to eat porridge! He's so carefree!"With a "hmph!" she stuffed the egg into his hand, gave him a glance, and stood up, walking out of the ward.Seeing Su Xia leave, the man, who was still eating his porridge, stopped and put the egg in the bowl on the small table. He rubbed his hands together and tried to remember, furrowing his brow slightly as he looked out the window, then reaching up to rub his sore forehead.After thinking for a long time, his brain was still blank, and he couldn't remember anything, not even his own name.Su Xia came back and hurried over to the man, who was rubbing his head, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong? What's wrong?" She stared at him with wide eyes.The man put down his hand and shook his head, pursing his lips. Seeing Su Xia still looking at him, he reached out for a pen and notebook, quickly wrote something, and handed it to Su Xia.Su Xia focused on the notebook and said, "I'm fine. I tried hard to remember just now, but I still couldn't remember anything, and my head hurts.""Headache! Don't think about it! Don't think about it. You've just woken up. Why are you in such a hurry? You'll get better. The doctor said you'll remember and be able to speak," she said, her voice changing from anxious to gentle.The man took back the notebook and wrote again, "I'm afraid you'll be anxious and impatient with me. I don't want to trouble you, but I don't know anyone except you, and I don't remember my own name."Su Xia looked at the words, feeling choked up in her heart, her eyes already misty.She leaned closer to the man and said in a gentle voice, "I'm not in a hurry, and I'm not impatient with you. You haven't troubled me. It's my responsibility to take care of you, since I hit you with my car."The man listened to Su Xia's words, feeling relieved, and pursed his lips.Su Xia grinned at the man, showing a neat row of teeth, and squinted her eyes, teasing him.The man couldn't help but laugh at Su Xia's cute expression.Su Xia closed her mouth and pointed to the food, "Stop laughing foolishly. Eat quickly, or it will get cold."The man smiled and lowered his head to continue eating.