
Chapter Eight

The man elegantly ate his porridge, and Su Xia couldn't help but admire him. Suddenly, she had an idea and clapped her hands twice, making the man look up.

Excitedly, Su Xia said, "Let me give you a name, okay? Since you can't remember your name now, I'll give you one."

The man smiled and nodded at Su Xia's excitement.

After thinking for a while, Su Xia snapped her fingers, "I've got it! How about Xia Yu? My name is Su Xia, and you can go along with my name. It's easy to remember, and also, I met you in the rain. 'Xia Yu' has a lot of meaning!"

Then, Su Xia muttered to herself, "Xia Yu doesn't sound right. Xia Yu, rain, always raining, what's the point? Hmm, Xia Tian! Yes, Xia Tian is better. Thinking of summer is sunny and nice. What do you think?" Su Xia looked at him expectantly.

Seeing Su Xia so excited, the man didn't know what to say, so he just nodded heavily to indicate that he was very satisfied and liked it.

Seeing the man's agreement, Su Xia called out, "Xia Tian!" The man smiled sweetly at Su Xia.

"Xia Tian, you look very handsome when you smile. You should smile more often in the future," she said, reaching out to pinch Xia Tian's handsome face.

Xia Tian stared at Su Xia blankly, touched the place where Su Xia had pinched him, and felt a slight warmth on his cheek. His heart also rippled.

Su Xia looked at the time and saw that Xia Tian wasn't eating anymore. She stood up, tidying up as she spoke slowly, "Why are you eating so little?"

After a moment of thought, she added, "Well, that's right. I don't like such plain food either. Tonight, I'll bring you barbecue rice, which is delicious. I love it."

Xia Tian stared at Su Xia intently, while Su Xia was talking to herself and didn't notice Xia Tian's gaze. His eyes were full of tenderness, staring at Su Xia intently.

After giving Xia Tian a few simple instructions, Su Xia hurried to the company.

In the editor-in-chief's office, the usually serious and reserved editor-in-chief was smiling as he looked at the manuscript handed over by Su Xia, nodding in approval.

Su Xia was somewhat surprised and delighted. It was the first time she had seen the editor-in-chief smile so warmly.

Looking up from the manuscript, the editor-in-chief said gently, "Su Xia, the manuscript is very well written, just make some changes to the conclusion. Submit it to me before you leave."

Taking the manuscript, Su Xia quickly agreed and was about to leave when the editor-in-chief stopped her, "Su Xia, you've been working hard recently. I promised to give you a few days off after Chen Lao's matter was settled. How about a week? Is that enough?"

Su Xia deeply bowed to the editor-in-chief while holding the manuscript, "That's enough, editor-in-chief. Thank you so much."

Coming out of the editor-in-chief's office, she was extremely happy. She hadn't taken a vacation in half a year, and now she could rest, most importantly, she had time to find Xia Tian's family.

She finished all her work in the afternoon and was about to pack up and prepare to go to the hospital.

Yu Man walked over and happily said to Su Xia, "Congratulations, you can take a vacation now. Let's go out for dinner tonight to celebrate your performance and the vacation."

Su Xia wanted to go, but she was still worried about the man in the hospital, so she had to refuse, "I can't, I still have something to do. Next time, next time I'll treat you, you can pick the place."

With that, she took her bag and left.

Seeing Su Xia leave in a hurry, Yu Man walked over to Yu Man and asked, "Why did she leave? Didn't she say she was going out for dinner tonight? What's going on? I wanted to take this opportunity to apologize properly!"

Yu Man rolled his eyes at Lu Sichen and pushed him away before going to her own desk to continue packing.

Confused by Yu Man's actions, Lu Sichen followed her and asked, "What's wrong with you again?"

Yu Man, still busy packing, replied with a lowered head, "If you want to ask her out, just do it yourself! Why do you have to involve me?"

With an annoyed huff, Yu Man pushed Lu Sichen away and walked off, leaving Lu Sichen looking bewildered.

Meanwhile, Su Xia packed two portions of barbecue rice at the company's downstairs cafeteria and was carrying them out when she ran into Yu Man coming down to fetch something.

Yu Man looked at the two portions of barbecue rice in Su Xia's hands and asked in confusion, "You want two portions? Can you finish them? Or do you have someone else?"

Yu Man winked, "Is there someone else? Come on, tell me! Confess!"

Su Xia hurriedly covered Yu Man's mouth and looked around nervously, "Don't talk nonsense. There's no one else! I don't know anyone else. I'm packing one portion to eat tomorrow morning. Is that okay?"

Yu Man struggled against Su Xia's hand, gasping for air, "What are you nervous about? I was just asking! It's a joke!"

"I'm getting tired of eating barbecue rice every day." Waving her hand, Yu Man bid farewell to Su Xia, "I'm leaving first. See you tomorrow."

Su Xia breathed a sigh of relief as Yu Man left. "Thank goodness I wasn't found out. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to explain. If the people at the company knew that I spent the whole night taking care of a stranger, it wouldn't be good."

After Yu Man left, Su Xia quickly got into her car and went to the hospital.

Carrying the food into the ward, she saw Xia Tian leaning against the bed, holding a pen and doodling on a piece of paper.

Seeing Su Xia, Xia Tian quickly put away the notebook and stuffed it under the pillow. He looked up with a smile.

Seeing him hide the notebook, Su Xia pouted, "What are you doing? So mysterious! Do you have a secret too?" She glanced at the pillow behind Xia Tian.

Xia Tian widened his eyes and quickly shook his head.

Putting the food on the small table, Su Xia smiled gently and said, "Try this barbecue rice! It's delicious. I love it."

Xia Tian took a small spoonful and tasted it, then widened his eyes and nodded in approval.

"Hehe, it's delicious, right? I knew you'd like it too."

The two of them ate slowly. After swallowing her food, Su Xia said, "By the way, I'm going to apply for leave at the company tomorrow! I'll have a week off!"

Su Xia pursed her lips, waiting for Xia Tian's response, then said, "This way, I'll have time to help you find your family!"

After a pause, she added, "Hmm, this way, I'll also have time to take care of you. Are you happy?"

Xia Tian just smiled and nodded, his lips curled up.

Su Xia happily lowered her head to continue eating, reaching out to tuck the stray hair behind her ear.

At that moment, a nurse walked over and smiled, "Miss Su, the patient's attending physician wants you to come over and discuss the patient's condition and discharge."

Su Xia hurriedly followed the nurse out of the ward and headed towards the doctor's office.