
Chapter Five

Su Xia came to the company and handed the USB drive to Yu Man. Yu Man asked her, "Where did you go? Why so rushed?" After taking the USB drive and giving it a quick look, he said, "Is this everything? I hope it gets approved in one go."

Yu Man stared at Su Xia with big eyes, waiting for her reply. Su Xia sighed, "Don't mention it. It's a long story. I'll tell you when I have time. This USB drive doesn't contain everything. There's still a small section to finish, which I'll complete tonight and submit tomorrow."

"Alright then! You go on, I'll cover for you," Yu Man pouted. Just then, Lu Sichen walked over and asked, "Su Xia, where are you going?" Before Su Xia could reply, Yu Man pulled Lu Sichen away, saying, "Little brother, are you not busy right now? Come and help me review the draft."

Su Xia slipped away while they were talking.

She went to a fast-food restaurant and ordered a bowl of porridge, two light side dishes, and two eggs. She packed them up and took them to the hospital.

In the hospital room, the man heard the sound of the door opening and turned to look at the door, only to be disappointed when he saw that it wasn't Su Xia and lay back down.

"Get up and eat something?" he heard the voice that often appeared in his dreams behind him, soft and gentle. He turned his head abruptly, almost unable to believe his eyes. The person he had just seen wasn't her! His lips involuntarily curled up slightly.

It turned out Su Xia had been right behind him just now.

She placed the food on the table against the wall, helped the man up, set up a small table, and opened the lunch box one by one. She handed him a small silver spoon, which she had bought at a supermarket near the hospital just now. She peeled the eggs and said to the man, "Eat quickly, or it will get cold. When you're done eating, I'll help you contact your family."

The man paused while drinking the porridge, looked up at Su Xia, and Su Xia explained hesitantly, "I'm really sorry. It wasn't intentional that night. I will compensate you. I think it's better to talk to your family about compensation when you're awake."

The man was still staring at her, looking nervous. Su Xia continued, "These past few days, I've been trying to contact your family, but you didn't have anything on you that could prove your identity, so I could only wait for you to wake up. Don't worry, take your time to eat, and we'll talk after you finish. Ah!"

Su Xia said a lot, but the man didn't understand. He looked at Su Xia and then lowered his head to drink the porridge. Su Xia handed him the peeled egg and said softly, "Eat the egg, just drinking porridge isn't enough. You'll pee it all out later."

The man suddenly coughed violently, seeming to be choked by Su Xia's words. Su Xia hurriedly patted his back gently, "What's the rush? Eat slowly, no one's going to take it from you."

After the man stopped coughing, he looked at Su Xia with a dark expression and finished the egg she handed him. Su Xia took out her phone from her bag and handed it to the man, saying, "Call your family. They must be very worried after so many days." The man didn't take the phone and remained silent, still looking at Su Xia.

Su Xia, feeling helpless, took back her phone and switched to the dialing screen. She sat down facing the man, saying, "Tell me the number, and I'll dial it."

Su Xia smiled at the man, waiting for him to start. After waiting for a while, the man stared at Su Xia expressionlessly and shook his head. Su Xia, seeing him shake his head again without saying anything, became impatient and said, "Do you only know how to shake your head? Can't you speak? Are you mute? They say ten mute for every nine deaf. Are you the special one?"

The man still didn't speak. Su Xia sighed and suddenly remembered something. "Then you should know how to write, right?" She took out a pen and notebook from her bag and handed it to the man. The man took it and wrote a few words on the notebook, then handed it back to Su Xia. It said, "I don't remember anything."

Su Xia stared at the neatly written words on the notebook, feeling a bit overwhelmed. The man took back the notebook and wrote smoothly, then handed it back to Su Xia. It said, "They say you're my girlfriend, but no matter how hard I try, I can't remember you. But I can always dream of you."

Su Xia looked at the words on the notebook in disbelief and looked up at him. Did this man really think of Su Xia as his girlfriend? Su Xia explained embarrassedly, "Um, I think you've misunderstood. I'll explain it to you later. I'll go find the doctor now."

She quickly walked to the doctor's office, explained the man's condition, and the doctor found the CT scan of the man's brain. Finally, he pointed to a shadow on the scan with a pen and said, "Look, this shadow here is a hematoma. It could be pressing on the nerves, causing temporary memory loss and speechlessness. His condition is stable now. If he insists on surgery, it's possible, but all surgeries, big or small, have risks. Based on the scan, the hematoma is slightly smaller than when he first arrived, indicating that it's slowly being absorbed. My suggestion is conservative treatment and regular check-ups."

After the doctor finished, Su Xia felt relieved. When she returned to the ward, the man smiled lightly when he saw her coming back and handed her the notebook. "What's your name? And what's my name?"

Putting the notebook on the table, Su Xia slowly explained the situation to him, telling him that he would get better and be able to speak again.

When he heard Su Xia say that she was not his girlfriend, he was still a bit disappointed. He had already guessed it, as Su Xia's gaze was never like that of a lover's, always keeping her distance from him. But why did he feel so familiar with her?

Su Xia dared not look at him and continued to comfort him, "Don't worry, I'll go to the police station tomorrow to file a missing person report for you and help find your family. I'll take care of you these days, and when we find your family, we can discuss compensation."

Su Xia saw him lying with his back to her, not knowing what he was thinking. She sat back in her chair, opened her laptop bag, and started editing the remaining manuscript.